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Posts posted by w1981l

  1. I was just trying to figure out who all I wanted pictures with and it seemed liked majority of my non sailing guest such has my dad and in laws were majority of the people. So my question is do I get a little time after the ceremony but before the reception starts to take pictures?? Or should I request that???btw I'm getting married on carnival



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  2. Please can someone help me get the answers I have about having my wedding on the fantasy in Charleston!! First do I have to see the groom because on some post they say no and my wedding coordinator said there was no way we couldnt go without seeing each other before the cermony! I have a party of 30 to 40ish does anyone have a clue on where the cermony is taken place and reception? as far as music should I go with any entertainment? Shes says the reception is only a hour and a half long?? please if anyone has any information to share with me My wedding is October 4 2014

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