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One gal also told me about using the sheet to pick up the trimmings, but I didn't do it and it took me almost an hour to pick most of them up. The rest I will just leave there to disintegrate.


I didn't get to do the lawn yesterday, I didn't feel well enough and when I did go outside to start it, it was misting out and all wet. Seems it did that most of the day. Last night my cold really hit me, got all the symptoms, stuffy head, sneezing, coughing and generally feeling bad. So of course I didn't go to the water aerobics either today. I'm going up to Walmart to get some more medicine, had some Robitussin and it worked good but all gone now.


I saw that rocket man thing on tv, I wouldn't try it or jumping out of a plane! I might try the kayaking though.


Wonder what kind of a dog he is buying way down there, do you know?


We are not going tonight to talk the girls, but tomorrow night we have a dinner to go to for my stock guy. He has these every once in a while, has a speaker that talks about some financial thing and then you get a nice dinner. And Friday night I really want to go to the dance place to see the guys that are renting with option to buy the place. Hope I feel better, don't think the dr would give me anything for a cold unless I have it for a long time. What did you get?

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Sharon, it was raining here this morning, and it looks like it is going to rain again. Hopefully non of or games will be affected by the weather today. We are now in third place and these next few games will determine what our finial standing will be.


I am still not completely over what I had but it is in control and I have been doing much better. I was given Ampicillin by a nurse, not a doctor. They are nurse practitioners, and I also was taking the Robitussin. I did not have to wait, and we were in and out of there in about 20 minutes. It is best to lay low and get yourself better and feeling better.


I am just going to take pictures and as a spectator only. There is no way I would even think about doing what he is going to do. He also knows better to even ask me, as he knows all too well that I would not consider doing those things.


I hope you will start to feel better real soon, so you can feel better. It is not fun being sick or not feeling where you are used to feeling.




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Well it cleared up here last night so I'm thinking you might have gotten your game in and if you did, did you move up in the standings?


We just stayed home last night, but tonight have that dinner so I'm hoping I feel up to going and can actually taste the food. I have timed the medicine out so that I take some just before we go.


I think I do fee a little better, at least my nose isn't running quite so much, but my ribs are sore from coughing so much.


Very nice sunny day today, am thinking about maybe just cutting the area around the house with the mower today. It might make me feel better to do something rather than just staying in the house playing on the computer. Going to have some lunch and then decide.


Hope your day is going well,

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Sharon, I am so fed up with this place, I really feel like quitting. A former employee quit last week because her day care place just closed down. There are other's around here, but she said she was quitting for that reason. So now today I get a letter from the state saying that we fired her and she is applying for unemployment compensation. Some people will try anything that they think they can get away with. Now this leave me with much paper work to deal with now contesting this .


I am glad you are starting to feel better. Now this dog that they drove to STL to pick up cost a lot of money. The breed is called a sisewu.sp. I think they are all crazy, as she just had a baby last week her second now and they will be moving into a new home in October. So I think with the new baby and a upcoming home, I do not think they really thought about everything as the dog will have a herd time adjusting.


It rained in the morning yesterday, and then it looked like it was going to rain again later on but it never di until about 10 and we were all finished. Areas further east of her got their power knocked out. We won and will remain in third place as first and second won as well. So things are winding down now and we will have to keep playing well to get better. Next week we are playing the second place team from last year and they lost yesterday. So they will be trying real heard to beat us next week.


It is nice that your financial advisor is so good to you by having these dinners and talks every so often. I hope you continue to get better and enjoy the dinner tonight. It is our pop's beef night for us. Tomorrow I am hosting bunco at my house. So Bill will have to find someplace to go and I feel bad about that.




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Aren't people just crazy sometimes!! Wonder if she really thinks she can win that argument. As you say, just something else to deal with. That makes you an employee short, are you going to have to replace her?


I got part of the grass cut yesterday, it was a nice day and its nice again today. We got rain last night, I woke up coughing around 4am and saw that it was raining and thundering. We got 1/2 inch of rain. My cold is better though, just have this cough that is making my ribs sore. I timed my cough syrup yesterday so it would last through the meeting and dinner. It was an interesting meeting, the speaker was saying that for example, you went to the store and saw coke was on sale, you would stock up on it and buy extra, but if you saw coke stock went down, some people would panic and sell their shares instead of buying more. He said you should look at it as a buying opportunity. Sometimes thats true and other times not so sure. We had a terrific meal afterwards, veggie appetizers, tomato juice, salad, broasted chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, mostaccioli and steamed vegetables and for dessert ice cream sundaes.


Going to the dance place tonight, have to see if any changes have been made yet or if its still the same.


That was a good tip you gave me on the elec hedge trimmers, I will spray them WD40, thanks! I never heard of that kind of dog before, you are right, a new baby and a new home and a new dog, what are they thinking!

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Sharon, if I had spelled the dog the way it sounds, they would certainly flag me on here. I am sure you have heard of that breed before as it is what comes out the other end the way it sounds. But young kids just do not thinks things out. Act, and react without thinking things through.


It was pouring here this morning and we got a lot of rainfall for a short period of time. Then the sun came out and it did turn out to be a very nice afternoon. That sounded like very good advice from your advisor. Also, it is great that they give or put on a very good dinner as well.


Have fun at the dance place tonight. I hope you will feel good through the evening. I know how it is when you are coughing and then your ribs start hurting. I have had the very same thing. Let's also hope that these new owners/renters do not really change things, but rather improve and make it better. Only time will tell.


Bill is doing something tonight that he has never done before. He is staying at a hotel close by us, that we have stayed at before. He goes to bed early now and he will be much more relaxed and have his own piece and quiet. I will join him afterwards, sometime after midnight. At first I felt guilty, and it is only once a year that I host the evening. He can enjoy the pool and hot tub.


Yes, these people really think they can get away with things, and that is why they are always looking for a free ride.


Have a good weekend and enjoy the dancing tonight and feel better as well.




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Oh yes, I have heard of that breed of dog, ha ha!


Sounds like a win-win situation for Bill and you. You get to have the party and he gets to enjoy the hotel amenities. Nice that you will join him later also.


Got the rest of the grass cut and now will quickly vacuum and then be done!

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Sharon, I got there around midnight and of course he was sleeping. I had a hard time fining a place to park as the hotel was filled up. It rained a lot yesterday morning and then it started raining again in the evening with high winds. Today is nice and sunny. Bill does the sky diving tomorrow. I heard a lady was killed in Oswego a few days ago diving.


How was dancing last night? Also how are you feeling? I knew you have heard of that type of breed. Amazing how spelling can change how things sound.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have fun whatever you do.




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Oh my goodness, I hope he has all his things in order, jumping out of a plane is almost the last thing I would ever consider doing. I heard about that woman also, she was only in her early 30's. No seriously I hope all goes well, are you going to watch or do they video it?


We have not had any rain, but have a chance for it the next 3 days. Luckily I have the grass all done until next Thursday.


We met the new guys at the dance place. They came over to our table and introduced themselves. Seem like really nice young men. Think the might still be in their 20's or no more than 30. They seem real excited and are from the area so alot of young people were there.


I still have the cold but am taking a generic multi sympton cold medice and it makes me feel better. We stayed home last night, Sat, but today went to the pool. Just like last week. . . too many kids again. We are either going to have to go later or change days and go one weekday evening, at least until school starts. Afterwards we went to Chilis for dinner.


Too bad your DH was asleep when you got to the hotel, would have been a great late date night!

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Sharon, for us at 12:30 in the morning, that is definitely not a date. He was also complaining about how the pool and hot tub was totally taken over by kids there. This would be the first time as usually there is no one else around. Perhaps because it was the weekend as well, much like your place.


I went with yesterday as a spectator only. One man was joking to me, how come I was not going. ha,ha The one draw back was the long wait. Our appointment was for 4 and we got there around 3:30 and he did not go up to jump until after 7:45. So we got home around 9:30 and it was much longer being there waiting than I had planned on. I did not bring a jacket and it did get cool.


It was a good experience for him. The main reason, why he has not done this much earlier, was all of the weight he was carrying around. They are very definite on the weight, as they have a scale and they do weigh everyone before the jump. There was many people there and he was the last group to go to jump. So I think that they were messed up and it should not have taken as long as it did. I only found out last night, that Bill had jumped before, during the Vietnam War. But that was a very long time ago.


All in all I think he was very happy with the experience. We did pay extra for video and pictures. They will send them to us in a few weeks. I also took pictures form the ground once I was able to see them come down. It was at the Michigan City local airport. Just a small private plane single runway airport right next to I-94.


So it looks like there will not be much changes with your dance place, or is it too early to tell at this point? We did not get any rain over the weekend except on Friday. Today it looks like there may be rain later on today. As it has been cloudy and overcast all morning.


So we really did not do much over the weekend, except for yesterday. Then on Tuesday we are supposed to go to North Ave Beach for his Rocket Man event. That will be out in the water for this thing. Once again, I am only going to take pictures.




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So tomorrow is rocket man, I saw that on tv, also one of the lakes up here was going to do it but they wouldn't let them for some reason. Better make sure you are pointed up and not down or sideways, wonder if its hard to keep your balance. You'll find out I'm sure from him after he's done.


Not got much energy today for some reason. Lots I should be doing, but only getting the laundry done and playing on the computer. I downloaded a couple of songs and then spent an hour trying to get them on my tablet and ipod. But finally was successful. I try so many things that to get it to work, by the next time I forgot what I did that was successful!


Looks like rain, but none yet. Just could and overcast. The state highway dept has been out measuring the road again this morning, also was doing it last week. Wonder what they are planning on doing to it, guess time will tell.

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Sharon, it has been raining here all morning. It has just been cool and overcast here all day. Yes, if he does go tomorrow I will take a lot of pictures. I am planning to take the afternoon off. With it being at North Ave, that is a way from here and also to allow for getting tied up in traffic.


We saw a lot of traffic backing up when we were going yesterday. There were also road construction in 2 areas. We thought with all of the people returning from Michigan from over the weekend that we would get tied up in a lot of traffic. It was not too bad and it seemed to keep moving along. It just turned out to be much longer with all of the wait time than we had figured.


That is so unlike you to be just playing home on the computer. Perhaps it is because you are still not back to normal for the reason why you are not feeling with much energy. Enjoy the rest of the day and I hope your energy level is back to where it should be.




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A place named Skydive Chicago put a bunch of pictures on Facebook tonight. I'm wondering if it was the one Bill went on. Some were people landing and some were people going tandem in the air and even some of just the airplane.


We have rain tonight, but very quiet, didn't even know it was raining until Tinker went out a little while ago.


Going to try to do the zumba and then swimming tomorrow. Last week skipped the and didn't get much over my cold so maybe I can sweat it out.


Supposed to get warmer tomorrow, we will see!

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Sharon, that place is located in Ottawa, IL. The place he went to was in Michigan City, IN and it was called Horizon. I know that a lot of people from our area have gone to that other place. Michigan City was much closer for us. However the wait was not fun at all. I thought the wait time was unreasonable and they should have kept us up to date more than they did.


Today it is cool and overcast. It is supposed to warm up like you said. I do not know if we will get showers today or not. I did see that your area was getting rain last night. The rain we had came during the day.


Hopefully by getting out and getting back to you regular routine, you may start to feel better. I know for me, mine seemed to linger on for a very long time.


So I am into work early this morning as we plan to leave around 12:30, for a 2 pm appointment. Another adventure for Bill. I was starting to get concerned, of why he was cramming so many unusual things into such a short period of time. He said the group-on came up and these deals all were on there. I just think it is kind of crazy.


Have a good class today and enjoy the rest of the day.




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I can see why you would think that he was emptying his "bucket" list. Some ulterior motive for doing all those different strange and dangerous things. Guess he's just ready to do some fun and crazy things now that he is so much thinner.


Had a nice zumba class and the water was nice for the aerobics class. Afterwards about 6 of us had lunch at the pool, they only have one thing, a chicken wrap but it is very good.


It was kind of overcast with only a little sun peeking out once in a while, but now the sun is out full blast and it has gotten hot like they said it would.


Going to make stuffed shells with garlic bread for dinner tonight, sounded good to me so I bought the stuff when I was up at Wal Mart this afternoon.

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Sharon, it was good to get out of work early on Tuesday. We did not have any problems getting down there at all and finding a place to park there was also very easy. I should have worn different sandals as the one's I had were not good for walking in the sand.


I did get some good pictures. They have younger guys running things off of a jet ski. Bill did not really like it as much as he thought he would. Because the guy controls the rate and how height you will go. If Bill could have controlled the rate himself, he would have enjoyed it much more.


It is all out in the water and it was nice down there and the water was also warm. He did not like the back pack as it was restrictive. The guy kept him down too low a lot as Bill wanted to rise out of the water more. On the way back home, we stopped at the new 31st street beach harbor and checked out where the kayak's were located. We may do that on Sunday.


It was supposed to be raining very hard here this morning, but nothing but nice sunshine. Yesterday it was just overcast all day around here. On our way home, Bill decided to stop, and we got something to eat. So another night of not cooking. It sounds like you had a good workout and lunch afterwards. That is a good thing if some of them go out afterwards for a lunch.


Bocce tonight, and we have the last game at 8. Although they seem to run over when you are the last teams playing . On Saturday morning or really at noon. Bill is running another 5K and I am walking it. It is located about 40 minutes west of us and just west of Orland Park, IL. Then afterwards my daughter is having a B-Day party for one of her kids. So it looks like it could be a busy weekend.


Have a good day today.




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Yes I would have been disappointed also, I thought you controlled the thing yourself and not someone else. Kayaking sounds like fun, I'd like to try that, have you done it before? Also the paddle boarding looks like fun, they have a place on Lake Geneva where you can try it and even get help learning how to do it.


On Tuesdays, we stay at the pool and eat lunch, they fix it right there and we sit by a big round table and they bring it out to us after we order. Its always the same but always good.


I made stuffed shells, garlic bread and fresh sweet corn (that actually was sweet this time) for dinner. We were stuffed! So we will have that again tonight before we go to visit with the girls later.


We ate out most of the weekend so I feel sometimes I should actually make something to eat. However, if I were you, I wouldn't feel that way, you are at work all day and shouldn't ever have to cook!


We did not have any rain either today, right around 82 and sunny. Kind of a pleasant day. Tomorrow I'll probably have to start cutting the grass again. The little rain we did have the other night made it start to grow again.

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Sharon, we won once again. I guess we are still in third place at this point with something like 5 games left to play. Yes, I agree, I just feel so tired when I do get home from work form being on the treadmill all day long. There will be no walking today after work as I have a hair and nail appointment after work today. I was originally going to do it with only a hair appointment. But then she had an opening for the nails and I decided to get it all finished today. Since I am doing another 5K on Saturday, I should be OK.


That sounds like the way to go after you are all finished at the pool. I would do the very same thing if I was there. Nice to be with a group with the same interests. Bill will not do that event again, nor will he recommend it to anyone either because of the fact they take all of the control away form the person using the device.


If all works out OK on Sunday then in the afternoon we will go down to the lakefront and do this kayaking. It is not like a regular kayak where only 1 person fits into a slot on the craft. It is all open with seats and they have a paddle where you use your feet to pump the paddle and they also have turning devices to steer. They have the manual paddles attached to the sides. But they said people rarely use them. So it looks very easy to maneuver around. I do see many people using these stand up paddles on a board. That seems to be very popular now. You would have to have very good balance.


It sounds like you made things simple and easy for dinner yesterday and even today as well. That what it is all about, making things easy without putting too much effort. We did not get any rain yesterday and it did cool off nicely over night. Today is very pleasant as well.


Enjoy this beautiful day.




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Once again had good zumba and water aerobic workouts. This one gal came late to zumba and we were all lined up exercising along the waters edge. I was the last one of about 15 of us. She came all the way down to where I was working out and said I'm going to squeeze in between you and her (the gal next to me) mind you I was the last one and there was 50 feet of shore left on the other side of me. I told her, no there isn't room there you will have to go to the other side of me. Honestly what was she thinking???? Sometimes I just don't understand people.


Have changed my clothes and am headed out to cut grass now, so thought I'd just check in before I did that.


Congrats on winning your game, you guys are all hanging in there!


I think I've seen those kayaks that you pedal, you will have to let me know if you like it better or if it is easier than the regular ones. Do you rent it for a specific amount of time? It should be a nice weekend weather wise so I know you will have fun! We will probably go to the dance place on Friday and then to the Boone County fair on Saturday afternoon.

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Sharon, Bill bought a group-on with those other things he has done. He paid $50 for a 2 hour rental. It does look to be much easier than a regular kayak as those can turn over very easy. We will wear proper swim gear as you might always get wet and might as well be ready for getting wet. So once we have completed the rental I will keep you posted on how it all went.


Go to the mirror and look to make sure that you are not invisible. It sounds like you were invisible at the water aerobics this morning. I guess, how rude some people can be. What did she think that you were not there or that the spot in front of you was her reserved spot. I'll bet she even gave you a look after you said that. The nerve of some people.


Last year at this time we were close to where we are now. I think we were in first and second most of the way and then lost it all for the playoffs. This team who we beat last nigh, beat us in the playoffs. Some people get all crazy, come on, it is only a game and the main thing is that everyone has fun.


Today is a great day to be outside working. I'll bet Tinker loves this weather as well. Very nice for walking. OK, when I was home for lunch, Bill said he got an e-mail stating the 5K was canceled for Saturday for lack of participation. So our next one is in 2 weeks.




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Poor old Tinker would much rather sleep on her blanket in the closet, her favorite spot, than go outside. We try to make her stay outside when we are sitting on the deck but she goes back in the doggie door. At this stage of her life sleeping is the most she does. I do make sure to take her at least every other night for a walk to keep her legs working.


Too bad about your 5K getting cancelled, seems like I'm reading about them in the paper all the time. Maybe there were too many others on the same day. Guess you two could just get outside and go for a nice walk! Sounds like a good price for the kayak, and lots of fun! Good it won't tip over so easy also.


When I was cutting the grass yesterday I saw something really icky! I had just cut in front of the hillside bushes and plants and then I went around again. This second time I saw something laying in the grass that looked like a ball on a big black rope. When I got closer I saw it was actually a big fat toad and a snake that had its fangs into the toads back. I tried to run over the snake but it was too fast and ran into the bushes. The toad just sat there, think maybe it was in shock so I went past it. The third time I cut around there the toad hopped back into the bushes, but it was the same place the snake had went into. Anyway I never saw either one of them again so don't know it the toad got away or not. I hate, hate, hate snakes and this one was probably 2 feet long. I have not gotten around to weeding in there and now IF I do any weeding there I will be very careful.


Looks to be a busy weekend, dancing tonight, fair tomorrow and the flea market on Sunday up at the Elkhorn, WI fairgrounds. I like it when there are a lot of things to do, Bill not so much, ha ha.

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Sharon, it is tough to get old. Making Tinker as comfortable as possible is the best you can do for her. That is funny, getting Bill to go with a walk with me. I am always asking him if he wants to go for a walk and he always says no. I do not know why they canceled the race other than they said there was not enough participants. I thought it was poor to cancel so close to the event. Especially when they would have had to had the tee shirts already.


Today started out to be very nice. It has warmed up around here now, but the weekend holds to be very nice. Hopefully we will have a nice day out on the lake on Sunday. Yes it is good to stay busy and enjoy yourself at the same time. It will be a good weekend for the fair as I remember you do that every year. Also hopefully the new owners/renters will continue to maintain the dance place the way everyone enjoys it now.


I am with you, and after witnessing what you did, I would not return to that spot. But now that you know that there may be snakes around, you will just have to be real careful. That would have freaked me out totally.


My daughter is having a B-Day party for her son on Saturday. My 2 daughters are always having parties for their kids. I think too many parties, as we never had parties like these kids do nowadays. We have another 5K in 2 weeks. Bill has scheduled 5k's run/walks until the end of September every 2 weeks. In September, like the end of the month he signed us up for one at O'Hare Airport on one of the runways. That should be an interesting experience.


Have a great weekend, and enjoy.




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I can't get Bill to go for a walk with me very often either, he always says he is too tired. But then we go to places like the fair on Saturday and the Antique Flea Market on Sunday and walk all day. A lot harder when you are not used to walking very much. His work is mostly sitting down 5 days a week.


You do have a lot of birthday parties coming up, we used to get the family together too and have birthday parties when the kids were little. Now the only one that has a party is Bill, his kids all come and we go to a restaurant.


How was the kayaking? You had great weather, at least we did here. Right around 75 and cloudy, so was good to walk around the flea market and not get too hot. Was it pretty easy to keep it going and steer it, did you get wet?


A run/walk on the Ohare runway will be quit something, should go for miles! Yes too bad they cancelled the other one.


I got tickets for a play up at the Fireside Theater in Ft. Atkinson next Thursday to see Run for your Wife. Its supposed to be a comedy and we will have a buffet dinner before the show. The first item on their buffet is their signature sweet potato souffle and it is wonderful.


Have a nice day!

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Sharon, it was a perfect day yesterday to be out on the lake. It was very easy to operate and control. Although Bill did most of the peddling and steering. The lake was a little rough as we went out on it twice. But the waves were kind of choppy and once a wave came over the front and we did get a little wet, but no big deal. We stayed inside the harbor where the water was flat and calm. It was a lot of fun, and we got good weather for the afternoon.


Even though it looked like it was going to rain, we never got any rain at all. I saw that most of it was tracking towards you area. Today they are calling for rain. But it is clear and in the 80's here with no rain in sight.


I know that you go to those plays every year there. So this one that you are going to on Thursday sounds like it will be a lot of fun. That theater is well known and I have always heard good things from their plays.


Bill is the same way about walking with me around here. He always says no that he is too tired. When we go out like yesterday, there is a lot of walking involved. On the way home we had to attend a wake from a friend from work and then we went out to eat. Usually I cook on the grill but the store was closed where I get the meat from, so eating out was a good option.


Yes, my kids are always having parties for their kids. I think they have too many parties, but it is what it is and there is not much I can say or do about it. Where we went last night for dinner, they have many people celebrating B-Days as you get the % off your bill for the number of years of your birthday that you are celebrating. So many seniors and that is a very good deal for long celebrating B-Days.




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It looked like rain here all morning and into the afternoon, but then the sun came out and it is hot. I sprayed some weed be gone, I did it earlier in the spring but the weeds are coming back again now, so that should get rid of them. I need to mix up another batch and do along the fence in the back too so that when I mow they hit me in the face and arms.


That restaurant deal with the % off your age, is a really good deal. With all the seniors going there I'm surprised they keep giving the discount or stay in business. I guess the "companion" has to pay full price so that helps.


Just checked in again, before Bill gets home. We are eating left overs from Perkins. We had roasted vegetables over penne noodles and a tomato basil sauce with garlic bread. It was very good, and a lot of it, so now I just have to heat it up and dinner will be all ready.

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