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Posts posted by kjpn44

  1. 35 minutes ago, mano2020 said:



    I'm sorry....that really sucks!  4 hours...I'd need a sedative. I need one myself!


    I think probably there are a LOT of us in this same "boat".  It is absolutely wrong. 


    I am printing off all my documentation and taking it with us to the pier tomorrow. 


    Think how much money Bermuda is making on this.....Lets see, 6 ships a week, at least,  at lets say 3,000 passengers per ship...Thats 18,000 people, at $40 a pop, is $720,000 per week on EXTRA revenue....and I'll bet it's closer to a million dollars a week.  For nothing.  For vacationing in a place with one of the highest Covid rates in the WORLD.  


    Glad I didn't book any excursions....and if I could get a refund, I would in a heartbeat!


    Hopefully Charles 4515 is correct that it will be corrected at the pier...Thank you for the info.


    I am a new cruiser, only my 2nd cruise...And NCL does NOT impress me, not one little bit!!





    Just to give you a heads up they’re still answering the phone.  They approved it for us and we have our authorization.  Only waited an hour this time

  2. 57 minutes ago, mano2020 said:

    I just tried calling Bermuda's Covid site and there were 90 people in the que ahead of me....after 10 minutes waiting it was down to 87 and I hung up.   *****?


    They close in 30 minutes for the day!!


    Not looking too good!  I will post if I get the approvals. But I am not a happy cruiser ATM!!





    If it makes you feel any better, I spent over 4 hours on hold, got to #3 and then disconnected.   I don’t have my approval either.  Definitely not a happy cruiser either.  NCL gives conflicting answers.  Not even sure what to do at this point as they are closed. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, princessajoanna said:

    OKAY I DID IT! 4 hours later i am off of the phone- here's my brief update: NCL told me that i was actually booked under the same name thats on my passport and that i should just bring my marriage certificate to match up with my covid test/vaccine info. The 4 hour part was waiting for Bermuda. When i finally got in, she asked for my application number and told me i was fine. Basically said they didn't care about the two names but said i should bring marriage certificate just in case. They approved me on the phone and they approved my husband for me as well. I did ask them to approve the couple were traveling with and they would not look them up but said they are working on tomorrows cruise approvals today and that they should be fine and not to bother calling because it would be a waste of their time. I'm just relieved to be approved. After the stress of today, this vacation feels well earned!!

    Thanks for the update.  I’m not hanging up now after 3&1/2 hours though lol.

    • Like 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, styles27 said:

    We cruise this coming Friday so we will upload our Covid results Wednesday morning and hopefully get the approval before Friday. 

    Did you guys start the application process first and then upload your test results yesterday or did you do the entire process yesterday?

    Did everything yesterday.   Obviously that was a mistake lol.  

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, styles27 said:

    Yes that’s what we did.
    We booked this cruise two weeks ago and the first thing I did was register us on the Bermuda travel authorization site so we have accounts/application numbers and I’ve already received the confirmation email from them that our applications are on record and a reminder email will come 4 days before we need to take the Covid test (I received that email this morning). 

    NCL really needs to change their instructions about that because it conflicts with what Bermuda is instructing us to do. 

    I followed the Bermuda instructions since the fate of us going on this cruise is in their hands.
    I’ll trust what they say to do over NCL. 


    Curious If you received your travel authorization?  Nervous waiting for approval, like you said “fate of us going on this cruise is in their hands”.  On hold with Bermuda again 😞


  6. 2 hours ago, styles27 said:

    Definitely call the folks at the Bermuda tourism agency now. Someone on another thread reported that she had to call and the woman that helped her approved her application while on the phone. 
    Your name definitely has to match your passport. Not sure how you can rectify that at this late hour. Hopefully someone at NCL can help you today but usually this late in the game everything has to be completed correctly. 
    Good luck!

    Good luck with that. We submitted all our info. yesterday for a cruise tomorrow. Still no approval and my wife has been on hold for over two hours and just got disconnected. 

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