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It probably helped yesterday that the Bears won the game too, ha ha. Nice you had a good day.


Hope everything is alright with Bill, he's had his share of medical procedures this year.


I've got everything ready for tomorrow. I plan to stay overnight and leave for home early Wed morning.I'm giving my friend that is taking me tomorrow my sisters phone number so she can call her when its done. Double checked with my other friend about picking me up so all should be good. I am not supposed to use any creams, lotions, makeup, deodorant, hair gel or sprays. But I need something on my hair and I have to do my eyebrows.


I made a big pot of beef stew and will be able to eat that for several days so won't have to worry about food to eat.


I will miss posting tomorrow, hopefully be able to be on here Wednesday.

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Sharon, I wish you all the best on your surgery today, and for a speedy recovery. It is good that you have the 2 gals taking you and picking you up as well. It was also a good idea to have precooked food so you will not have to worry about fixing any food for a few days.


Today and tomorrow overcast and rain and high winds. So it is lucky that you will be inside and out of the bad weather. I guess by the weekend we could have snow.


So you had said that you paid $1.99 for gas in your area last week. We paid $2.09 in WI, and when we got back the gas not too far away from us in IN is $1.95. So a real fluctuation in gas prices.


My thoughts and prayers are with you for a successful surgery for today.




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Everything went well with the surgery, not much pain because of a drug that they put in the incision area called Exparel. The nurses kept coming in an asking if I didn't want pain meds and couldn't believe that I didn't need it. It should last 24 to 48 hrs. Also got a prescription of Norco/Vicondin. But it is the least of the drug and the rest is like Tylnol. After getting in the car and pulling the seat belt and then pulling the door closed one side was aching so I took one of the pills when I finally got home at 4:30. I spent the night at the hospital and was ready to come home by 9am today. I had told Dale that it would be around that time I would be released, when it got to be 9am and no one wanted to release me I called her back and she said she would just come on down and sit with me till they let me go. Seems they had to have both surgeons release me and my primary dr, who was gone on vacation, so the dr covering for her would not release me because I have never seen him and he had no idea what I had done. Then had to wait while they showed me how to change the dressings and the drains. I have two drains one on each side so can only sleep on my back. They will take them out next Tuesday, so that will be good.


Glad its over and can start healing now.


I saw gas priced at $1.98 in town, can't believe its cheaper than Wisconsin, with all of our taxes. Its good for my pocket book now but not very good for my gasoline stocks.

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Sharon, I am glad that you are back home and resting well. I hope your pain level is under control as well. It is always a good idea to take pain med's before the actual medication wears off. Once the pain starts it take awhile to get it under control again.


I know what you mean about discharges. We have sat in the room waiting for the nurses to get the release forms. I'll bet if your Dr who is on vacation hears what happened with his replacement holding everything for that reason. I know I would be upset with that. Too bad that the lady who was taking you home had to wait so long as well.


Yesterday we had rain and very high winds. It was good that you were inside and out of those conditions. I guess we could get snow by the weekend. I hope you continue to improve and get well quick. I also hope that you will not be in too much discomfort as well.




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I am taking the Vicodin every 4 hours and that helps. Luckily it is a low dose so no headache from it either.


My guy that plows the driveway called and said he would not be plowing this time because the ground is not frozen and if he went off a little his plow would dig up the grass. I think that's probably true and it should melt off of the blacktop driveway anyway.


The wind has been really howling all day, must be gonna blow in that cold and snow. Hopefully the weather-woman/man is just hyping it up like they do sometimes and we won't get the snow. Anyway I don't have to go anywhere or be anywhere so this time doesn't matter.


Heard anything from the boss lately?

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Sharon, the jerk is still traveling around Europe. The family is worried about him with all of the trouble over there. He may have a difficult time getting home.


We got a winter warning sent to us early this morning about the storm that is headed into our area tonight and into tomorrow. They are calling for 4-6" of snowfall and it is supposed to be the heavy wet stuff. But you may be right, with the ground not frozen and the temps hovering around 32-34, a lot of it might melt away. So I guess we will just have to wait and see how much we will get.


I am glad to hear that you are resting and the discomfort level is not too bad for you just now. Hopefully it will continue and you will improve each day. The wind has been really blowing, like you've said the past few days. Who knows what we will be in store for tomorrow.




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Well I guess they were right about the snow. They are saying we could get 8 to 10 inches and I think there is already 6.That is alot to melt by itself.


Still taking the pain meds and it helps. My friend Mary stopped over today with some home made chicken noodle soup and a pulled pork sub sandwich. She is a good cook so sure it we be tasty.


Does your boss look like he could "fit in" or does he really look like a tourist.


Got an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner from my pet sitter but I'm already planning on going to my nephews house where my suster is. It was nice she asked though.


What are your plans, I know you have family.

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Sharon, Bill does not like being around a bunch of unruly kids. So we are going to that place that offers the % off your bill for your age on your birthday. So it is good that you have a place to go to on Thanksgiving.


Here it has been snowing for over 11 hours, and it has just started to build up on the sidewalks and driveway. But it is wet and very heavy, so I can see our evergreen trees bending from the weight. It is not supposed to stop until 3 pm. I do not know why that plow guy cannot just plow to your boarders, without going into the grass? Like you said a foot of snow is an awful lot of snow to be melting away.


So I will just be staying inside today and doing things inside and just watching the snow fly. Bill will not go outside to clear it away until it has stopped.


I am glad to hear that the pain med's are helping you out and that you will continue to improve.




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Just went to bed early last night, 7:30. Was tired and nothing on tv, so didn't get to post on here.


My plow guy came this morning, he had went to a pig show in Oklahoma and just got back last night. I was glad to see him because the driveway was a mess and where the county plow filled in the end of the driveway was really bad. The mail lady couldn't get to the mail box yesterday, so no mail and the newspaper was covered up. Today uncovered the both papers.


Guess the weathermen weren't hyping it up this time.

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Sharon, we figured that it snowed for 19 hours straight. But it did not start to stick on the hard surfaces until hour 16. So Bill went out around 6 to clear it all away. I cannot remember it snowing like that so early in the past. Now after today it will be warming up and by weeks end all should be gone. I am glad the plow guy came and took care of you. I thought it strange that he would not come.


I canceled my shopping trip yesterday due to the weather. So I am going today to take that lady that I go with about every other week. I stayed inside all day yesterday, and did not go out at all due to the conditions. I got a lot done inside.


Are you slowly improving each day? I hope you are on the road to recovery. How is your sister doing? It will be nice that you are going there on Thursday.




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I didn't go anywhere either yesterday or today. I will be glad to get these drains out. The one doesn't bother me but the other one rubs inside and hurts.


Just been working on the puzzle, almost done with it.


My sister calls every day, she says she is doing good. She goes in to the dr this coming week and will find out if she needs radiation or not.


We have so much snow can't imagine it being gone even if it gets up to 50 on Thursday.

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Sharon, you did get a lot more than us around here. But besides the temps going up this week a lot of rain is forecast as well. So combine the temps and the rain, that should melt most of the snow away by weeks end. It was said that this was the record for snowfall this early in November.


What day this week will you get the drains out? Then they will give you a checkup and tell you what the next steps will be for your recovery. That is good that your sister is improving as well, and it will be good that you all will be together on Thursday.


If all goes well over there, the jerk will be flying back home tomorrow. But with the time difference and the traveling, if I am lucky I should not hear back from him until late on Wednesday, and that is the last day of work for me this week. I will have a nice long weekend.




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I am going tomorrow to see both of the drs. They work out of the same office, one works mornings and the other works afternoons. So my appmnt is at 12 and 1pm. I will be so glad to get these drains out I can hardly stand to wait another day. My friend is coming and takingme tomorrow. Today another friend stopped by this afternoon with some chili she made. I had it for dinner tonight and it was very good. I have another appmnt on Wed with my primary dr, don't know why but she wanted me to come in. Wed night the guy at the bar is making free turkey dinner like he does every year. I hope I feel good enough to go, will have to wait and see. The girls are all going to be there by 6 or 6:30 so its not all gone.


I'm glad to hear you are getting Friday off too so its a nice long weekend for you. I heard it might rain on Thursday. Hope not too much as I want to go to my nephews.

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Sharon, from what I have heard there will be much rain on Thursday into Friday. For our area it should be all rain, but other areas could be rain/snow mix. I know Saturday with the rain/snow mix it was a real mess and many trees were bend all over or just broken down from the weight of the ice.


It is good that you are going today for an evaluation and to get the drain plugs out as well. You certainly should feel better from that. Also tomorrow I think it is a good idea to have your main Dr look at you as well. That bar owner is really good to all of you. So hopefully you will feel good enough to join them all tomorrow night.


We have members around here who belong to the Lions Club. So tonight they are having their huge drawing that we bought a ticket for a few months back. So they will have an open bar for 1 1/2 hours and food as well. So that is where we are headed right after I get home from work.


Lots of sunshine around here today and temps in the low 40's. So some more snow should melt away.




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Did you win anything with your ticket at the Lions? Open bar for that long will cost them quite a bit, good they have food also. Its kind of like our Wed night place with the free food.


I did get the drains out and immediately felt better. Its still sore but doesn't poke me with every breath I take. I will actually be able to sleep good tonight. Both sides will continue to drain a little but should start to be absorbed by my body. I go back in a couple of weeks and if all is good don't have to go back anymore.


My sister went to the dr today too, he is uncertain what to do about radiation. Says it could prevent cancer from coming back but its close to her heart and she has been having trouble getting short of breath. So he thinks she should talk to her heart dr and to the radiation guy before making any decisions. He gave her several inhalers but if it is her heart that won't do too much good. So looks like she isn't out of the woods yet with her health.


The snow melted some today, my front sidewalk up to the door was still covered with ice. Thats the area he dropped his plow and pulled the snow back. It always leaves a layer of snow so that had frozen . Hope it melts some more tomorrow.


Going to watch the finals of Dancing With the Stars, I think Bindi will win it, she has been almost perfect from the beginning, especially with Derek for a partner. They have come up with some really nice performances.


Did you see the moon tonight? Its beautiful!

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Sharon, yes we get a great view right out our front windows of the moon. So I am not feeling too good just now. I have a real bad cold and Bill gave me a prescription that he uses in the form of a nasal spray. So I just got it last night and we shall see how long it take for me to feel better.


So last night I was really not feeling too well. The event did not start until 7. We bought a ticket for the raffle and the ticket cost $100. So that got you into the event with sandwiches and the open bar. Since we arrived early we paid for our own drinks and ate the sandwich and than left. So I have no idea who won as the drawing was at 9.


I am glad to hear that you had the drains removed and that you are feeling much better. I am sure that in a couple of weeks you will be feeling much better. But sorry to hear about your sister still not out of the woods just yet. Perhaps her Dr's will have something more for her to go on.


We still have lots of snow on the grass areas. But all sidewalks and driveways are totally clear. Perhaps your area does not get the direct sun to melt it away. Our's has direct east exposure. Maybe after today much more will be melted away as it is supposed to get close to 50 today around here.


Today is my last day of work, so maybe I can get better and feel much better with the time off until next Monday, the last day of the month of November.




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Thats too bad you have some days off and don't feel good. Hope the spray works quick and you bounce back quick.


Went to see the girls tonight and had a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, cranberries and fresh bread. They danced some but I didn't feel quite up to it yet.


The ice all melted on the sidewalk, it faces west so the whole afternoon sun was on it. Still have lots of piles of snow but maybe that will go too with the next few days being in the 40's.


Hope you feel well enough to enjoy your Thanksgiving, I am supposed to be over at my nephews by noon.


Happy Thanksgiving Kathy!

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Sharon, A very HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you today. I hope you have an enjoyable afternoon over at your nephews house today.


Yesterday I was home by 2 as I left work early as I was not feeling well at all. I went to the CVS minute clinic. When they first opened this service a few years ago, you only had to wait 5 or 10 minutes. Now I had a 2 1/2 hour wait. But the nice thing, is you sign in and then can go away and return back. So I went home and waited and then went back.


So I got 2 prescriptions, an antibiotic, and another for the cough. So Bill had asked me if I wanted to cancel the dinner this afternoon, but I said I still want to go, but we willl come straight home as I am not feeling well at all.


We woke up to rain this morning and more just a little while ago. I guess the major part of the rain will come late tonight and into tomorrow morning. All of the snow has all melted away, with all of the rain and mild temps.


Once again, enjoy and have a good day today.




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Thats good you got some medicine and also that you were able to go out for dinner. I'm sure you didn't feel like cooking anything. My nephew made two turkeys, one in the oven and one on the outside grill. We ate the one made on the grill and it was very moist and good with just a hint of being grilled. They also made a ham that was really nice and lean and good. They had so much food and lots of leftovers. His wife's parents were there from Missouri as was his son and my sister and me. They sent home a container of food and I was so full I didn't think I would eat anything at all after the meal at their house but around 7:30 I did heat it up and eat some again. It rained all day today, really hard and then not so bad. I got back home around 4pm.


I am still really sore but hoping that each day will get better as I hope you also will feel better.


By the way, the snow is all gone here too.

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Sharon, I am glad to hear that your dinner was good, and that everyone had leftovers. Good you had something to heat up later on that evening.


It rained all night around here yesterday as well, and it is raining here just now. I think it will rain most of this morning. Bill put up the tree yesterday. But it will not get decorated for awhile as I will have to start to feel better before that happens. Hopefully the med's will start to do something real soon.


I am just going to lay around and try to get better. It is kind of gloomy and rain, so not much else doing today.




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Sharon, Bill did put the tree up on Thursday. But I am not going to decorate it or anything until I start to feel better. You are probably right that it will take about a week for me to get better since it got such a hold on me. Lucky I had the time to rest and recuperate.


I agree that it has been dark and gloomy around here as well. Even though the temps get to a high in the 40's it is still damp and cold feeling. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling down and in the dumps. I also hope that each day you will be recovering and on the way to the right road to recovery.


I get all messed up during these holidays trying to figure out what day it actually is.




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Well at least it was sunny part of the day today. Talked with my sister, her blood test showed some problem so she has to go back next week for a repeat. The dr gave her some inhalers but she says its not her lungs that is the problem. I told her if I didn't talk to her every day I would go for days without talking to anyone. Hope she can get on the road to recovery.


Good thing you have had this long weekend to rest, there is still plenty of time to decorated the tree. I know what you mean about what day or date it is.

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that your sister is still not recovering the way everyone would like her to. Also that you just need a bit more time to properly heal and get better. I am slowly improving and I really needed the extra time off of work. I have a cough and a post nasal drip.


I see for this week the temps will be a high in the 40's. It does feel good when the sun is out. Tuesday is December and the count down to Christmas. Bill got a black Friday deal last week online and bought me a 43" TV. I just had a small TV, and this was a surprise as it was delivered on Friday.


My daughter who used to live down the street form us has moved to a new house a few towns south of us. So shortly I will go over to her house and help her out for awhile. Otherwise, I will come back home and rest up for a week of back to work.


I hope you have a better day today and that you will be feeling better each day.




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I hope your cough doesn't hang on like happens so often. Too bad you have to go back to work but probably lots of things are waiting for you to do.


My sister goes tomorrow for her blood test and me, I can't see things getting any better because there is no way I can stop missing Bill and being lonely.


Going to the cemetary tomorrow before the rain starts to put wreaths out for everyone.


Nice you got a new TV, sounds like Bill got a good cyber deal, now you know what he got you what are you getting him.

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