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Roll Call 9/23/2006


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We are also going on the Disney Cruise on 23rd September 2006. There is about 20 of us in our group, but it will be our first cruise, we are also getting married onboard. Can't wait should be great fun. Has anyone been on any good excursions that they could recommend?

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We are also going on the Disney Cruise on 23rd September 2006. There is about 20 of us in our group, but it will be our first cruise, we are also getting married onboard. Can't wait should be great fun. Has anyone been on any good excursions that they could recommend?

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WELCOME Pooh Bear and family and friends.

WOW getting married that is AWESOME!!!!!!



I am so glad you joined our thread. I hope you will keep posting with us so we can all get aquainted here. I have done the western before but we didn't do a lot of exursions. At Key West we just roamed around on our own. we saw the southern most point, the ship wreck museum, lots of stores too. We rode a trolley around too. This time we will do a couple more museums and the pirate museum too. We thought about the walking tour there, plus I found a scavenger hunt there that takes avout 2 hours to do which I am thinking about doing. WE stopped at costa maya and did the ruins tour, it was awesome!! But the ship now stops at Cozumel and I have never been there, so I cant comment on it, but Lisa has been there so maybe she will post and help you with that port. Grand Caymen we did the city tour which stopped at the governors house, but you only looked at it from a distance, then we stopped at Hell to see the rock formations which was really unique. Then we stopped at the turtle farm which was ok, bu tit is very small, they were just building it. It may be larger by now. Plus we stopped at a rum cake factory and gift shop. It was so tiny we saw one tiny window, looked in and saw 2 people mixing batter and pouring into a few`little pans. it was 1/2 the size of my kitchen. they will give you a free sample while you are there. So it wasnt really impressive, but I did enjoy the basic tour because we got to see quite a bit of the island. But to me it looked just like home (Florida) instead of a tropical island. The buildings were just too modern for me, It lost the small island tropical appeal that I enjoy so much. Just my opinion, so dont let it discourage you!! Our family did a snorkeling tour that was awesome!!! Key west was alot of fun too!! Castaway Cay is always great !!!!! Our favorite stop on any DCL cruise. Most excursions are water related and I dont swim, so I cant really give you a good opinion of things.

I am trying to organize a cruise board meet for all of us including a few people from another board on the first day in the promenade lounge at 3 p.m. I hope that you and your entire group will come and say howdy!! It is so much fun to have a face to put to the names on the boards. You will be surprised how many times we will run into each other over the course of the week. It is fun to have someone to say Hi to and to hear what awesome things they have done each day.

Please tell me where are you folks from??

What is your first name too. I dont want to keep calling you Pooh bear for the next few months. My name is Kathy. We have done 11 DCL cruises so far, this will be #12 for us. we have cruised with ages 18 months to 51 years of age, so we have used most sections of the ship. If you have any questions about the events on board I can probably answer any questions you may have. I would be happy to help if I can.

well I've rattled on enough for now, i am looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Be sure and invite others in your party to jon us here too and to come to the cruise meet!! I will send out a reminder about the meet when it gets closer to the cruise too.



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Hi Kathy,


My name is Lynsey and majority of us coming on the Cruise are from the UK and a few are actually from Florida. Thank you for the information on the excursions I am sure it will come in handy when were are deciding what to do. As I said before this is our first cruise and we are really looking forward and just counting down the days. If you can think of anything that may be of use to us please let me know.



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Hi Lynsey,

boy you have quite a trip ahea dof you. I have met others from the UK on past cruises and I am still in touch with a couple of them. Has anyone ordered the free DVD that DCL offers on it's web site?? It has alot of information. I know they dont mail it to some countries, but you could always ask those who are in Florida to order it and then send it on to you after they have seen it. I guess DCL says it wont play on your DVD players however people from the UK have written and said the DO play but they still wont mail them to the UK.

One thing you can do and you wont find it written down anywhere is to buy a couple of pillowcases, preferably white ones. wash and iron them, then put them in a ziplock baggie with some sharpies (waterproof pens) and a card with your name and room number on it. Take this the FIRST day and leave at guest services desk and ask for it to be autographed by the characters. It will be returned to your room late the last night all signed. So you have a free peronalized souvenir. You could probably have your wedding date put on them before hand to make them extra special. Every room can do this, so tell your friends and family too. free souvenirs for everyone. Some people send a picture frame instead of pillowcases, but I have only done the pillowcases. They really came out nice. I will send you a few more ideas next time I write . If you want. There are lots of tips I can share with you that you wont find in any travel guide.



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Hi Kathy,


We were talking about the DVD yesterday and thought about getting it sent to Florida and them sending it on, we might do it. Thank you for the idea about the pillow case we have a one year old son and that would be fantastic, my 6 year old niece is going, I am sure she would enjoy that one too. Any more top tips would be greatfully received. Speak to you again soon.



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Another thing you might like to do is at guest services you can ask for a hidden mickey scavenger list. This tells you about areas of the ship where the hidden Mickey's are. Your 6 year old niece would probably enjoy walking around the ship looking for the hidden Mickeys. Adults enjoy this too. You would miss most of the Mickeys if you hadnt read about them.

Also if you book Palos for one evening, make it day 4, 5, 6 no sooner unless you do brunch. Because it is best to experience all 3 of the restaurants at the beginning of the cruise. Each place has something special that goes on the first time you are there, so the first 3 days. After that when you start repeating the restaurants they dont have special events again. Plus you dont want to miss pirate night. Pirate night EVERYONE is invited to dress as a pirate, starting at dinner and stay that way throughout the evening until after the pirate party. So be on the look out for pirate attire. You'll be surprised at how many adults dress up as pirates. Kids too of course. The alternate dress for dinner that evening is tropical in case you dont want to dress as a pirate. I dress up as a lady pirate. I went to thrift stores and close out sales and got everything for about $30. Including boots. Lots of people just take capri's or something like that and cut the edges ragged, maybe a couple of holes in them or patches on them. white ruffled shirts (men and women) vests are popular. Mine is also uneven jagged edges and a layered tan skirt that is uneven edges all over each layer. Lots of people buy along length of material, black or stripes and sew it into a long sash to tie around their waist, that really adds a nice touch. The free pirate bandanas are great to wear too that you get at dinner. Lots of fun to be had on board!!

Are you getting marrie don the ship or at CC?? we have seen several weddings on the beach on CC. We just saw one earlier this month on CC on a 3 day cruise. It was so cool!!! We saw the wedding cake as it was being finished on a galley tour too. It was so cute with a mickey and minnie bride and groom on the top.

well I'll tell you more later. I am happy to hear you have thought about the DVD, it is really good. I just sent one a couple of weeks ago to a lady in Scottland.

Take care,


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Hi Kathy,


We are getting married on the ship, I didn't want to miss anything on the island, but am sure the ship will be just as nice. We have heard about the Pirate night and Palos, we will have to try and get some dressing up clothes from over here.



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Howdy Lynsey, and Lisa and Ryan,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Today is back to reality and work for everyone.

We are still having lots of brush fires here, blocking the main routes to the port. Luckily there arnt any ship leaving today. It is very akward getting to the port with all the detours. It can take a lot longer to get there.



I have heard the ship has a beautiful chapel for weddings, although I have never seen it myself. Are you going to wear the Mickey bride and groom ears??? I always think they are so cute!!! My husband would never of wore them, but I would of. Guess I dont embarass as easily as he does or maybe it's just a girl thing.

I am glad you knew about the DVD. You'd be amazed how many people do not know about it. We get a new one every year, just to see if there are any changes since the last year.

On CC if you go to serenity beach(adult beach) they do have a small BBQ lunch there, but it doesnt have nearly as many choices of food as Cookes BBQ by the family beach. We got caught on that once and thought it seemed like a small selection from what we had heard ( our first cruise) but we ate anyway, it was good, but then when we got back to the other side of the island we noticed people eating all kinds od great stuff that wasnt offered at the adult beach. So we had to eat some more to check it out! Ha! Ha!

If you like scrumptous desserts, dont miss the dessert gala. It is always very late at night, 11 to midnight usually. They have awesome desserts there, even some sugar free desserts. Last time they had a huge chocolate fountain at the back of the room with lots of dippers for it. It was really awesome to see. Outside the clubs each night they set out snacks too, Usually 11 to 11:30 is when they set it out. It only stays out for about 30 minutes, so get there right on time or you will miss out. The least crowded one is by the Promenade lounge. Most of the music is in the other clubs at night, but dont miss the duo in the Promenade lounge too. It should be Don and Tommie on this cruise. They are excellant and they will do a requests, if they know it. especially if you told them you just got married or were about to get married on the ship. hey play twic ein the evening around dinner times. Lots of people sit there and listen to music while waiting to go to dinner. Plus they have a late night set too and usually at least once around the adult pool late at night, usually after the pirate party. They do a variety of music, from, jimmy buffet to old time rock n roll, bob seiger, Mariah carey and so much more. They are very nice people, we have spoke to them many times over the last couple of years. Husband and wife team from tennessee. So if you want a special song, ask if they know it or not, if they do, they will sing it.

time to run,

have a great day everyone,


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I hope everyone had a great week.


It is June already, time is flying by. It wont be long now til we cruise.


Not much happening around here right now. It is HOT and humid here.


We may go to see the new X-men movie this weekend.


Anybody got any plans this weekend?



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Lisa, Ryan ans Lynsey,

I have good news and sad news.

Good news is my oldest daughter and her family are coming for a visit this August for a month, Her hubby will only stay a week due to work. greg and i thought it would be fun to take them on a cruise and surprise the grandkids. He worked out all the details with our daughter and we are scheduled for August 5th eastern whch will be great to surprise the grandkids with.

SAD new is Greg doesnt have enough vacation time to do the August cruise, september and november cruise too. So we wont be coming along with you in september, instead we will be cruising with family in august!

I am really torn between the two cruises. HAPPY, SAD!!

But I want to wish you all an awesome cruise!! I will be looking for a trip report from each one of you when you return from your cruise. I have another thread going for this cruise on the disboards. Feel free to jump over there and post. You will get to know a few great families there and that shold be fun too. I am more than happy to answer any questions you guys may have, so dont be afraid to ask. I will still be notified when you guys post something here. Yoi know me I am all over these boards everyday and would love to still keep in touch with you guys. If there are any new tips when we go in august I will post when we return and let you know.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kathy!


Darn that limited vacation time anyways!! I know all too well what that is like!


I was just coming to post that my DH found a long-term contract job that should take us comfortably through the end of the year and beyond and our cruise is officially "ON". He even got approval for the time off he'll need to go on the trip. (We're going to the World for 2 days BEFORE and 3 days AFTER the cruise so I was sweating out whether he could get that much time off so soon after starting there. WHEW! Because he's on contract he won't get paid for those days but at least we still get to go!!!)


So, I understand the Happy/Sad thing....I'm happy we're officially going (will make our final payment next week) but I'm sad we won't be meeting you. You can definitely count on a trip report from us when we get back. I'll even post a link to our flikr account so you can look at pictures when the time comes. Of course, I'll REALLY be looking forward to your report of your August trip since it will be right before ours!


If I have my way, we'll be doing many more Disney Cruises over the years so we're bound to be on one ship or the other at the same time, right?


Have fun planning your family fun!!!


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Hi Lisa,

we have an excellant chance of meeting sometime on board. we have 4 cruises booked right now through the end of 07.

also if all is well while you are at disney maybe I could zip over and say howdy, if your there on a saturday or sunday. I have met many people there from cruise boards. I just met one lady 2 weeks ago from cruise critics. she was so nice. we visited about 10 minutes then I dashed off so they could do their vacation time without interference. Just something to think about, we can talk later if it seem doable when the time gets closer.

i am so happy you are going for sure!!!! That is awesome news!!!!


I will keep in touch from time to time,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys! This is Memickee - I haven't been back to this site since I began this thread in January.


APB513 - I am a single parent on this cruise as well. It'll just be me and my 12 y/o daughter.



We should all meet sometime during the cruise!!! What do you guys think?



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