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Sharon, I did see that up north you were getting the snow and we only got rain. Temps in the mid 30's here today. Then I heard that temps in the mid 40's and heavy rain for tomorrow.


I can't ever remember you telling me about going to your neighbors house ever before. You are out in the country so it must be a drive for you to get there. I would not want to get sick either. You will have to just watch out and wash your hands a lot.


Bill is not in the dog house with me. We go out a lot and today we will go to our usual place for dinner late this afternoon. He does a lot for me around here and has done a lot of things to make this house very comfortable. It will be nice just relaxing this weekend as I have Monday off. We do relax and enjoy the lakefront and the firework right from our window. So it is always a welcome time away from home.


Enjoy the weekend and stay warm and healthy.




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You two a Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Stay warm and safe with your cold and snow weather.

Cold here but no snow. Don't think I could live in

the snow. Guess your use to it.


A very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2017 to you as well Belle. I wound not say that I am used to the cold or snow. The older I get it just goes right through me. Hopefully some day we can get out of here and move to a more stable climate.




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No the dog house comment was for the web site you had me go to, not your Bill. I know you have said he does stuff around the house and for you, I would never say he should be in the dog house.


The neighbor was just a few miles down the road so only took about 10 minutes to get there. They had cod, salmon and calmari, along with lasagna and a huge salad so lots to eat, especially for lunch. They both sounded much better and seemed to have gotten over their colds this past week.


Tonight I went to church and then thought about some friends that lived real close to church so called them. They were home and not doing anything so I stopped by and had a glass of wine and some conversation. A good way to get through Christmas eve.


Tomorrow might not work out as planned, dinner and a show, because all the shows start around 4pm. My friend is a few towns over and that means one of us would be driving in the dark to go home. Maybe we will just do a nice dinner if we can find a restaurant open.


We got another 3 inches of snow overnight and that made the tv stop working again. This is getting old fast.


Merry Christmas Kathy, my friend, and to your hubby Bill!


Belle, thanks for the well wishes, Merry Christmas to you too! I don't know if you really get used to snow or just learn how to get through it. We are supposed to have melting temps the next few days so didn't have to have the driveway plowed again this time.

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Sharon. Merry Christmas to my dear friend. I hope you have a wonderful day today and always.


I was not aware that you ever worked out on Sunday. I am sure there is someplace that is open today for limited hours. We went to our usual place last night and we got there before the mad rush. So that was a pleasant surprise.


So it was a nice relaxed evening home just relaxing. We opened 1 gift each and today we will open the rest of our gifts for each other. We will spend a short time at my # 1 daughter's house exchanging present this afternoon and then they all will be going else where to shear Christmas with other family members houses.


Going to a show sounds like a nice thing to do today. They have a lot of new releases for the holidays. So enjoy and have a great time.


I guess later on this afternoon into the evening we could get thunderstorms. So you are right if we do get them all of the snow will be washed away.




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We cold not find a show that started earlier than 4pm so we decided to go for a nice lunch somewhere instead. That was another problem as all the restaurants were closed. Finally decided on one of the resorts and ended up spending way too much money for food that really wasn't all that great. But at least we had some time to spend together, out of the house and some conversation. After lunch I drove us up to Lake Geneva to the Grand Geneva to see the Christmas decorations and the ginger bread houses. They have a contest every year and people submit their ginger bread houses to be voted on. Then on the way back it started to rain, it was around 3pm. There is so much snow even the rain that is still falling at 7pm will not begin to melt it. It also never got above 32 degrees and very windy. Not as nice a day as they weatherman said it was going to be.


Your night last night sounds good, a nice dinner and then relaxing evening with your honey. Enjoy today also!


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Sharon, I was surprised to see all of the places opened today. Of course gas stations, I even saw Bakers Square opened, the liquor store, and Walgreens was packed. I even saw a pizza place opened as well. I would not think that pizza would be something that people would be ordering on Christmas, but what do I know. All of the fast food places were opened as well.


Well it sounds like you had a very complete day today. That is good that you were able to do so much.


So Bill did something that he rarely does, he went with me to my daughter's house. Since we went there around 1 and left at 3, he came with me. So we were back home early and have been enjoying a nice quiet Christmas Day. I do not like going and driving all alone.


When we were driving home it was not raining, and I did hear that we were suppose to get rain today. But I have not checked outside to see if we are getting any. I agree that it will be awhile before we clear all of this snow. Some of our grass is showing, but then again we did not get any where the amount of snow that you have had.


So enjoy the rest of today my friend, and it will be great having the day off tomorrow.




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That is the difference between a bigger town and a small one. You had lots of places open on Christmas day and we had only a couple of gas stations open.


That was nice that Bill went with to your daughters, always nice to have company.


Went to zumba this morning and then went to the mall this afternoon. So many cars and people! But I did get a pair of Totes boots, 1/2 price for $19. Also got a pair of low top

Indoor boots also half price $50 at Pennys. Had to stop and get a little candy at Fannie May too.


I still have a coupon for Kohs but its good until the 31st so will wait, got tired of walking around and the crowds.


The wind is still blowing like crazy tonight, we did get rid of some snow too.


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I would not say that we are a big town. People have described our town as the town from the Andy Griffin show in Mayburry. But keep in mind we saw those things not only around here but driving to my daughter's house, and she lives in a big town.


It was kind of strange yesterday as I was looking and did not see that yesterday was a federal holiday but it was as the post office and banks were all closed. This will be the same thing for next week as well. So it was very nice yesterday just relaxing the entire day. I will have the same for next Monday as well. Bill gets upset when I do not get out of work as planned. So I decided to take Friday off, so we can get downtown at a reasonable time.


Yes, now all of the shopping deals are going on. People returning stuff and then getting all of the deals. I also have a Kohl's discount that I will have to use before we leave on Friday.




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Taking Friday off will make you a nice little vacation with Monday also, enjoy! Kinda good the way Christmas fell this year for people to get an extra day off.


Went to a friends house for dinner tonight, she made a huge Italian salad, cheese ravioli and meat balls and sauce. Stuffed and ready for bed now and it's only 8pm!


So glad that it's just cold outside and no snow on the roads, at least I can still get to places I want to go.


Got a distribution finally from Bill's trust, only thing is I have not paid in state or local taxes so called the accountant and he quickly sent me forms to send payments in before the end of the year. I still might owe more but at least I won't have a penalty for not having enough paid.


I didn't realize either that there wouldn't be any mail yesterday, went down to the mailbox a couple of times before I thought about it.



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Sharon, I keep forgetting to ask you on how your skin condition has turned out. Is it all cleared up now and do you still have redness? The redness takes much longer to clear up.


Yes, federal holidays no banks or post office. So you got mail, NO. So expect the same for next week as well. I sometimes have to pause and think of what day it actually is. As I get mixed up with these holidays.


With these famous people dying these past few days. I have been thinking and sometimes it bothers me thinking what would happen if I died? Of course the way our world is today it could happen to any of us with an accident or someone shooting you. Fortunately we do not travel too much but things can happen anytime or any place. Life is too short and we have to make the best while we can.


That sounded nice that you were able to get out and have such a nice full dinner last night. So with these holidays is the Zumba scheduled messed up or will you still be able to get in a few?


It was extremely stressful yesterday, and the jerk is still here and will be staying until at least the second week in January. Stress is keeping the weight on me and I can't stand my job with this jerk around and all that he is putting on me. This jerk will be the death of me .




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Sorry to hear your boss is at it again, wish he would take a long trip or vacation or whatever else and leave you alone! Stress is very hard to deal with and can actually make you sick. There just doesn't seem to be a good way to deal with him.


Our zumba classes were not disrupted at all, we had them all last week, Mon thru Thur and again this week same thing. Tomorrow we are going for margaritas after class, even though it will only be 10:30 am. One of the girls brought it up and everyone agreed to go for a little New years party.


Heard tonight that Debby Reynolds had died now, I always like her, this is so sad, just losing her daughter and then her dying. True none of us knows when our time will be up, guess you just have to make the best of everyday. I still am feeling I have no purpose in life and feel guilty I don't do more. If I didn't have zumba to go to I wouldn't have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.


My face has gotten alot better, still will take some time for the redness to go away it's still there, but will not be too noticeable when its gone. I am surprised it turned out so good when there was such a big hole to heal over.


Just heard a WW opened again in town. Thinking I might go, only need to lose about 10 pounds but would like some pointers on some good ways to make tasty food and what is good to eat. Still thinking about it, haven't made up my mind for sure yet.


My furnace wasn't working right this morning, only 63 in here, I called Bill's son and he came over, put in a new thermostat and set it for 72 like I asked him to do, but when I got home tonight it had reset to 62 again. Might have to call him back if it keeps doing that, shouldn't have to reset it several times a day.


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Sharon, don't ever think that or say that. Of course you have purpose and you must keep on going. You will never know what lies ahead of you as there is always a bright day ahead of you and just around the corner. I do realize on how bad it is being all alone. There are many friends and people who will always love you.


That was my point exactly on how we are loosing all of these people all of a sudden. I worry about it everyday and often think what would happen if I was not around. Yesterday it was so bad that when I came home I got sick. I also worry that Bill will go over here and punch him out. I have to hand it to him that my boss has a great deal of respect for Bill. But Bill is right I should not be putting up with all of this crap.


I know when ever we are on vacation and we start drinking around 11 we lay down in the afternoon and take a nap. Perhaps you can do the same. We cannot take drinking so early and just keep on going like some people.


We have one of those thermostats that you set it for various temps throughout the day. They also require batteries. If your battery is dead you will not get heat. Many people forget about changing the batteries.


It is the stress that is killing me slowly and I also need to get back on track once again. I was doing so good with the lifetime membership with WW. I also need to loose 10 pounds, as it is all of this stress that is doing this to me. Perhaps we can start this once again in the new year together.




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Yes that is the first thing I did was change the batteries in the thermostat. Learned that the last time there was a problem. I got out the directions this morning since the temp had changed once again to 62. Had to go into programming and set every morning and then every night temp I wanted. It worked and now is staying at the correct setting.


Thanks for your kind words, but I really don't have a purpose anymore. I have thought quite seriously about it, maybe some day I will again but now no. I do keep going through the motions because thats what people expect you to do.


Yes I can see that Bill would be upset with your boss for making you feel so bad. I know when I was working and got a new "yuppie" boss he made my life miserable. I came home crying most nights. Bill finally told me to quit, it just wasn't worth the strain it was putting on me. I did finally quit but it could have been a good job with great benefits if it wasn't for that one idiot. It was in the loan department of BMO Bank.


Good you have a few more days before you have to go back, enjoy them!


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Sharon, I had a real bad morning on Friday. I went into work to make flight arrangement for the jerk. He called and started yelling and screaming at me, and I told him I did not come into to get yelled at so he said to me using a word that I cannot say, and I hung up on him and came home. I only told Bill about it last night as I knew he would get upset.


So we were downtown all checked in at 3 and we went directly to get something to eat. Before getting our luggage and going to our rooms. It was a nice 2 days away, and we just got home a short time ago. It is nice I do not have to go to work until Tuesday. I am going to have it out with him on Tuesday telling him he is not going to treat me or any woman like he has. I was actually crying on Friday morning.


So then early this morning we just found out that Bill's mother had passed away on the 28th. I think that I may have told you on how his sister is not a very nice person. Did not tell any of us and she also left my name out of the notice in the paper. We went to the cemetery on the way home and it looks like they buried her on the 30th. This has upset Bill and Bill's son as well. This person is sick in the head.


Anyway, please do not think of yourself that way. You are my good friend and I know you have friends that love you. You do have purpose and we all need you around as long as we can. Lets hope that 2017 will be a much better year for us all.




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Oh so sorry he treats you that way, it is just terribly frustrating for you to have to deal with him. Probably good you didn't tell Bill about it right away so you could both enjoy your hotel stay and New Years.


How awful also that Bill wasn't told about his mothers death and that you were left out. Some people can be so hard hearted. Did you find out what she died from or anything about the funeral? I would certainly be upset too.


Well hope the rest of your New Years went well. I ended up going out to dinner with a friend and then to the place where we always go on Wednesday nights. It was okay but really just a lot of loud obnoxious people who had too much to drink. Seemed a long time to wait for midnight so we could go home.


So I got to bed about 1:30 then got up at 6:30 and went to church. After church I came home had something to eat and went to the show this afternoon. I saw Passengers, it got bad reviews but I liked it.


Hope tomorrow goes well for you, don't know what else you can tell him that you already haven't. He just never seems to "get it". Anyway best of luck to you, and Happy New Year.


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Sharon, since today is a federal holiday I am off once again today. Once he gets in I am going in there and closing the door and him and I are having it out. I am not letting 2017 get off to where it has been. He will never treat me the way he has been ever again and he will know it for sure. I have had it and I will not allow it to go any further.


The way we all found out about her passing was it was in the paper yesterday. So we drove right there and Bill's son a GS went there as well. They buried her on the 30th. The service and all was held private. There would be no way of us finding out on how she died. So now for the both of us having all of our parents gone. Perhaps we can move forward as I have worried these past 6 years on how Bill would handle things once he found out his mother had died. Perhaps that evil person will leave us alone and we can live our lives in peace.


Anyway good that you were able to get out for a nice dinner and the show as well. I agree about loud drunk people. Since we ate early on the 31st, and we were back in our hotel room where we did not have to deal with any loud drunken people at all. We went to bed shortly after all of the fireworks were over and did not wake up until after 11:30, as we had a late checkout.


So let's hope that 2017 will be brighter for us all.




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I am anxious to hear how it goes tomorrow, try to be strong and not cry. I always seem to cry and it takes away some credibility I think. I hope this time he listens and tries to change.


That is so wrong to find out your mom dies from the paper. My sincere sympathy to Bill. Like you say now that sister won't have any reason to contact you, so that is a good thing.


I went to zumba this morning, wasn't going to go because the good teacher has asked the other gal to cover for her as she had to take her husband to the dr, he had had knee surgery last week and this was a follow up. But then I changed my mind and went anyway. Well I should have just stayed home as the gal called in about 10 min before the class was supposed to start saying she wasn't coming to teach, she had a migraine. She uses this excuse all the time, but really irritating to drive all the way up there, usually takes about 25 minutes and then turn around and come home. If she really had a migraine she knew it a long time before calling in 10 minutes early. So she is supposed to teach again tomorrow for her regular schedule, I'm not going.

The good teacher is really upset with her too.


It is really foggy here tonight and its kind of misting, I think its supposed to rain later.


Good luck tomorrow!


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Sharon, I will have to update you later on this as the jerk has not come in here yet.


Yes, it was raining and foggy here as well. It still is a bit foggy and still light rain. So much of the same as yesterday. Thursday only single digits.


Well that was not right about that teacher. You are right about calling in 10 minutes before the class. I guess in the future when she is taking over just do not go at all. Give here a message.


That sister is just evil. There is no other way to say it. It was very upsetting to find out about everything in the paper.


Well we shall se later on, on what happens.




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Well the gal who was supposed to sub for the good teacher yesterday called the good teacher and asked if she could sub for her as she still had a migraine. We were all happy she was teaching so I did go. I will also go tomorrow as that is the good teachers regular day. But not planning on going on Thursday when the other one should teach, unless she has the good one sub for her again.

Sorry that's probably confusing. The bad gal teaches on Tues & Thurs, the good one on Mon & Wed unless they sub for each other.


Well maybe the jerk won't even come in as he probably knows somethings up.


More snow melted again, have more grass showing but still have piles along the sides of the driveway that are pretty high.


Just wasted most of the afternoon today playing a game on the computer, should be going through my closet and getting rid of stuff I don't wear. I also still have all of Bill's stuff, not ready to let that go yet.


Got a roasted chicken at the grocery store for $5.99, looks good, will have that for supper for a few nights. Got a dr appmnt on the 9th, will have the blood work done so hope the cholesterol and everything else is in line.



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Sharon, the way I am looking at these Zumba teachers is if the good one is off just do not go to the bad one's class. Maybe if everyone does that she will get a very clear message. I understood everything you have said here.


Now as far as yesterday and the jerk. He really avoided me all day. I think he realized that something was coming his way. I am not letting him get away without me saying my piece to him. I do not accept his apology and my plan is I have to get him when I want to put it to him. I want to have his brother and son in there, as I do not want to be in there all alone. Supposedly he will be leaving this Friday. But you have heard me say that before. So we shall see.


I did the very same thing last night, I got a roasted chicken for us to have for dinner.


Now for me I have med's for high blood pressure. Imagine that, what reason do I have for high blood pressure. So that is the only med's I am on. But it is very important to say up on your current med's.


I fully understand about getting rid of cloths. I need to do the very same thing. If anything was ever to happen to me I do not know what Bill would do either.


Temps really dropped last night. Stay warm,




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Thats a good idea to have the brother and son in there too. They should know how he treats you and it will make him more acccountable.


Had a real good zumba class today, lots of gals came so the good instructor was really into giving up a good workout. The good instructors name is Emily, she is Puerto Rican but has blonde hair!


Going to see the girls tonight, eating before I go since I have some Wisconsin Cheese soup and I really like that.


One of the gals at zumba has been going to WW and has lost about 20 pounds, now two of the other gals are thinking about going to and so am I. I only need to lose about 10, but the way in would make me really do it. The WW in town is on Friday mornings so hopefully I get there this week.


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Sharon, it is finally done. I never got home for lunch yesterday with all of the crap I had to do. So he was in there with his son, and I walked right in there and closed the door and I put my finger right to his face and told him he will never treat me the way he did on Friday, and the way he treats me on a regular basis. I also told him that he will not treat any woman around here that way either.


He acted surprised and his son agreed with me and told his father the same. Then the jerk said he has been under a great deal of stress, and I said there are no excuses whatsoever to be treating the way you have been. So Bill bought me this mini punching bag for my desk. So I have it there and when he comes in I will tell him I am going to put his picture on it.


I thought I was going to have to take Bill to the ER last night. As he was saying that he felt like a heart attack was coming on. The closer we came to going to bed it was getting better and all seems to be OK now. I think all of this stress had caught up with him.


I have been really thinking in a positive way about getting back on track with WW once again. I certainly need to loose 10 pounds as well, and to just get back into the routine once again. The jerk is leaving tomorrow, so my stress levels should really drop with him being away.


It is good that you were able to go out last night and that the good instructor is back doing your classes once again. I would not go to the other instructors classes, then maybe she will get a clear message.


Very cold, so stay warm.




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Oh that's scary thinking Bill might be having a heart attack! Glad he got better, maybe it was just indigestion.


Good you finally got the opportunity to confront the jerk. Figured he'd have an excuse. He doesn't seem to get it that he always treats you like that not just when he is stressed. Glad he is leaving for a while!


I guess the thing about the bad instructor is that she is better than nothing. Some days she is pretty good, but will never be as good as the other one.


Going to try the WW tomorrow, hope its still going on, can't seem to find anything about it on the internet.


Cold today, didn't go anywhere, stayed in and stayed warm!


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Sharon, I agree about it being so very cold. I wish I could just stay inside where it is nice and warm. Good luck today with WW.


Bill is OK, I think it was just the stress of loosing his mother and the way we all found out about it that caught up with him.


So the jerk leaves today from South Bend at 5. Since they are an hour ahead of us then it is 4 hear. Good ridden's and I hope he stays there for 6 months like he is supposed to.


I heard yesterday that Sears and Macys are closing many stores. I still have not heard anything about CVS.


You bring up a good point about the bad instructor. But the way she has been so unlikable in the past is reason to avoid her.




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I heard alot of Sears and Macy's were closing also, that is going to hurt some of the malls without an "anchor" store.


Did you see the shootings in Fort Lauderdale airport, really scary to go anywhere anymore!


I did go to WW, saw several people I knew just from living here so long. They said I had to sign up on line. I came home and started the process, first off every user name I wanted said it was already used, then same thing with the password. Finally got through that, gave my name address etc, said I wanted to pay on PayPal. Went to another screen and it wouldn't let me enter any numbers. So went back said pay by CC, nope couldn't enter any number and saw now my state had changed to Alabama and the zip code was gone, but because it was a number, couldn't enter that either. So gave up! Maybe try again tomorrow.


I only went out that one time this morning, just too cold but thank goodness we are not getting the snow the other states are dealing with.


It's hard losing your mom and then to not even know or be there would cause stress for anyone!



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