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KB in NY

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Posts posted by KB in NY

  1. Spring Break cruise????????? You must have been on a 7 day cruise. Next time do your homework.


    Not sure what you mean by that General Max - I referred to it as the "spring break cruise" because there are a number of posts regarding the 5 day Constellation cruise March 7 through March 12. In any case I was responding to the post about the specialty restaurants. No need to be snippy.

  2. We just got back from the March 7 sailing of Constellation (the spring break cruise - ugh) - and we also got the "upgrade" to the specialty restaurants. It was awesome - and thank God because otherwise we would have been at the late seating in the dining room with all the crazy kids! I enjoyed both restaurants - may have to give the nod to Ocean Liners - the room is lovely and the staff was excellent. Sommeliers in both the Tuscan and Ocean Liners were excellent. Also, double check your reservations as we thought we had reservations for all 5 nights but when we arrived at Tuscan the first night, we had no reservations at all. Not sure what happened there...

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