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Monday - Most everyone is off.....but not me!:mad: But, I'm having lunch with a friend that is a Teacher, and so we grab lunches together when she's off. Where we are eating - lot's of sandwich/burger options...so I've already set my order in mind...Burger #1 no bun, ice tea and they can throw a few extra greens on there and hold the fries. I might not even look at the menu...not to be tempted! yeah..I'm an easy push over in this place! yikes! Got my walk in this morning on the treadmill - but headed to the movies for a matinee with DD this afternoon. Maybe I can get her to go for a walk this afternoon - it's supposed to be in the high 50's!

Patti - Great job on the omelet and swapping the tea for water! Looking forward to hearing about your weigh in!

Annie - Awww another Sadie! And another Rescue! We went to Petco for some of her favorite treats ( who am I kidding...she'll eat anything! LOL) and there was a mobil adoption van there...cool dogs...but since Sadie is twice the size we thought she'd end up being.:eek:..we kinda have 2 dogs anyway! Ha... Can you post a pic of your new 'Trainer'? Remember...a tired dog...is a good dog! Wear that puppy out! LOL! We went and saw the movie Hotel for Dogs....movie was ok...but I loved sitting there listening to the kids laugh & awwww and clap at the end!!! :D Did have a few handfuls of popcorn....did I mention I'm a push over...and a great sense of smell for hot fresh popcorn!! :o

Ok...be good kiddos! See ya's later!

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Hi all!


My stix are pink, and although last week I only lost a pound, my body fat % went down, so I actually lost 2.75 pounds of fat!


Thanks for saying, hi, Jean!


Annie, good to see you, girl!


You too, Patti!


Good to see all of you making it happen.


Someday I can post a picture of my babies...the furry ones, that is!

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Hi all

Glad to see so many low carbers here. Went to Olive Garden today. Very proud-I ate salad and grilled chicken and vegies. I am really trying now mostly by your encouragement and good modeling of your WOE.



What is your fav. low carb food???


I'll start-steak with blue cheese sprinkled on top. Yum! Also love SFS pizza made with a huge protabello mushroom and chopped tomatoes, pepperoni and cheese melted on top.:D


Take care all and keep up the great, great eating and exercising!!!!


P.S. I have 30 pounds to lose-after getting off on the cruise back on track now


How do you post pics here????

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Well, I weighed in this morning and only lost one pound. I was really discouraged because I did not cheat at all the entire week. Then I started thinking and checked the calendar and I am due for my TOM the end of this week. That probably explains it...I hope. But it really is disheartening. Scales are evil!!!


I am taking my dog, Molly, and will be spending a few days with my aunt this week. She doesn't agree with Atkins, and when I was talking to her this morning she was going on and on about just eating everything in moderation, portion control, using a smaller plate, yada yada yada. "You're doing that diet again?!" I guess it will be a fun three days!


Saturday is our 17th anniversary, which means dinner out at a nice restaurant. Luckily, my DH is a steak man so it will be easy to stay on plan...maybe...what about the wine and the dessert he's going to want to share??? When you are celebrating a special occasion do you stay on plan or would you have one glass of wine and three bites of dessert? Is it really worth it?


Hope everyone has a good low carb week.



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Ok Patti, one glass of wine and 3 small bites is the ticket! Your WOE is one thing, but, an anniversary dinner is another:D Is it worth it? That is a matter of opinion. I would say yes, but, that's just me:o Congrats on the anniversary either way.


Jean- I will try to get some pics this week, my oldest borrowed my camera last fall and I haven't seen it since:rolleyes: Sadie was sitting in front of the fireplace yesterday and she looked so cute, I tried to get a pic with my camera phone, but, she caught on to me and tried to lick the phone:p


Lisa- How you doin girl? Are you guys still in Cordova? Do y'all have any cruises planned? We are not cruising this year:( We are updating the kitchen instead. My stepson and his wife want us to cruise with them next year, so we will be planning soon, Feb 2010 I think.


I am off to bed now and ready for my low carb Tuesday, wish me luck.


Buy for now,


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Morning Everyone!


Hi Kay! Favorite Low Carb Foods? hmmm....Well, like I've said before..I'm a flavor girl...so I'd have to say ribs - fajitas, spicy taco meat, chicken or beef- and brisket! I told this to Miss Cerabella a few posts down on posting pictures:

What has worked for me (mostly because I couldn't get the other systems to work ) Is...I downloaded Picasa...it's a great, free and easy to use tool,... got a Shutterfly account because I knew I wanted to do a Photo Book, and now after I unload my pictures into Picasa - make any touch ups that I want. Open Shutterfly, upload my pics......then when I click on a picture that I want to put on CC...I just copy and then paste the picture on the thread. It seems to be the easiest way for me to post pics. Shutterfly is free - Picasa is free - I love the free stuff! :p


Speaking of Cerabella - Hey Girl...where are ya? Did you make it to town? Growing up - in farm country in Colorado - yup we did a 20 mi trip one way to town and our mail box was 1 mile away from our house! I remember those days of long commutes into town!


* This is my take on special occasions...just me.... Hello! It's a Special Occasion!! HA!! :p So that means that if you get a good exercise time in - watch what you eat for Breakfast & Lunch - I think you'd be surprised if you had 1 glass of wine & split a dessert, choose wisely for your meal (pass on the bread basket) ..And if you are dancers...do a bunch of that too! ;). You might not see a loss for that day....but I bet you wouldn't see a gain - BUT! next morning...get a good work out...drink water and exercise...and I think you'd be back on track! This works for me...


This is why I keep on standing up on the wooden crate with my mega phone and keep saying...if it's just a meal...the next MEAL is coming and you CAN get back on track - if you choose to...it's your Choice and your Fork! :D:p


Happy Anniversary Patti!!And Congrats on the one pound - they add up, even if it's one by one! :D


Hey Lisa Girl! -- Good to see your smiling - pink stick- self back around this thread! Good job on the 2.75! That's great! What are you doing these days for WOEX?

Annie - yeah...those dogs are so funny about cameras...mine isn't to excited about the flash...so she prefers the no flash pictures if possible! ha! Nothing tests a marriage like a redo on a kitchen! We did ours 2 years ago....love it, love it...but we had a few executive meetings for sure! It came down to this...I could pick out what ever I wanted - But - If I asked DH for his opinion, idea's, likes or dislikes and it's different then what my plan was...we had to change it to what he wanted! So....needless to say.... I didn't ask him to much! LOL!! We moved 2 walls and the kitchen was just phase 1 - the day after New Years we gutted and re did the bathrooms too! Share what your plan is for your redo!!


Didn't get up to walk...but I'm going to walk over to the plant today (3 mi round trip) and Sadie is expecting a hike out on the mesa later today too ......it's so nice out!

Ok...Keep it Low Carb out there today! And Less is More!!!



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Wow!! Low carbers from the past, present, & future!!:p


Yay! I did finally go & get groceries Sat. eve...didn't realize since it is a small university town that the college kids must have had the same idea...it was 'buggy bumper cars', well, not really, but it did seem to take longer, & then I had to go & get my triple grande breve latte xtra hot afterwards...it was either that or a gynormous margarita, then who would have driven me home & put up my groceries?!?:D


Thanks so much for the pic advice, Jean...I am making progress. Since I have the slowest dial-up in the world, I am just chipping away in bits & pieces..have Picasa, have some of my photos uploaded to my web album...now just need to post something...maybe something yummy & low carb!! Stay tuned, but don't hold your breath, or anything!!hehehe


Thanks all for so much good advice, food ideas, eating out ideas, etc...very encouraging to see others making progress, even if we have our occasional slip ups, we can learn from those too!;)


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Ok! We are mid-week - How's everyone doing? Hanging in there? C'mon...we can do this!

Did good hike yesterday and even got up this morning and did 20 min on treadmill and extra time on the BBB... Big Blue Ball! ;) Anyone else have one of these...and use it...yeah...ya gotta use it or it just takes up space!:p

Breakfast was 3 left over ribs with 1/2 cup of green beans from Texas Roadhouse, from Monday nights dinner. I wonder if my tummy can tell that it's green beans for breakfast instead of Rice Krispies?....hehe :p Any way...energy is up - water is going down - I'm sure I'll be ready to crash at 9pm tonight! LOL!

Your Choices...Your Fork!

and Less is More! :D


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Hey everyone! I'm new to this board, and glad to see an Atkins-friendly group here. I recommitted to a low-carb lifestyle last month and am already down 15 pounds. This week has been good one for me, and I'm really working to get another 15 or so pounds off before we cruise in March. I have done this before, and lost over 80 pounds, but then fell off of the wagon and gained it back (post hysterectomy, etc). I'm losing again, and am determined that I will NOT gain it back again.


I look forward to getting to know you all, looks like a few regulars on here. Take care!

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Hey Jifner! I have been comin' and goin' for a while now, but, I know that low carb is the way to go, at least for me anyway. My doctor for the past 29 yrs has been saying for years now that we should eat what God put here for us and that ain't McDonalds and Baskin Robbins:eek: Unfortunatly, we tend to go back to the habits we grew up with:p

Oh well, here's to another day!

Welcome and good luck!


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Hello & welcome Jennifer...see I was right about future ones!!:D

Wow, 15 lbs is really, really great! Sounds like 15 more is certainly do-able by your cruise in March!! Way to go!! A fellow East Texas Cruiser ~ yay!!


I know he first time I did Atkins 10 or so years ago, the lbs just melted off weekly...I would actually feel like crying every weigh in, I was so amazed...now, although I have gained a few back, it is like pulling teeth to get the scales to move even a little, but I hang in there, I feel so much better eating this way, losing or maintaining...I guess my metabolism is different now, I feel the old thyroid may need checking too...so many issues as we get somewhat older, sigh...


B ~yummy three slices bacon, two eggs over easy

L~ salad w/ leaf & head lettuce, some alfalfa sprouts, small tomato, crumpled bacon from breakfast, sprinkle of shredded cheese, & Kens ranch dressing

S~pork chops, mule deer backstrap, SFSs mockmash, more salad

Snack~two small squares Lindt 85% bars, homemade heavy cream latte


Hope all did well ~ oh yeah, I forgot my two glasses of wine w/ dinner...darn, I was wondering why that all looked so healthy, & I was still so full...:o so much for that!:rolleyes:


BTW Jean, I sure hope your tummy knows the difference between green beans & that other unmentionable thing!!hehehe & it is definitely happier, am I right, or am I right!!:D


Hang in there everyone...

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Hey Gals...ok guys may be lurking..but not posting... so I'm going to list my greeting in the female gender hellos! ha!

So - Everyone that is glad it's Friday raise your hand...very Good! Me too!

Everyone that has stayed on track - for the most part - raise your hand! Me too! Everyone that is going to be good this weekend, raise your hand...oh! C'mon you guys! he he he.... I didn't post yesterday so I guess I'm just going wild! :p

I got this exercise with your dog email today...and I thought it was really good...and so you guys get it too...: :D

Learn From Your Dog


Dogs think exercise is fun. Dogs do not use the snooze alarm to give them "just 5 more minutes" before they get up out of bed and out the door. They do not have a little voice speaking to them from within and saying things like, "You exercised yesterday – today you need a break," or "You can go later when you're not so busy," or "It looks like rain – better wait."


All dogs require exercise – even the small breeds. Some dogs are bred for work or sport and demand vigorous exercise. But your dog needs a buddy, too. If left alone or confined to a fenced yard, he will not exercise either. And an unexercised dog is an unhappy dog, an unfit dog and very often a badly behaved dog.


Benefits of Exercise


Exercise has many benefits, the most obvious being that it keeps your body toned and healthy, gives you energy, and makes you feel better. For all the same reasons, your dog needs to get up and get moving, too. Here are some other benefits that you shouldn't overlook:


People with regular physical activity are not only more successful in losing excess weight; they are usually more successful at keeping that weight off.



It is believed that 30 minutes or more of low-intensity exercise could burn more calories and body fat than brief high-intensity exercise – up to 240 calories an hour. Furthermore, breaking up exercise sessions into shorter bouts, perhaps 10 minutes four times a day, can foster as much or even more weight loss as exercising 40 minutes at a time.


Studies show that vigorous exercise acts as a temporary appetite suppressant.

Exercise changes the way the body processes food. Ideally, food should be used as energy rather than being stored in the body as fat. However, sedentary people tend to store as fat instead of using it for energy.


Exercise increases your metabolic rate both during and up to 48 hours after exercising. Muscle tissue is far more active than fat tissue and even when a person's muscles are at rest, they are actively consuming energy. A person's metabolism speeds up in order to provide muscle tissue with this energy.


Exercise also preserves muscle tissue – the only place where calories are "burned." A greater percentage of muscle vs. fat increases the number of calories you use daily. To lose body fat effectively, you must become a calorie consuming, fat burning, exercise machine.


Exercise reduces stress and boredom for you and your dog. Insufficient exercise as well as not enough of your attention can contribute to problem behaviors including chewing, digging, garbage raiding, hyperactivity, unruliness, excitability, attention-getting behaviors, and even some forms of barking. Everyone needs a change in scenery and this is true for both you and your dog. Getting some quality outdoor time can benefit both of you.


Hit the Road


Fitness walking is different from your ordinary stroll, so you should work into it gradually. You will obtain benefits by walking at a 15- to 20-minute mile, but if you haven't been exercising regularly, you may not be able to move that fast right away. Even if you take 35 minutes to walk that mile, you will improve with time – and you'll still reap the benefits.


If your dog hasn't exercised regularly in the past, he will need to ease into a regular fitness program, too. Have your veterinarian check his physical condition, then keep your eye on him as you exercise; rapid breathing, bright red gums, and lagging behind may be indications that he is fatigued.


Most walking programs suggest the following method:


Start with short walks and gradually work into longer exercise sessions. Again, four 10-minute sessions is just as beneficial as one 40-minute stretch.

Start out slowly and work up to a brisker pace. Keep your steps short and fast. The faster you move, the better your cardiovascular workout; however, don't walk faster than your comfort level allows. You should be able to carry on a conversation without getting out of breath. Maintain an even stride and a steady pace.


Stand up straight and look ahead. Keep your shoulders back and relaxed, chest lifted and tailbone pointing toward the ground. Keep your dog close at your side. Swing your arms naturally at your sides for balance and movement.


Your heel should be the first part of your foot to touch the ground. Then roll through the ball of your foot and push off with your toes. This motion reduces shin splints and tendon pulls.


What is your Way Of Exercising???? Get some in

Jifner - Welcome to the boards...you've got a plan...post here and tell us how your doing and Oh Boy a Cruise in March!!


Annie - Hey Girl! Your really doing a good job with de-programming on the Old Annie eating style and the New Annie eating style!


Cerabella - Funny how your DOD with dinner slipped the list...I forget to add what did I drink too...unless I spill it all over my dinner plate! LOL!


So..last night I had 2 nice steaks to put on the grill for dinner with some salad and veggies... but decided...what a nice time it would be to clean it up some - ok! It's been awhile!-- and I broke it!:o only 1 of the burners light up now! Arrgh!:mad: I didn't have any leftovers, nothing quick out of the freezer, nothing in the crock pot, we were going to have steaks! So what's a girl to do? Get in the car and go to Chili's down the street!


What's everyone doing this weekend?

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I forgot to do some editing before posting!
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Yea!!! It's Saturday...just had a yummy omelet for breakfast and hot tea! Going to walk the ol'treadmill and then do Saturday stuff. Not to exciting...but, our Adult class at church is going to a homeless shelter in downtown Albuquerque to help serve dinner tonight - they always need the help, then we will all have a late dinner together. Tomorrow is my turn to bring a snack for coffee and tea fellowship time - I'm making some different creamcheeses - one with green chili, and one with finely chopped veggies and one more I'm not sure about - and then I have a big bag of toasted bagel bites unopened - left over from the baby shower. :)

Okey dokey!

Keep it low carb out there - Your Fork - Your Choice!

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Sorry about those steaks Jean:( I know you had your mouth all ready for them, good thing Chili's is close by. I'll bet you had the wings,huh?

Chili's is just about the only resturant we have close by too. We do have a couple of independently owned resturants, but, Chili's is the only big chain place in town. I got a deal on some ribeye steaks at Kroger last night $5.99 lb! I bought the only family size package they had (I will go back today for another) I hope to have DH grill some next week.

Tonight I am attending a surprise b-day party for a friend who is turning 60. I plan on a steak and salad.......Ok, and a glass of wine:p (Cerebella you know what I am talking about;))

I didn't weigh this week (TOM) so I will weigh on Monday and report back.


Jean- thanks for the doggy exercise analogy. We need to get Miss Sadie out when the weather gets a little warmer.


Have a good week-end y'all.

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I just wanted to check in. Life has been crazy lately as usual. Last weekend we had a party for my mothers 60th birthday. My grandmother put fingernail polish remover in her eyes!! :eek: Luckily the nurses at the assisted living facility did the right things and she did not have any lasting effects. When my aunt picked her up from the hospital they told her that they just checked her out because the nurses had done everything they needed to do. That is so good to hear. The assisted living facility that she lives at is very expensive, $200 per day but it is worth it if they take such good care of her.


I have got to get back on track and get back on induction. I have gained back 15 of the 35 pounds that I lost. Between school, work and home I have been very busy but I am determined that this time when I go back on induction that I will be sure to incorporate exercise as well. Time to get serious again.


Keith is turning 50 on February 9th so I am busy planning a party for him as well. We have a good friend that has an enclosed barn and he said that we could have it there but I am a little nervous about that. We have had some very cold weather lately and knowing my luck it will be one of those nights that it gets down into the single digits. I decided to downsize the party a little and have it at home. Now all I have to do is figure out a menu for the 20-30 people that I am expecting. Whew, if they all show up my house will be busting at the seams! You only turn 50 once!! :cool: Luckily I have 12 more years before I am over the hill!! :p LOL!!!


I have been very productive this weekend. I actually completed and submitted homework that is not due until next friday!! Laundry and cleaning kept me pretty busy today but the house is looking pretty good. A womans work is never done.


Have a great week everyone and I will be joing you again real soon!!

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This morning I proceeded to get on my scales& they were UP??!! AAACCCKK!!! Anyhoo, I checked them, (yeah, they are the old fashioned kind...) & they were not set to ZERO...:(

Sooo, I proceeded to get out my 10lb weights & set them for accuracy...take off all non essential clothing items....:o...(in layman's terms ~ nekkid) & guess what??? Neither lost nor gained...whew!! ( Yes, it probably had something to do with red, red wine or some other non essential non Atkins thingy that inadvertantly slipped unnoticed into my wide open as a baby bird mouth.....) But, IMHO, nothing gained is better than something gained weight wise...I know y'all feel my pain, hehehe (right Annie?, what is it with the lure of some totally non-essential alcoholic drink that just calls & calls out your name until you say 'OK, whateva...')


OK, that is my sad tale from a long weekend, which, BTW, DH has been sick, sick, sick with whatever is going around... congestion, coughing, a touch of ummm, diahrrea, etc for going on some six or seven weeks...YIKES:eek: So far, so good with me...washy, washy, washy the hands, wipe everything down...hope for the best...


Good to hear from some over the weekend, normally quiet as a mouse here...Donna, hope your celebreation doesn't throw a monkey wrench in your WOE...try to have a variety of 'safe' foods for you, otherwise, it can be one of those things that can really set you back...moderation in celebration:D (maybe that smilie should have been a :rolleyes:...)


We all could take a hint from Jean, who prepares so well for social events...yay on the variety of cream cheese!!


I made the Peanut Butter Fudge again this weekend...I keep modifying it to suit my taste...this time as follows: 1stick butter, 1c peanut butter, 8oz cream cheese, 1 1/2 c Splenda, 1 tsp vanilla....


Monday, Monday, hope all vow to have a nice, low~carb week with a good amount of exercise!;)


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I weighed in this morning and am back up to where I started. This has been the must frustrating induction I've ever experienced. I've always lost about 8 - 10 lbs. during my first two weeks of induction. This time around I lost one pound the first week, and gained it back the second week.


My DH and I went out to dinner Saturday night to celebrate our anniversary...and I was a bad girl!!! I had a cosmopolitan and white wine with dinner. Then I shared a crabcake appetizer with my DH, had french onion soup (didn't eat the bread in it & only a few onions), shared a caesar salad with DH, and had a petite filet mignon (brought 1/3 home) and asparagus. For dessert (yikes!) we shared a piece of flourless chocolate torte and I had decaf coffee. Thankfully anniversaries only come once a year. I was back on induction Sunday morning, so at least I didn't get into the downward spiral that usually happens to me when I cheat.


Also, my TOM is late and I feel bloated and miserable. I hate this periomenopause stuff! Maybe I'll drop a pound or two once it starts....hopefully!


My DH did Nutrisystem many years ago and was very successful with it, and he mentioned to me the other night that maybe I should give it a try. He hates to see me struggling to get this weight off. I checked out their website last night and it is expensive - $300 per month plus you have to supplement with dairy, vegetables, and fruit. The food is controlled portions and "balanced" by their standards which means good carbs (low glycemic), but it is also low fat and moderate protein. Has anyone here done Nutrisystem? Any advice?


I am now torn as to whether I should give it a try or stay with Atkins. HELP!!!



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Hey Everyone! Happy Monday...well,... unless your weighing in! :mad::p

Yeah... I'm same same....no loss - no gain....which is confusing to me...because I could've sworn the Atkins whoooosh...hit me on Friday! :confused: And my pants are getting kinda baggy again....?? Well...maybe it's the Monday morning blues...I'm weighing in tomorrow again.... LOL!

I'm thinking of playing with the numbers on the scale like Cerabella does.... but it's digital...LOL! jk you Girl! :D

Annie - I got home and my DH said to try the grill...and I did...and whoosh everything lit up and had a great flame! I asked how he fixed it and he said he used a bigger hammer...hit it a couple of times...and whoosh the flames came up!!! HA!!! Those steaks were yummy on Fri night! How'd the party go? You had a great plan going in!

Donna - Hey...so good to 'see' you again! A fun 50 party..!! Soo Great! You know what ... I posted earlier that I was turning 52 next month... NOT !! I'm turning 51...because I just turn 50 last year!! It's pretty bad when you can't even remember how old ya are!!:eek: he he!! My Mom is in assisted living place too...she is still doing really well....but they also are so good to her! She works 1 morning a week for 2 hours in their little Country Store. She loves it! Isn't it such a peace of mind knowing that there really are places where the staff care about their patients? So glad your Grandma is ok! And Homework a week early .... oh yeah! You Go with your Smart self!!

Cerabella... Now stop playing with that scale....oh yeah ... you were fixing it! JK!! Yeah we had to replace our scale awhile back....what trauma! I was down lower on it then the digital....then DH threw the old one away...so I had to make friends with the digital one! UGh...which took a good MONTH! Sorry to hear about DH....there's some yuckky stuff floating around...don't catch it!

The treats went over really well.....I just have some of the bagel pieces left! Of course around here the green chili, garlic salt, and cream cheese one disappeared pretty quick! .....and please pass a piece of that fudge on down here.... my scale didn't move either!

Hi Patti... Congrats again on the Anniversary! It sounds like you had a lovely dinner time with the Hubby! Nice! I've never done Nutrisystems...can't say. But! Just from what I've read/heard (experts can jump in here any ol' time!) As we get older...ugh....women, we start the menopause stuff and we say " it was easy to drop 10, 20, 30 back in....." (well for some anyway), but I have noticed in just these last couple of years...it doesn't come off as easy anymore!! And if I think just eating right is going to do it...wrong...I have to exercise or it's just going to sit there! What are you doing Cardio? How Long, How Often? I don't think I know what Cardio Curves offers...or is it included with the work out? As an employee...can you do the workout as many times as you want too?

If you do some reading on the Menopause thread...I lurk there :p..... all of them say it takes a Lot More discipline and exercise then when they were younger - - no matter What the WOE is. That thread talks a lot about the season of life they/we are in... and they all diet differently, but share in the same struggles.

Everyones WOE has to be their choice. Can they afford the food, Dr visits, fees, drinks.....what ever. And after all the cost...can you keep the weight off - or are your eating habits going to sneak back in and you'll be right back to where you are?

I have more energy when I eat low carb....that's low...not no carb. I'm not always on induction....I think that's where my body yells... "AGAIN?" SFS may have some in put here. This last time....I had more fish ( I heard a yuck! out there!) for induction time then any of the other times...and I felt good about it....good protein, veggies, salad... Not bloated, or like a brick was in my tummy.

I would say...get your Atkins book back out and see if your really staying with Atkins or doing you own version of it ? I hope this helps give you some thing to think about and discuss with your DH....has he kept the weight off?

This is a great place to discuss what's going on!

Be back later!!

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Hey Girlies,

So...Last night I celebrated my BFF birthday with her at a very casual Pizza place last night. I've known her since 2nd grade! Anyway, we went there because it has Great Food - but no waiters - so no matter how long we're taking up space, there's no one that keeps asking us if we want more refills! :p We just keep talking! LOL Now this place has my FAVVVVORITE sub sandwich with their own homemade baguette.... Turkey,Swiss with Green Chili...it is so great, it makes my mouth water just from typing it out! Ha! But, we had so much to catch up on we were there from 6 - 10!:eek: She sat there with her Roast Beef sandwich on that same kind of baguette, and was enjoying every bite.... I had the chef salad w/ Big Ice Tea...no sugar. I have to say that it did take a lot of will power to not order my favorite sandwich - or take a bite of hers :p.....But I did what I had to do..to make those scales move! This is to encourage everyone that when we are face to face with the decision of what to eat ----- It's your Fork - It's your Choice.

....I'm just saying....It happens to all of us everyday.

Short Post today...when I do the big ones....everyone hides for 2 days! :mad::p:D

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........And I ran out of Smilies......

Breakfast - 4 Turkey meat balls w/ just a touch of BBQ sauce, I made on Sunday night. :D They were Good! ....and my big mug of hot tea!

** Good discussion topic. I was asked what I did for WOEX and said that I was doing about 20 min of treadmill in the morning about 4 days a week, and then more walking, weights or hiking in the afternoon (1-1.5 hr) . This person said...what a waste of time to walk only 20 min in the morning....because if you can't do 40 min - it's not doing any good! ..............and if someone told you this.........you'd say.......................?:rolleyes::mad::

I'll give you my response tomorrow! ;)

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Oh Miz Jean, how we do love your loooong posts!! One of the hi-lights of my day is to check in & see what the low~carbing gals (& guys!) have to say....:)


I feel a little like Pattie/Kreeb about my weight loss this whole past year...I have never really gotten off Atkins, just get more liberal at times...however, a year ago in December, I did really, really watch what I ate, & saw no real progress, even a year or so later, I'm still around the same weight, give or take a few...then I have a friend who did WW around the same time, & she has been really, really successful... but even if I'm not exactly losing, I still feel sooo much better eating this way. let's face it, less gas :p, less bloating, less foggy, & so many other benefits...plus, my family has a few diabetic & borderline diabetic peeps, so, I try to do what I can to stave off the avoidables, hopefully...:eek: So, I concur with Jean, now it's down to getting the exercise...yes, even if it is ONLY 20 minutes...;)


Yet, once again, we all know it is not one size fits all...


We are preparing for the wintery blast swooping down on Texas as we speak...won't be a prettty thing with ICE...couldn't it have at least been a smattering of the pretty powdery white snow instead:confused: That's why I'm sipping my steaming hot cuppa herbal tea, yummm...

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Thanks NMCRUIZN. Not knowing the definition of WOE was driving me insane.


We got off a 14 day on the Holland America Maasdam and I decided to lose some pounds (not just the cruise weight gain)


I started induction on 1/3 and I'm down 13 pounds so far. 15 to go.


At the gym I'm doing one hour of treadmill daily at 3.7 mph which after a couple of days you get used to. Each treadmill has its own TV so the time flies. Cardio steps up the metabolism...as simple as that. After that it's some lifting then the reward...... the steamroom. The steamroom reminds me of the one on the Maasdam. Not sure when our next cruise is (maybe 11 months off) but I decided I wanted to feel better on our next cruise. Plus, with all the selections, a cruise easily accomodates the Atkins program. My wife did it a few years ago and did well.

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Hey deckguy!

Glad to help! You sound like you are doing really well !! Congrats on the 13....your almost 1/2 way there! And you can do 15 more for sure! :D My Hubby does really well with Atkins when his shirts get a little snug...I personally think that low carb can work very well for guys - not near the hormone challenges that we gals face. :( Oh..we can do it..it just takes more work .... oh all right...a lot more work!:) Please post when you can...it's an encouragment to all of us on this journey! Ahhh a steamroom for a reward - that's GREAT!

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