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Sharon, the jerk has 11 brothers and sisters. So it is not relatives but just the brothers and sisters. But just the same, it could turn into something nasty. A lot of them do not like how the jerk is always trying to take over.


Today we have rain forecast for this afternoon. I have been hearing those storm warnings that are moving across the country as they have been getting hit out west. I did hear now that the bulk of the snow could track north. We could get mostly rain, but it all depends on the temps and if they drop. Either way it will be wet and messy.


Yes, if I was considering going to Florida. I would not want to be staying with anyone either. So depending on what kind of deal you can get on a hotel or perhaps a B & B may be an option. Then you have vacation rentals, and the later two could be much cheaper than a hotel. Then again I would want to rent a car so you can get around on your own. But once again, finding a good deal.


As for later on this afternoon, I would imagine that these Irish Dancers are from some type of dancing school in that area. We do not know what dance studio they are from just yet. We will find that out later on.


Today is the last day of our first month. Tomorrow is February and we are in a leap year. So who know how this month will turn out. Will we continue to have somewhat mild temps or will it start turning and getting much colder?




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Well I guess I waited too long. When I talked to my sister tonight she said she had gotten her return ticket for the 13th of Feb. I have a skin dr appmnt on the 11th. So thats ok.


It rained here today and then the temps started falling. Now they have the salt trucks out as it is very slippery.


January went pretty fast and I read today that it is staying light past 5pm now. Lets see what February brings!

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Sharon, wow I would have thought she would have waited until the end of this month to come back. For us yesterday it rained very lightly around here and temps were in the 40's. Tomorrow I do not know about you, but around here the temps will be in the 40's while it is raining. So if that holds up then no snow or ice for us.


So now I have seen both acts now. I really enjoy watching them setting up the play behind the scenes. So I will have a different perspective when it is actually performed. With only 19 days before the opening night, the director wants everyone not too be using scripts and to call out if they forget their lines.


We are going up north this evening to join 1 of Bill's friends that he goes to Boston with and also helps him coaching when he goes away with his family. Both of them are celebrating 10 years of heart procedures. Bill had cardiac stints put in only 3 weeks before he ran his first Boston Marathon. His friend had a heart valve replaced 11 weeks before the marathon. They did not know each other at the time and you can see the both of them at 1 point along the course. Bill met him a month or so after the marathon and they found out they had the same Dr. What a small world. As a matter of fact he was on TV last week. If you see an ad of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and a man running along the lake front, that is Bill's friend.




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Oh shoot, just pressed tge back button instead of the submit reply button. Will have to start over.


Ten years and still going strong, good for both of the guys! The principle of my church's school just had a heart attack on Sunday morning. He had stents put in too. He had announced his retirement at the end of the school year a couple of months ago. So now hopefully he will be able to enjiy his retirement.


It was a really nice day, sunny and not windy. When I walked down to get the paper I saw how nice it was so decided to take a walk. Added up a few more steps on my fitbit.


My sister has been wanting to come back for quite a while. She wants to make sure if she does or doesn't need radiation. I don't know what's going to happen with her living arrangements. I think her son should sit down and talk to her about it since it is his wife that would rather she not stay with them permanently. They get along fine its just that having someone else there changes the whole situation.


Looks like we might not get that snow after all, thank goodness. It got really super foggy around 5 or 6 oclock tonight.


Ok I think I remembered all I had wrote before I erased it.

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Sharon, I have had problems where something happened and I had to start all over. So I know what you mean.


We got home last night around 9:30 and as we were going past the loop we could see the fog rolling in from the lake. It was not all that bad driving home. I heard them talking about it snowing west of our area, as we were driving home. So hopefully it will warm up so it stays to all rain. Yes, it was nice yesterday, but today will be very wet. It is raining hard here just now.


Yes, I agree as it does seem that the son's wife would rather have you sister else where. Certainly she can not be living all alone. It is too bad she did not stay longer, and I am sure his wife will not be happy either.


Stay dry,




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I was checking today flights and hotels/extended stay places but it would cost over $1100.00 to go from Sunday to Saturday, which are the only days the flights go out of Rockford airport. So I decided I would rather spend that much money on something else. I picked that airport because that is where she is flying back into.


Today it started sleeting around 10:30 and the roads were immediately covered with ice. Three of us had went to breakfast after zumba and were watching it come down in sheets. Luckily the salt trucks were ready to go. When I left the restaurant to go home I had to stay in the tracks from other cars because the rest of the road was still icy. Then it started changing to rain, and did that off and on for a while. The rest of the day it has been raining and blowing like crazy. If it had been snow we would have had blizzard conditions. So glad the snow missed us.


Guess there was no way the groundhog saw his shadow today so that means an early spring, that would be nice!

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Sharon, I was checking and the groundhog is only right 36% of the time. But still if he is right it would be nice.


So Bill left just after 6 and he said he almost turn back and it was coming down in buckets and he had the wipers going full speed. Now that they are coming down to the finial 3 weeks, they are staying much longer, and he did not get home until after 10:30. It was not bad driving home, but shortly after he got home the fog was so dense we could not see across the street.


I think that would have been totally crazy to be spending that amount of money for only 1 week. So all worked out just fine.


So today when I left it was extremely foggy and I heard that we will have very high winds and possible snow/ice mix. I hope not. Right it is in the upper 30's and the fog has lifted, and nothing as far as precipitation.


Stay warm and dry,




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Yes I suppose the rehearsals are more intense now that the time is getting short. The hardest part is probably remembering all the lines you have to say. That would be the second hardest part for me, the first having stage fright!


We didn't have any rain today just cloudy and cold. But at least no snow and no fog either. I know we still can have 2 more months of bad weather but hopefully not much more snow. I remember one Valentines Day, my first husband stamped out a big heart in the snow outside our kitchen window. That is a very nice memory.


Went to see the girls tonight, talked and did a little line dancing. It was one of the gals birthday but she had not been there last week so we did not know it was her birthday. The gal she rides with emailed us all and told us so we could bring her a birthday card. The owner of the bar said if he would have known he would have made tacos. We told him the next birthday is in March, he can do it then. She brought some brownies but they were kind of dry and the frosting kind of hard. I don't know where she bought them, they came in a bakery box.


Zumba tomorrow, the leader said we were going to do squats, that means my legs are going to be sore again for several days!

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Sharon, you should be doing your Zumba class today. With the new move she will be doing with you today, you will for sure stress out your legs for a few days. But the good news is that in a few weeks you will be back in good shape once again.


Yes the past few days the sun has been out bright but now cold. There is no snow in the forecast for the rest of the week.


We went to the club last night for dinner and then back home. Just going from the car and back inside as it is very cold once the sun goes down.


Bill is coming home much later now as they are really getting into doing the lines without the scripts. This Sunday they are only doing it from 1-3 as it is the Super Bowl. They normally do it from 1-5.


Stay warm,




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Yes big weekend with the superbowl, I will probably watch it for the commercials. They are usually pretty good, and the half time show, sometimes not so good.


I think my nephew is coming over again tomorrow, he didn't call but last week said he was coming back. I think I will let him take the truck and drive it for a week to see how he likes it. If he does like it I will sell it to him, if he doesn't, I will put it in the paper to sell.


The snow sculptures are taking shape this week too. They started on them on Wednesday and the judging is on Saturday. We used to go on Sunday and see them but I think I will ask my nephew if he has time to go with me tomorrow and see how they are coming along.


We only did one routine with squats so that is good, my legs won't be so tired and sore over the weekend.


I just ran outside to unplug the battery charger on the truck and saw we have a new layer of fluffy snow. Not much and I think it has stopped. There were patches of grass finally showing today, nice green grass. So glad it didn't cover it back up.



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Sharon, we went 1 year over to the club. But it is very crowded and a lot of distractions. So we will just stay at home and enjoy the piece and quiet. We were watching the NFL commercials on Tuesday night. They had a 2 hour special. I agree the commercials are good and sometimes the half time show is not too good. Just the same, people spend big bucks to be at the big game.


So that will be good if your nephew will take the truck for a week to test it out. I guarantee you, he will not find a better deal than that anywhere. Also it will be nice if he takes you to see the ice carvings.


It has just been cold around here and all of the snow is gone from the grass. I heard that the next time for snow is Monday and Tuesday.


That was good that the instructor took it easy on you all and only did 1 exercise with you squatting.


Enjoy and have a safe weekend,




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I waited all morning, no call and no show nephew. I didn't call him, figured it was him that should call since he was the one that said he would come over. So now I am rethinking the deal with the truck. Guess I'll see what happens when I finally talk with him.


Last night my friends picked me up and we went to the dance place. So many people who were "regulars" were there and all had to say something to me. My eyes teared up so many times but was able to keep somewhat of control. The DJ they have is the one we had for our wedding reception, he came over and gave me a big hug. Half way through the night he made the announcement, Sharon is in the house and everyone clapped. Whew, glad that first time is over maybe won't be so hard if I go again. There was another single gal there too that used to teach line dancing so we started quite a few of the dances and others got in and followed. So it was a good night, can't help feeling a little guilty though, going without Bill.


Also, an old friend of Bill's and mine came last night too, he has been single ever since I've known him with is probably 15 years or so. I told him I had been wanting to go to the Fireside dinner/theater to see Legends. He said he had been wanting to go too, so I said why don't we go some Thursday evening when they have the buffet dinner. He said yes he would like that so we will each pay our own way. I will drive to his house and he will drive the rest of the way. I got good seats for Feb 11th.


Today a friend called and asked if I wanted to meet her, her husband and grown daughter up at Lake Geneva to see the snow sculptures. I did since I missed out going on Friday. We met at Home Depot and took the shuttle bus since traffic and people were crazy busy. When we got close to the lake we saw a big group of people gathered around by the lake and police cars with lights flashing. Turns out quite a few people had parked on the lake and the ice was not that thick to hold them all. They were all slowly sinking into the lake!. There must have been 15 to 20 cars and trucks parked right next to each other. Someone asked the police why they didn't call a towing company to get them off before they all fell in and he said they couldn't until they got permission from the owners. When we were ready to leave we did see that there were several big towing trucks and men in wet suits trying to attach cables to the cars to get them out. The owners must have came back and saw what was happening. There were also a line of wreckers waiting to haul the cars somewhere since the submerged ones wouldn't start. Seems the fiasco of sinking cars was almost more interesting to people than the snow sculptures.


Who do you think will win the Super Bowl, I don't watch football anymore without Bill but from what I've heard the Panthers are the favorites. I will watch tomorrow though, think it comes on at 5:30.

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Sharon, it sounds like you were very busy over the weekend. Well perhaps the nephew is having second thoughts on the truck. But at least he should have called you just the same.


I think that all of those people who were parking on the ice lake were very stupid in doing that. Any place where there is ice, people should know that the ice is not all that thick. So I guess they got what they deserve as that was a totally dumb move on their part.


Well that will be nice for you to be going to the theater with someone who you know and not to be going all alone.


As far as the game today we have been watching all of the past commercials and the best 1/2 time performances. So Bill is pulling for Denver and Payton. He feels the other team is way too cocky. But it looks like most everyone is pulling for the Panthers. We shall see. Bill will be at rehearsal most of this afternoon, as they are getting down to the wire on learning their lines. So originally they were going to have a shortened rehearsal, but since the game does not start until 5:30, they decided that they all need work on lines.




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I was happy Denver won, I like Peyton. He always talks so nice and seems to really appreciate all that he is getting. I didn't turn the game onuntil half time so missed some of the commercials. Good Morning America played several this morning that I had not seen.


We got about an inch of snow overnight, most of it has melted off the driveway. Supposed to get another inch tomorrow they are saying. Only went out to get the morning paper and then the mail.


Will have several things to do this week so that will be good. Zumba, a skin Dr appmnt and the Legends show and dinner. There is also a dance at the Moose in town that several people are talking about going to. I might go if one of the other gals that comes by herself plans on coming.


My sister is coming home on the 13th, so next week will probably get together with her at least one day.



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Sharon, I had asked Bill what team he was pulling for and it was Denver. He said the other team was way too cocky. Plus the other QB was a very sore looser. There were lots of good commercials. It was nice being home where it is peaceful and no distractions.


The auto show starts this weekend and runs until next weekend. So we will have to see what night this weekend we can go as Bill will be doing rehearsals all next week. They start building the set starting on Friday. So starting on Sunday they will be practicing everyday up until the performance.


We woke up this morning only a light dusting. I did hear that we are expecting more by tomorrow. Hopefully not too much.


So it sounds like you will be busy this week with lots of things to do. Then your sister gets back this weekend. So I would think that next week perhaps you will get together. I hope that her son's wife will not be causing her any problems. What about Bill's daughter who owns a assisted living, would that be an option for her?




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We had another inch or so of snow, not too bad but the wind was a factor again today. Heading north the roads were covered with snow and ice from blowing out of the fields. The plows were going but as soon as they got it off, it blew right back on. Seems like the wind has died down now so hopefully the roads will be better tomorrow. It's very, very cold!


No my sister doesn't need an assisted living place, at least not right now. But she needs a rent assisted apartment. She only has social security to live on. She put her name in on a couple of those kinds of apartments in Florida. They were supposed to be available in April in think. She didn't know for sure if she wanted to be there but put her name in anyway just in case.


I have been having robo calls all night so far in regards to voting! I don't answer them.


Yes I saw the quarterback for the Panthers acted like a spoiled child, not giving interviews like he should and being a poor loser. I'm glad that he didn't win. Lots of controversy over Beonce too. I didn't know what all she was saying in the song or what the outfits they all wore meant until I started reading and hearing about it. Shame on her! People were saying also she should put some clothes on! ha ha Seems she always wants her butt cheeks out.


Is Bill getting or doing anything special for you for Valentines Day this weekend? I know he's awfully busy with his play but maybe you can go out to eat somewhere special.



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Sharon, we got about 1/2" of snow and once the sun came out most of it melted away. But yes it is very cold out and that wind does make a difference. So last night I went to the club for Fat Tuesday. I was meeting some of my friends there as Bill was at rehearsal all evening. He did not get home until after 10:30. I was home to watch Chicago Fire.


So Thursday is their last day at this place where they have been practicing. They start on Sunday at the actual theater where they will be performing. So that means everyday up until the performance starts on Friday, 1 week from this Friday.


Well I guess your sister will have to decide on what she wants to do. One thing I would think, is she should not be all alone. Hopefully here son's wife will not cause any problems.


So we decided to go to the auto show on Sunday and then we will get something to eat at some point. Bill have rehearsal on Sunday evening.


We get the same thing as far as those calls. What we do is just hang up before the call goes to voice mail. By doing that a few times it seems to cut them off and they soon go away.




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Got home last night after meeting the girls and went straight to bed. I was so tired, but once in bed I couldn't go to sleep. Seems I tossed and turned most of the night.


Yesterday I went over to the mall to look for a bible. I can't believe all the different ones there are at Barnes & Noble. I picked out a verse and checked it in several different versions and all were slightly different. I ended up getting the authorized King James version. My church is having a 6 week bible study class between services and you were supposed to bring your bible. I hunted all over the house for mine but could not find it. I found my mom's and several in German that my dad had, but never did find mine. Some day it will turn up in a strange place that I would not ever think about looking at.


Practicing at the real theater will help everyone know their places and where to stand and move to. That should be a real help.



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Sharon, I also have problems sleeping at night as well sometimes. I hate that when that happens. Sometimes I take something to help me sleep. I was very tired last night as well, as I had Ash Wednesday services.


I also know exactly what you are saying about trying to find something. I have the same problem as I have things in my basement from my mother and Bill's Dad. When I am down there sometimes and I come across something I bring it up. But you are right, that you will find it someday and you would not have thought to be looking there. But at least you were able to find a new replacement.


I have bunco at another gal's house, not mine, on Friday. So another late night. It has been real cold at night around here and I heard snow for tomorrow and Sunday. Hopefully the driving will not be bad tomorrow.


So tonight is Bill's last night of rehearsal at the church hall where they have been practicing. So Bill said tomorrow since I will not be home he is going to the theater to help them build the set, as they are starting tomorrow. Then starting on Sunday and going each and every day up until the performance on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They will be practicing all that week.


So they are having a party after the Friday performance at someone's house right behind the theater, that I will go with Bill. Sunday they will have a finial party after the performance, right at the theater, and I will hopefully attend that 1 as well. Our friends who we stay on their house boat in Michigan are coming, so all depends on them. They tear down the set as well on that day.




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It should be a fun night tonight for you tonight playing bunco. Good they found someone to fill in so it wasn't cancelled again.


I heard about the snow too. I think they said it would start Sunday night or Monday and we could get 3 to 5 inches. I was hoping we were through with snow! Probably will need to get my driveway plowed if we get 5 inches.


I went to the skin dr on Thursday. She has diagnosed me with scalp psoriasis. She has been giving me different things to try on my head for itching for quite a few months and now says since nothing is really working we should try laser therapy. She said she has had it and after a certain amount of treatments she was psoriasis free for over 6 months. Then she had a few more treatments and was good for a year. So I am hoping to get good results, I am tired of it dealing with it. I start on Monday, if the snow is not too bad and have another treatment on Wednesday. We set up the 2 times a week treatments through March. Guess this is partly to blame from stress.


There is a dance in town on Saturday night with a country band. One of the dance couples I know is going to pick me up to go. Its nice that it will be close to home. Just hope the band plays good music that is not too loud.


Are your boat friends staying with you or did they get a hotel room? Sounds like its going to be quite a production, you will have to tell Bill to "break a leg" I think thats what they tell actors before going on stage.



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Sharon, they were calling for snow today as well as Sunday. We did not get much at all this morning, but it is real cold outside. So good for me driving tonight. Sunday all we can do is hope for the best. Since I am going out tonight, Bill said he will go to the theater tonight and help them build the set. They want to get 90% of it completed tonight and finish it tomorrow. So he will go tonight and that will be it for him. He will start Sunday night with the first rehearsal for that week. As they will be doing those every night of that week.


Now as far as next Sunday, it all will depend on the weather if they stay or not. I have extended them an invitation to stay with us, and I said that I will not be cooking breakfast. They initially said that they do not want to leave the boat for too long. But if the weather will cooperate, then perhaps they will stay.


That will be good that you will have someone pick you up and take you to the dance on Saturday. It is always better not to be driving and to go with others you know.


Now whatever happened to your truck and your nephew? Have you contacted him to see if he still wants it, or are you going to advertise it and sell it that way?


As far as your treatment goes. I think you must be feeling good about it especially with what your own Dr has told you that she has done the very same thing and you have seen the results.


Stay warm,




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My sister is coming home today, am wondering if she even thought about it being Valentines Day tomorrow. Not sure if her son and his wife had plans or not. But anyway that's their problem. I have not heard a peep from him about anything. As soon as I'm sure we won't get any more snow I will try and sell it.


Are you still going to the auto show tomorrow? I got some reduced rate tickets for the flower show in March. One friend wants to go and not sure about the other one. We really need 4 so that when we ride down on the train one isn't sitting by herself.


So sunny outside, sure wouldn't think that it was so cold. Glad to see a warm up is coming towards the end of next week.


Yes I am hoping this laser treatment works, I have such funny skin that I never know whats going to work. Always have to use stuff without perfumes and other additives for moisturizers.


Looking forward to tonight, just nice to get out with other people and talk.



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Sharon, I went to a GK's birthday party this afternoon. Then once I got home we took the train downtown to the auto show. Bill has to be at the theater at 4 pm tomorrow. So this was the only time for us to go. So once again we ate there at the Hyatt bar and restaurant, except this time we did not get any drinks to keep the bill down. They charge way too much for the drinks at the bar.


We have forecast 4-6" of snow tomorrow. I think our area will get the most this time around. So we will just have to wait and see. It sure has been cold and the pond is almost froze over. One of our pond heaters stopped working and we just got a new one this afternoon. So now once again we have 2 working heaters in the pond to create 2 holes for oxygen.


I got home last night from bunco around 12:30, and Bill was already home before 11. They got 1/2 the set built last night and I guess they finished it today. Bill only went yesterday. He shall see tomorrow if all is complete. He said this academy dates back to the civil war years. Of course not the theater, but they have a museum inside the lobby of the theater showing all of the history of this academy.


So your sister comes home today. Hopefully her son's wife will not cause her any problems. I am sure they enjoyed her time away from them. Although if she did not get back today, who knows when she would have made it home with the snow we are getting tomorrow. The snow may delay some of the flights.


I hope you enjoyed you time out tonight with your friends. If you only find 3 to go to the flower show. The trains have those seats that you can change the backs so you can have 4 seats facing each other. At least this is the design with the trains we have out this way.


Stay warm,




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Those places always charge more for food and drinks it seems. Luckily it was also safe. I saw some of the autos on tv, they said wear your good walking shoes. They think over a million people will visit the show.


The one friend said she was thinking about going to the Botanical Gardens for the orchid show, but didn't say if she wanted to go with to the flower show.


We all had a good time at the dance in town, there where some people that I knew from dance lessons Bill and I took for years. One of the gals asked me where my husband was so had a tough moment for a while


I got home from church as the snow was falling. But it stopped around 2pm. I will check if I need the driveway plowed or not in the morning. I have been hearing the plows going on the road. Just listening to the weather and they didn't say anything about how much snow we got up here. It looks like you are right that you got more this time.


I bet that museum would be interesting to look through, maybe you will have time to do that.



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Sharon, Bill said they have it open during the week when he has been there. But it is locked now and I am sure it will be locked during the performance just to protect the artifacts. As it actually dates back to 1870 when it first opened. So a lot of history. Of course where the current theater rests now is it was built over the original site that burned down in the 50's. This current theater was build in 1960. But the actual academy dates to 1870, originally a military HS.


It started snowing here as well when I returned from church. It stopped here around 7. Then it started up once again around midnight. Bill did not get home last night until 11:30. He went there at 4, so it was a very long day for him. He came back very upset as a few people who were the crew and not the cast were getting all jacked up and was snipping at him and others. He does not have any room for anyone treating anyone with disrespect. Knowing Bill as I do, I am sure at some point he will be bringing it up at some point to let them know exactly how he feels.


It was good that you had a good time dancing. As soon as I got home from the party on Saturday night, at 6 we left to catch the train to take us to the auto show. We arrived there at 7:30 and then returned to catch the 9:30 train. Yes, most of the place was carpeted, and much easier on the feet. But I was not feeling all too good and we cut the foreign stuff short and went to get something to eat before returning home. The key is not to buy liquor as that is what really jacks the bill up. We do not buy the crap that they sell inside of the show, but go to a nice restaurant in the Hyatt. So it worked out great going on Saturday versus Sunday as we would not have gone with the weather being as it was.


We got about 2.5" here and Bill was going out this morning after I left for work. He was way too tired to do anything last night and he does not like going outside too late after dark to do it. The temps will be warming up this week and by the weekend it should be all gone or most of it. Bill said the driving home was bad last night.


Happy President's Day, of course I have to work.




Edited by mstrc1
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