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Sharon, we arrived at O'Hare at 4:30 am Sunday morning from Seattle. We arrived home at 6 am. We have been dragging the past few days with lack of sleep. It will take a few days to get back in the grove once again.


The ship landed in Vancouver on Friday morning and we left the sip at 7:30 am and boarded a bus to Seattle. The bus left Vancouver at 9:30 and we arrived at our hotel in Seattle at 3 pm.


I guess I am the only person to take a cruise and loose weight. We ate breakfast, had a snack in the afternoon and then dinner.


It has been raining here last night and all morning. One thing, the weeds got a real hold on things. There is no problem growing weeds as they are all over the place.


Work has been crazy and right back into the thick of things.




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Glad you got home safely. I'm sure its hard to get back in the groove again.


How much did you lose, any problem with WW? I think we lost on our last cruise because we didn't think the food or food choices were very good.


This rain is making everything grow.


I went to a womens banquet tonight, lots of women there, probably over 200.

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Sharon, I lost 1.2 pounds and I am still in good shape with WW. I did not really like the food choices either. They really did not have what I wanted.


Wow, that was a really large group of women for last night. What exactly was this event for and how did you get involved in it?


It started last night and it is still foggy around here. I agree that all of this rain is making everything grow. The weeds really got out of control around here.


We went from 85 degrees while in Hawaii to some 50 degrees while crossing into Vancouver. A few days we had rough seas and storms. So we did not do outside and had to control the temp in the room to get heat. Also a few ports we had to tender and the tender boats were kind of rough seas as well getting into the ports. A few people were noticeably sick.


It has been hard to get back into the swing of things around here.




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It was really a banquet to change the chairman (woman) and board for the coming year. Its a good fund rasier for them. It cost $30 and we had chicken breast with wild rice for dinner.i think they said t b e final count was 230 women. I sat with the gals from water aerobics there was also a table from Forever Fit exercise group.


We had some fog here this morning also. This afternoon it got into the 70's. I got in a few hrs of mowing. He grass really grew sibce last week. I will have to get the rest done tomorrow before it gets out of hand,


So did you enjoy your trip and are you glad you went? I'm glad you are back, I missed you!


I did not not go to meet the gals tonight. Tomorrow night I am going to the Bunco party and since I was gone last night to the banquet thought I had better stay home with Bill.

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Sharon, it was good being in Hawaii and all went well with the flights and all. It was much different going to Vancouver as there were storms and the temps were much cooler. I always pack way too much and it was not fun with all of the luggage. I need to learn to pack less.


The temps today are supposed to be in the 80's around here. The weeds took control of everything around here. I need to get out over the weekend and get things back to where they should be.


We have been dragging from the time change and being gone for 17 days. It was a good trip and something we had planned for over 2 years. You can never say anything bad about Hawaii.


That was a good banquet that you attended. It sounds like many from your groups that you exercise with were there as well. Getting back to the swing of things with your normal going out will help to break up the week a bit.


Being in Hawaii allowed me to communicate with you while we were there. I did buy a package to stay on top of things at work while we were away. I need to get him to pay for that, and since this was a working vacation I think I still have more time due me for a real vacation.




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It was nice too in Hawaii that you knew your way around. What did you do there before getting on the ship. Did you stay on just the one island? I would really like to go and see the Missouri in Pearl Harbor, my dad was on that ship. He was there when the Japanese emperor came aboard.


I wonder if Vancouver is always like that, I've never been there.


I went to the Bunco party tonight. Our table had 3 groups of 4 women. I won the most games of our table and won $50. There were 4 tables so with the Lionesses there were over 100 women there. It was fun and the women were all really nice.


Now my night time things are done so I will only have the Wed night gals get together. I don't like to leave Bill alone so much so its good everything is done with.


I was mowing today but need about an hour more to get done. It has been sprinkling here a little for the last hour or so, hope it dries out so I can get done tomorrow.


Don't even ask just give your boss the charges for the internet. You shouldn't have to work at all on your vacation.

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Sharon, we stayed 2 nights pre cruise at the Hilton Waikiki. Our room was on the 35th floor

and a great view of the ocean. We met a group for dinks at the Hilton Hawaiian Village 1 day prior boarding the ship for the cruise. We also did a sunset sail on a catarman on the first day boarding the ship. We rented a car on the second day on the ship and drove to the north shore with another couple. We also went to the St Damien Memorial, as he was the one who dealt with the lepers.


So the ship stayed 2 days in Honolulu, then 2 days on Maui, then 1 day in Kona and 1 day in Hilo before heading to Vancouver. We went up to the Volcano National Park and actually saw lava flowing out of the crater. That was 5 days crossing the ocean. We have been to Vancouver before and it was not like that. They do not get the extremes like we do in Chicago. We were on the Missouri as it is right next to the Arizona Memorial. If your father was on the ship when that happened then it was during the surrender ending WW II. As there is a dedication of that event on the ship.


Wow that was a huge bunco event. Now I can see why they only hold it every so often. But that was good that you had a good time and that you won as well. Also good that your events are over now and all you will be looking forward to is getting together with your friends on Wednesday's.


I hope you will finish the mowing today, as it is supposed to rain very hard later on this afternoon into tonight. We did not get any rain here yesterday.




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Yes he was there at the surrender, I have a card with the red Japanese sunburst on it that says something like I was on board when this happened. It was in some of the things I have of my dads. I didn't know they had that on the ship now, makes me want to go even more to see it.


Two of Bill's daughters and the ones husband came over for a while tonight. The one daughter and her husband said they are coming back tomorrow around one oclock and bring lunch. Don't know if its going to be for Mothers Day or my birthday.


I went to exercise class this morning and then came home and finished mowing. It started raining around 5pm. Not a hard rain but constant sprinkle. My sister in Schaumburg says everthing is flooded around their house.


That sounds like a lots of fun you had on the trip, glad it turned out so well.

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Sharon, you spend over two years planning for this cruise and it seems like it was gone when we felt like it had just started. Amazing how quickly an 11 day cruise goes by.


Yes, we got a lot of rain here yesterday late in the afternoon. They are calling for much more on Sunday and Monday. Then much cooler today and even next week. It is too wet to be doing anything outside today.


I think that the Missouri was commissioned exactly 1 year after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. They said that the huge 16" guns can fire some 20 miles with 100% accuracy. It is 3 football fields long.


Well a very happy birthday to you. I would imagine they are coming back for both to celebrate your birthday and mother's day as well. Enjoy and have a great day for yourself.




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They came and brought lunch and flowers for Mothers Day. They brought broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and biscuits. It was very nice of them but this is not a holiday I like to celebrate. They also brought Bill a dozen red roses to give to me.


The guy I asked last week to bring me 6 straw bales finally brought them today. Gon'sna try the straw bale gardening. I have been picking asparagus every day. I gave Bill's daughter a big bag of it. Bill doesn't like it so I only kept about haf of what I picked. I'm sure there will be more tomorrow.


No rain yet here today


Happy Mothers Day to you!

My birthday is on the 18. Don't really need another birthday either!

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Sharon, a very happy Mother's Day to you. Yes, I am sorry for your bad memories. I know how hard it is every year around this time.


Very cold here and foggy. I had to turn the heat on in my vehicle. We get this every year around this time. One day the heat will just come in and stay the entire summer. I guess we could get some rain this morning. But a much better chance late tonight and tomorrow.


Bill and I are going out to eat this afternoon at that place we like to go to around here. I told my kids yesterday to just be mother's themselves and let me enjoy the day alone. Those kids just wear me out and I enjoy only so much time around them and then I need some piece and quiet.


Well stay dry today and keep warm.




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They came and brought lunch and flowers for Mothers Day. They brought broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and biscuits. It was very nice of them but this is not a holiday I like to celebrate. They also brought Bill a dozen red roses to give to me.


The guy I asked last week to bring me 6 straw bales finally brought them today. Gon'sna try the straw bale gardening. I have been picking asparagus every day. I gave Bill's daughter a big bag of it. Bill doesn't like it so I only kept about haf of what I picked. I'm sure there will be more tomorrow.


No rain yet here today


Happy Mothers Day to you!

My birthday is on the 18. Don't really need another birthday either!

Hello again, may I ask what is straw gardening? I noticed how much higher the rates are going on Royal cruises. Esp with the single supplement I have to pay.. I am looking for a single group. So maybe they can match me up with another older single women. I really would love to go to Alaska.

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I bought the book called Straw Bale Gardens, it has also been making the rounds on facebook. You get bales of straw and over 10 days or so , condition them with fertilizer and water. They will begin to make heat and start to compost. Then they are ready to plant veggies and flowers in. They should grow bigger and better, have fewer weeds and bugs than if in the grown. We will see how it turns out.


Kathy I know what you mean. Just let you enjoy the day resting relaxing and doing what you want. It will be nice going out for dinner. Several places I saw on the way home from church this morning were packed. I made frozen waffles (in the toaster) and fresh blueberry compote to put over them. Will have the rest of the chicken from yesterday for dinner.

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Sharon, I have never heard of that before, so hopefully it will work good for you. As the way you have describe it all. It should work well for you.


With all of this rain, things should be doing well. It rained last night and all morning around here. It is supposed to move on out this afternoon. But temps on the cool side.


We had a good dinner out yesterday. We went at 2 pm and like you have said, many places were very crowded. But by going at that time, many were leaving and we sat right down. I hope you had a nice dinner at home.


Stay warm and dry.




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We just ate left over chicken for dinner. That was probably a very good time for you to go to dinner, lots of people would be done by then.


Went to the skin dr today, I had several pre cancerous spots on my face she zapped wirh the spray. Also had some places in my hair that I have been putting steroid drops on for itching. Now she thinks I might be having an allergic reaction to it. I am going back in 4 weeks and if it is not better she will do a biopsy to see. Always something.


Cold, windy and rainy today but the sun peeked out for a bit later this afternoon.

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Sharon, I agree about it being cold, damp and foggy around here yesterday. But I was surprised how it warmed up later on in the afternoon and turned out to be decent.


I agree, it is so important to keep up with skin care. I have something on the back of my neck that has been there for over 3 weeks. I need to call the Dr and make an appointment as well to have it checked out. I have regular scheduled appointments as well as you do. But this is something that should be looked at much sooner.


After church on Sunday's we sometimes enjoy going out for brunch. This place usually has a special price for $15 pp. Except you have to be there by 1:30. But since this past Sunday was a special event, we went much later and figuring around 2 pm many would be leaving, so we got right in.


It is supposed to be warming up this week a little more each day until Sunday, when it is expected to be in the 80's. It has just been too wet around here to be doing anything outside. So perhaps over this weekend I can get a handle on these weeds.


Enjoy the day,




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Another cold, windy day. Went to zumba instead of water aerobics to let my "spots" heal up a bit.


Kept thinking about getting started conditioning my straw bales but didn't get it done. Will have to get going on it tomorrow or they won't be ready and it will be too far along in the season. Although, they are saying we might get a frost tonight.


Was thinking also about going to Texas for my granddaughters high school graduation but not sure about leaving Bill even if it was only for a couple of days, and don't really want to go by myself to some where I've never been to. I will probably end up just sending a card and some money.


Tomorrow not going to any exercise may have to cut grass again.

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Sharon, I did hear about a possible frost for last night. It sure has been cold. I know we have turned the heat back on to take the chill out of the house. A lot of sunshine for today, but temps only in the 50's.


Well things are gearing up for another season of bocce. We now have the most of participation ever. We now have a total of 114 people signed up to play this year. The more people on a team means that everyone does not have to actually play every week.


So tonight is the last night for sign ups and dues are up to be paid. So we will go to the club tonight for dinner and to collect the last of the monies. Of course everyone does not pay and we have to run them down over the course of the next few weeks. So the actual games start next Wednesday. We are now in 12th place out of 16. So we were up to about second or fourth and now at the bottom once again.


Texas has been getting hit hard with bad weather. I know what you are saying. Even though you would only be gone a few days, that would be just the time when something will happen. There is no way that Bill would go along? Of course if you went with Bill, you would drive, or fly? I would think that flying would be a huge problem, but maybe not. They really cater to people with disabilities.


I know our grass has not been cut yet. They usually cut it on Tuesday. But I am sure they are all backed up with the weather being raining and wet. So perhaps they will get around to it today sometime.




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No Bill would not go, the last time we flew and it was to Dallas, we got no assistance what so ever. I even had to take him in the wheel chair down rhe ramp to the plane ane bring him back out the ramp once we got to our destination. We were told later that some one should have helped because it was against their rules to do it yourself but we were unable to ever get any help.I certainly didn't want to do it, it was hard pushing that wheelchair up the ramp.



I have about decided not to go, just too much hassel trying to get it together.


I got all the grass cut today, heard it was going to rain again so decided to just do it all at one time.


It was one of the gals birthday tonight so we had chicken tacos with all the trimmings tonight. I did not mention to anyone that it was my birthday in 5 days. I brought Bill one of the tacos.


Going to swimming tomorrow morning, its a pretty easy class now with the new instructor.

Has your Bill lost any weight or talked any more about goung to WW with you? I have lost 5 pounds and feel very slim, ha ha. I think 5 more and I'll be satisfied.

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Sharon, very good loosing a big 5. You may as well go the other 5. Bill has not said anymore about WW. I do not know if he lost anything at all. We did have a scale in our cabin, go figure. But neither of us could figure out how to work it. He got a shot in his elbow before we left. Then he got an ear infection before we left as well and he got that cared for at the minute clinic. So perhaps now he will go back to swimming.


I am sure you will enjoy swimming today for yourself. With the temps warming up today and into the weekend. Good that you put the grass cutting behind you yesterday. I know our grass cutting was 1 day behind due to all of the rain and dampness. Sunday with temps in the 80's another good chance for rain.


Now we just got back 1 week ago this past Sunday. Now in a few more weeks we will be doing our Saugatuck weekend get away. It is early this year. I do remember now all of the trouble you did have when you flew the last time. That should never have happened to you, but it did. Traveling is such a hassle nowadays.


They always treat all of the gals very good at your place. Perhaps someone will remember you BD. He always is so good to provide nice food or snacks for you all.




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I never heard os a scale in a cabin! Maybe they are trying to get people to not eat so much. We had a scale at exercise class that measured all kinds of things but I couldn't figure out how to use it either. Don't know why they have to make them so complicated.


I finally got started on my straw bales, they have to be conditioned for 10 days. Thought I better get going on them or it would get too late to plant anything in them.


I have been drinking every morning 8 ounces of warm water with lemon juice in it, also a tsp of honey and a tablespoon of raw unfiltered cider vinegar. Its all supposed to be good for you. So thought I would give it a try.


We only had 5 people in the water aerobic class this morning, quite a change from when we had the other instructor.


My engine light came on in my car so I have to take it in tomorrow. On Star says its an emmision priblem, we'll see.

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Sharon, yes you have to pay attention when you get a warning light, or you will be out someplace and the car will die on you, or you will not be able to start it.


Well if there is going to be lack of participation in the class, she may just cancel it. Are people just not liking her instructions? It is good for you not having a crowded pool. but bad for her.


Lucky you have put down the bails. With this warm weather we are getting just now, things will really be busting out. We had rain last night and some very early this morning. So maybe 80's for the next 3 days.


I have heard other people talking about that stuff that you are mixing and drinking. If it is working for you as it seems it is, then stick with it.


Enjoy and have a good day today.




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I don't know if drinking that stuff is working or not but it is supposed to be good for you so I'll keep on doing it at least for a while.


Took the car in, they gave me a ride home cause they said would tale about an hour and a half. Well it took 5 hours! Ruined our whole day waiting around for them to call that it was ready and send someone to pick me up. I was very aggrevated and told them so. Then on the way home saw they hadn't changed the oil which I had also asked them to do. So I called back and told them it was ok, I'd just take it some where else and get it done.


Bill made arrangements for his kids to meet us at a restaurant on Sat night for my birthday. I told him I would have rather just me and him go some place, his kids are only coming because he asked them to and he is buying. Also I had bought tickets a week ago to our churchs Holy Smoke BBQ dinner from 3 to 7 on Sat . So I guess that will be just a donation, but I was looking forward to it. Then wanted to go to a big vendor sale on Sunday afternoon at the next town and one of our friends called and wanted to come over on Sunday and bring an ice cream cake for my birthday, and also Bills daughter and husband said they were coming over on Sunday. Sorry its even my birthday, just screwing up everything.

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