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Future Caribbean Princess Brides

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I scheduled a walkthru of the Caribbean Princess for Sat., Aug. 13--Hooray! My mom and two of my bridesmaids will be joining me and I can't wait. I'm so excited to see the ship and the areas for the ceremony firsthand.


If you're getting married on the CB and want pictures of a specific area, please let me know and I'll take some and post them. Selfishly, I think some of you may have ideas for areas of the ship that I haven't considered and I might also get some ideas :) I'll definitely be capturing the spa pool, aft pool, chapel (Although we'll have too many people for this, I think), Skywalkers and Sabatini's. And, whatever staterooms we can get into.


And, if there's any questions you want answered, please send me those too.


Multiple heads is always better than one :)


Happy planning!



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Excellent.. please let me know anything you think might be useful. I was just told that I probably will be able to fit into the chapel. I don't really know what to ask for pictures of as I have never been on a cruise.. but you know I will be on the ship with ya.. so really any news is great. Thanks Traci.


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I'm sooooo glad you're going to tour the ship! It set my mind at ease so much when I did. Before I toured the ship I was concerned with decorations, etc. but after touring the ship I remembered that the sea was the scenery and decoration so it made me feel so much better. You'll get a lot of peace of mind I think from touring the ship. One ceremony location we actually thought about, but never asked TWE about was the library. My understanding is it is very beautiful on some ships and they could move out all the tables and set up the chairs to make an aisle. Anyway, didn't visit the CP library while I was onboard (was having way too much fun to read) so don't know if it's nice on this ship, but thought I'd throw the idea out there. If it's an at sea wedding, I'd try and have it on deck if they'll let you, if it's in port having it inside might be better.


Good Luck and can't wait to hear about your tour!

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When I called they said if it wasn't inside the chapel it would be inside at another location.

Cause that was my thought too. That it would be outside which was causing me panic on dress selection because I didn't want to be too hot..


I am really trying to make things very unstressful.. so I am going to have it where they tell me. :) I don't think I am really too picky anyway..

I am the atypical bride I suppose.

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ok so the more i have thought about it.. i like the idea of it being on the deck.. why did they tell me no matter what it would be indoors? did you make a special request of this?

i also went through and read your review today.. which made me think about more things "to stress" :( but..

how did you know what to ask for.. and what would be taken care of... does that make sense? i need help!! :)

or maybe i dont.. lol

i don't even know

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Well, to be honest I don't know how they decide who gets to have their wedding on deck and who doesn't. I know it's not the norm, but I didn't ask for some special exception, I just asked if we could have it on deck. Now, I will tell you that the first time I asked this they told me no, but I booked my wedding BEFORE the CP was built so they ensured me they were building a chapel that would fit my party and that's where the wedding had to be. 3 months later when the ship hit the water, the chapel was too small so they then offered the deck option. I was all over that since that's what I originally wanted anyway. Now, since I was told no the first time I think you should ask again. Maybe even ask to talk with the Supervisor and ask her if it's possible. I don't know if they go by home much you spend, how big your party is, or what, I just know that different people seem to get different answers on this question.


Basically, what I did was ask for whatever I wanted and then they either said yes or no. I did the research on my own of the restaurants and areas of the ship, so then I asked to have my reception and such in those rooms and was either told I could or couldn't. I figured, it didn't hurt to ask right? For example, all the table decorations I brought onboard, I wouldn't have thought I could do that, but I asked and they said no problem so I went for it. Same with the "welcome bag" delivery. It wasn't listed anywhere in the brochure, but I didn't want to deliver the bags myself so I asked if they could do it for a fee and they did. That is the biggest piece of advice I can give you when working with TWE, if you don't ask they won't offer it up, so you MUST ask. Worst thing they'll say is no, right?


Also, what helped me a lot was making lists. Things would pop into my head randomly, like "will the waiters serve the cake or do I have to do that" and I would write it down and after about 2 weeks of gathering my questions I would call or e mail my coordinator and ask them all at once. If you don't like the answer you get on something, don't hesitate to ask them to check with their supervisor because, remember, they work FOR Princess and their job is to keep brides happy (not sure how well many of them do it or if they see that as their job) and that's the bottom line. I'll be honest, when I first started my wedding process (before I got Alba as my coordinator) I was in tears with the run around and asking 2 different people the same question at TWE and getting 2 different answers! I'm not a sit back and watch it happen kind of person so I wrote a very direct letter to Princess about their contract with TWE and how I didn't feel TWE was fulfilling their contractual obligations (I work in contracts for the Gov't) and the NEXT day I got a call from TWE supervisor who answered ALL my questions and then hooked me up with Alba. From there, it was smooth sailing as Alba was experience, consistent, awesome and actually seemed to care about our wedding. I do think there are other good coordinators now at TWE, but when I was dealing with them in the beginning (1 and a half years ago) there weren't.


OK, I've rambled I hope even a tiny bit of it makes sense or helps. ;) Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions at all or if you think I can help in any way, OK?


PS I second the Wheelhouse, that was our backup location if the weather was terrible. I didn't know at the time the Captain would move the boat around the rain, but we made sure to have a back up plan just in case.



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I'll add the Wheelhouse and library to my list for comparison purposes--I am counting the days until the trip. I just got a great rate for the Marriott ($109), room overlooking Port Everglades.


Jo, hopefully you and I will have the same results since we're sailing together. I asked about outdoors for the wedding ceremony and was told it wouldn't be a problem. I hope to make a more specific location request after the walk-thru. And, I'll be sure to get everythign in writing, and forward to you, so you have it for reference in case they give you trouble. Initially I wanted the chapel, so people could watch us at home, but FI and i aren't religious and now have 35+ people so we wouldn't fit in there anyway.


I like the aft pool where Kadie got married or the area where Lisa (Mental Vacation) was, although I may bring a runner if we're up there. Lots of decisions, but luckily we still have 10+ months to go :)



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Ok thanks for the help.. but see you all seem to have all these great ideas.. and I read them and go oh god.. i didn't even think of that.. and then I wonder do I really need that. I really fooled myself into thinking this was the stress free way to go. And it really isnt so far. I also was looking to budget things down some.. that isnt happening. I thought I could get a wedding dress for about $600. I was wrong on that one.. ( I did find a beautiful dress though and worth every dime)

I have to tell you all the most stressful thing still is my STD mailings.. Still not created and I keep changing my mind on it. I even bought magnets to try and make my own STD magnets.. but then that was like uh.. how are you going to do that silly..


So yeah.. I stopped thinking.. and nothing has been done.

So maybe the stuff you guys think of is important to you.. and maybe since I don't think of it.. I shouldn't. Maybe I should stop reading... argh!! lol


I think I am going with whatever cake they make and just do straight roses for everyone.. It is just easier that way. I don't want to sit and look through catalogs and decide every flower.. ALTHOUGH.. just a little thought.. if I ask my neice. I am thinking of seeing if I can have her carry lilies of the valley ... just a cute small bouquet.

Anyway.. talk about rambling.


TWE did give me a few days of wanting to cancel my cruise and wedding too. I even tried to call Princess to complain but that didn't get me anywhere. I will agree that some are better then others. I just wish there was something that they offered.. like a checklist of things to think of..


I did end up doing OOT bags.. and I am 90% sure I don't want to worry about flying down all sorts of other crap. I guess what is important is my family and friends are there.. so maybe I am stressing over stuff that isnt important..


But crap why are wedding dresses sooo expensive.. It is only a couple of hours.. :(


Ok I think I have rambled and vented way more then I should have.. but thanks..



Any other advice.. please please let me know.



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Jo -- you are absolutely right to focus on what is important to YOU. i went through the same grief. I thought, oh, kadie did programs and decorations on the tables and someone else did these cute little invitations that were like 3.50 a piece (sheesh) and so on.....I decided in the end there were things I wasn't as worried about -- table decorations for example. but kadie and i had somewhat different situations (embarkation day wedding, sea day wedding) and they were beautiful for hers.


I did pick flowers, but the roses were very nice. Maybe just focus on picking color? It will save money and they really are nice. I spent about an hour looking at bouquet ideas on http://www.ultimatewedding.com chat board -- there are threads of all photo ideas for cakes, flowers, color schemes, hairstyles....everything. Makes the searching easy.


I think using a runner in the location I had would have been a GREAT idea. I did like the location. First of all, outside and nice view of the pool, but also it was outside BUT it is under the thingy to skywalkers so it is in the shade. That was significant to me after standing/walking around on deck before the wedding.


If you've read my review of my wedding, you'll know my cake didn't work out quite right......but we got the 'basic' cake in the room and it was very tasty. i would consider that in retrospect. (For the record, we are being given a refund for the cake b/c it was so far from what we asked for, and they have apologized)


In short, take a deep breath and think positive thoughts. The STDs were a huge thing for me too. I sent them out at Christmas, which was probably late for my May wedding, but what are ya gonna do? It worked out in the end. You'll get over the hump. As for this being easier/cheaper -- it wasn't easier for me and I have the benefit of knowing first hand b/c I was married before and did the whole huge church wedding/sit down dinner and dance for hundreds of people and a huge wedding party and all that. This was somehow just as stressful, for different reasons. Planning is just more difficult b/c TWE is the 'middle man' and it takes time to get answers. You can't just call the florist up and say, "Hey, what about a nosegay of lily of the valley? What would that run?" So, that is harder. But you have to trust that they will ensure the details run smoothly once you get there. As far as cost, well, it can creep up. I'd say stick with the basics (flowers, cake, etc) if you aren't really interested in something specific, and spend your splurge money on the areas that ARE important -- for us that was music. We did an acoustic guitarist and then a jazz combo (which wasn't quite what we ended up with, but the guitarist was wonderful and worth every penny!!!!!!)


I hope this helps. What are your colors?

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One of the first things we did was sit down and make a list of the things that were important to us and we stuck with that list during the ENTIRE planning process. This is totally different for everyone. I will tell you, it's easy to get caught up in what other people are doing, but I just kept going back to my list and reminding myself what was important. This will help you stay to your budget as well. For example, I'm with you in that I didn't want to go and pick out each flower, I just wanted roses in the color I wanted and that was it. For our other flowers, I just said, make me an arrangement/bouquet in red roses that costs X and called it a day (it's hard to make flowers look ugly so I trusted them). That said, again, what is important to one bride may not be that important to another and vice versa so stay true to what's important to you (and was from the beginning before you started seeing what everyone else is doing) because that's what is going to make you happy when it comes down to it.


Also, don't beat yourself up too much over the STD's. I think EVERY cruise bride finds this part difficult. LOL There's not "standard" for this type of wedding and it's hard to convey all the info you want to tell your guests on the standard STD format. I fretted over it, then decided to stop and just type up a letter and send it out so my husband and I typed a letter, printed it on pretty paper from office depot and out they went in the mail the next day. It was a BIG relief. LOL


On the dress, I agree with you that it's OUTRAGEOUS what dresses cost. I fell in love with the 2nd dress I tried on and it was 1400 dollars. I hadn't budgeted to spend that much on a dress (and wouldn't to be honest) but after I got back to FL (I tried it on in CA) I couldn't find anything that even came close in comparison. So, I searched on the net for it and the only hit I got was on Ebay for a brand new, with tags exact dress I tried on IN MY SIZE. I figured it was meant to be and went for it (my heart was thumping when that bid closed). I bought my dress, shipping and all for 186.00. I LOVED it! So, moral of the story is there are deals to be had out there!


Well, again, try to keep your focus on what you and your fiance want in your wedding, it helps to make a list. The most important thing for me was for the guests and my hsuband and myself to enjoy the celebration and spend time together so that's what we focused on. Figure out what's most important for you about your day and focus on that. It will help clear out the "noise". :) Hope I didn't cause more confusion!


Good Luck


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I think that is the major problem. I stumbled onto this site while I was looking for help with my Save the Dates. And I started to read... and I am glad I did. I now have really cool OOT bags. And I know the people to try and talk to with TWE.


Other then that.. the rest isn't important to me. I am going to say this and I don't want the pity factor. But I think after my mom passed away all those little details.. did not matter. I became more focused on our families being there. This became the wedding for us rather then everyone else. And you are both right that is the mindset I need to get back to. The cake, the flowers aren't important. The dress, the people, the music, and the time together is what is most important to me.


So can I ask..

Traci I know that you have an itinerary for people to meet up at events and stuff..

I like that idea somewhat..but I also like the idea of people being able to go and do what they want and enjoy themselves.


so let's say I wanted people to meet up the night before to have dinner together.. is there a way that we could all be grouped together?


Ah.. these are probably the questions I should send to the TWE people huh? :)

I might just be catching on.


I am also thinking of changing my wedding time from 330 to the earlier time.. so that there is more of the day to spend with my new hubby.




Thanks again for the support..


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Traci

I thought it would be fun to put a "Just Married" sign on my daughter's balcony if they will let me. I can't tell from the pictures if this is something that can be done. I thought about making a laminated sign & attaching it with zip ties. If you get a chance to see the balconies & if you have time, could you maybe take a look to see if this is something I can do. They are on the Dolphin deck. Have fun checking out the ship, wish that was something we could do to get the feel of everything.


Nancy (MOB)

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Hi, Nancy-


I'm not sure about tying stuff onto the balconies, but I will definitely take a look and pics of any that I see. We have guests booked on the Dolphin balcony, so if I can get into any of the rooms, I take pics. I'm hoping to get pics of each of our guests rooms, or at least the room number and then real pics of those class of rooms. I want to include them in some sort of pre-wedding newsletter or update--I thought it might be fun for the guests :)


If there any other pics you'd like, just let me know.



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It maybe too windy to put a "Just Married" sign up on the inside of their balcony but since they are the last room on the port side not many would see a door sign. Thought it might be fun for them. My daughter & her FI are working on a newsletter to send out also, everyone who is going is so excited to get more info about the cruise. That is a great idea about getting pics to send to everyone.

Nancy (MOB)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, ladies-



My ship tour is almost here! My tour of the Caribbean Princess is this Sat., and I plan on taking tons of pics. Nancy, I'll take pics of the balconies on the Dolphin deck for you, just in case you decide to make the sign.


I'm also going to try and check out the local hotels and take some pics.


Let me know if you have any other pic requests. I'll post a link on this site.



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Just thought I would add my new wife, Sue, and my thanks to Princess for a fantastic wedding on Caribbean Princess, 24th July 2005.

It was just the two of us in the Wedding Chapel, the Captain in charge was Alan Wilson and the Princess coordinator was Natasha. The Captain and Natasha were great, really helpful and very friendly.

Also, I would have to rate the photorapher, Jen, as a Godsend.

We had about 60 photgraphs to choose from, finally settling on 30 for our album and a giant canvas print which we have just received.

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Traci ~ Good luck on your ship tour. I know you will have a great time. Take tons of pictures. I miss that ship already, wish I were going with you. Amerisuites off 17th street is a really nice hotel. We stayed there pre-cruise and had a great time. We also used the complimentary shuttle service. Not bad at all. The hotel is close to shops and restaurants for last minute items.


IanB ~ Congrats on your wedding!! It is so good to hear you had a great time. I got married on July 4, 2005. Alan Wilson was our captain and Natasha was also our co-ordinator. They are indeed wonderful. All the best in your journey to come.



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