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It was spectacular. The ship is very safe, and has impressive guests and staff.


They currently have as lecturers:


Dr. Peter Carey as the Expedition Leader, a zoologist with over 60 trips to Antarctica. He is an Affiliate Professor with the Geography Program at the University of Alaska and visits the Antarctic each summer. He is the Director of the SubAntarctic Foundation for Ecosystems Research (SAFER), a non-profit conservation organization.


Dr. Sarah Mager, a glaciologist and a lecturer in Geography at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Malcom Macfarlane, M.Sc., over 40 times in Antarctica including Operations Manager and Senior Scientific Officer for the New Zealand Antarctic Research Programme, and Officer in Charge of Scott Base, etc etc, and MacFarlane Bluff in the All Black Nanutaks, on the edge of Antarctic Plateau is named after him.


Noel Miller, the weel-known artist from Queensland, Australia and Scott Hansen, resident artist in Antarctica for Discovery.


Shaun Powell, long previous history, six seasons as a naturalist and Zodiac driver on the Antarctic peninsula.


Dr. Colin Miskelly, a biologist with expertise in the breeding ecology and field identification of souther ocean and Antarctic seabirds, employed by the Department of Conservation in a variety of advisory and management roles since 1991.


Dr. Tim Baughman (bok-man), who has written extensively about polar history and was a fantastic storyteller and had the ship talking the whole time about Shackleton and his men.


The lectures were fantastic, don't miss them. There were about three a day. They do show them on TV live, and re-run them, but I didn't get to see Tim's second one on reruns and I missed out. I heard how good it was from everyone.


Our five Zodiac drivers also have their own well-established histories and experience that really amazed me. They are specially hired for the Antarctic season and don't sail with Discovery during the non-Antarctic season.


We also had Ice Master John Parsloe, with 30 years professional nautical experience.


They all have many more acclaims, but I can't type them all. I'll try to scan the bios to post. I just want you to know that this ship is well staffed and it is not your typical drive-by and wave cruise by any stretch of the imagination.


Most of this panel was present at the Q&A the last night when I asked what they thought about a ship this size in Antarctica. Dr. Carey said it looked bad on paper, but when he found out how safe and controlled it was, he changed his mind. For example, when we entered Half Moon Island, the experts went off first to mark paths for us and saw footprints ON TERN NESTS. There was a yacht who later dropped off 7 of their 9 passengers with no education. Just have at it. This ship lets the professionals guide where we land, where we go when we land, and educated us about the preservation of the area. They are more worried now about the small ships that are not as safe for passengers and not as safe to the ecology. Everyone had something to say on the panel, and all good. Dr. Mager said that she teaches her students that if they can reach just one person who goes back to their country and spreads the word about the ecology and preservation, they've won. They all were happy that they were educating us and they were in charge of what happened on shore, not Discovery. It was passionate and moving. There was also talk about the safety measures we had that Explorer did not. I felt very, very safe with all of the experienced people on this ship. FYI, we sailed with about 420.


Now for the logistics for those who are going this season.


If you book the ship air and hotel, you will probably be in Buenos Aires at Hotel Melia, Sheraton or Marriott. The buses they hire are tour buses and not always informed. At Sheraton and Melia, go to the left when you enter and find the Discovery Concierge desk. At Melia it is to the left and up the stairs. Their boards will have everything you need to know about excursions and luggage, etc. There will also be one or more Discovery staff to help you.


Most people enjoyed the city tour. We had the free Gaucho ranch tour (since it was Christmas) and it was sensational. Some enjoyed the Tango, some not. If you can get the Tigre cruise for $25 (we did-ask) it's worth it, but for the listed price of $49 probably not. It takes you through the Tigre island homes and to a train to San Isidre for half hour. There is a public telephone right across the street from Hotel Melia so don't pay Hotel prices.


When you leave the hotel, you'll put the luggage out the night before at the time stated and it should go directly to the ship. Don't take a large carry-on, since they charter a 747 with all of you and everyone has a carry-on.


In Ushuaia, I would skip the Tierra Del Fuego tour and walk around the town. Unless you've never seen a bunny rabbit. It wasn't just me, most didn't like it. The Beagle Channel cruise was very good, especially for the Cormorants. And they lied in the brochure - they do have toilets.


You can buy liquor in Ushuaia and bring it aboard, they don't care.


BRING SUNSCREEN. It sounds silly for Antarctica, but a lot of people got sunburned due to the high radiation we had on a couple of unusually sunny days. You will burn before you realize you even could have.


We had three landings and a zodiac cruise. They try as hard as they can to do as many as they can. We were blocked from Paradise Harbor because of icebergs so they landed us on rocks just to say we had set foot on the 7th Continent. We landed at Arctowski Station with Adelies and Half Moon Island with Chinstraps and it is true what they say - the penguins don't follow the cones! They came right up to us at both.


The ship has huge picture windows on the public decks and you can always find a place to lounge it you don't want to be outside, but you can jacuzzi outside on deck 9 if you want so bring a swimsuit if you want Antarctic jacuzzi pictures! There are also plenty of places outside for everyone. Most times it looked like a ghost ship because people were so spread out.


The food is just average. Every great chef will tell you that the key to perfection is fresh food, and being out for ten days or more doesn't allow that.


You can have the Reception desk stamp your passport with a penguin stamp. I didn't know this until I was at the airport on my way home. You can also mail postcards at Arctowski gift shop. I didn't know that either, since in the lecture they said the post offices were closed where we were going. I don't know where they get postmarked.


I have secret info for Tarheelbelle so e me at dmlepage at gmail dot com for some insider secrets I don't want them changing. :)


I will post pictures soon, but they don't do it justice. The anticipation of the Solstice sunset and sunrise that many of our passengers stayed up for can't be caught on film, and neither can the immenseness and beauty of that place.



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I forgot to mention the crew! Most came over from the Marco Polo when the owner of her bought Discovery, so if you read wonderful reviews from that time, those are these people. They genuinely care if you have a good time and are not tip-mongerers. They really enjoy people and it shows.


I also forgot to mention Paul, the assistant cruise director. He has a well-trained voice and you should go see him. Wave your lighter and tell him I sent you. :)



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I finished reading your review and felt my excitement level ratchet up about five levels! :D :D :D :D :D


Can you give me an idea on what the average dinner dress code was during your cruise? I'm hoping it's a keep it simple type dress rather than dragging "dress up" clothes.


Any tips on packing?


Thanks so much for posting your review, we really enjoyed having the extra info.

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We had a mix of everything. There were two formal nights and some wore tuxedos but no one kicked the folks in ripped jeans out of the Captain's cocktail party! Dress in what you feel is comfortable. I like dressing up but I didn't bring dresses, just a pair of slacks and nice shirts. I should have packed more, actually. There was plenty of room since I had my own cabin. No one really cared how anyone else dressed. Don't bring the formal if you don't like the formal. They're not judgy.


Pack warm clothes if you like spending a lot of time on deck, with long underwear if you're a jeans wearer, but the parkas they provide are REALLY warm and I never needed even a sweater underneath. They looked thin but I almost died of heat exhaustion when I put it over my coat and walked across the ship! Most of us wore them or carried them all day. I was t-shirt and parka only on top almost every day because the ship is very warm. And don't worry about re-wearing clothes. I think most people did it. But the laundry service I thought was reasonable. They only do the laundry every other day though due to water conservation. And bring sunglasses, very important for the wind in your eyes. Also, no one wore their bulky gloves. Everyone wore thin gloves to handle cameras and such. We just weren't on shore long enough to get frost bitten!


Another thing I forgot to post is that they have trouble maintaining enough desalinated water on the ship, so bring bottles and fill up while it's still good, and drink that when the tap and Lido water start getting salty tasting. They do hand out a flier about the water and conservation and how in the old days ships would send expeditions to bring glacier water aboard. Just be forewarned, there is no place to get clean water so they have to make what they can. They give one free bottle for toothbrushing during the cruise. That was on my and others' complaint cards but I'm not sure of the logistics of giving each person a bottle a day.


And about not being judgmental, some people stayed inside and watched through the windows all day or played bridge, some were out on deck all day, and everything in between. Have your vacation as you choose it. There's no right and wrong.


You will have a spectacular time. I felt 1000% safe on that ship. The experience level was amazing to me. Post when you return!



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Denise, earthlink is driving me crazy--I unblocked your domain, then checked and it was still blocked, but just unblocked it again--I have now confirmed it is unblocked. Plus I am adding your email to my ällowed senders list. Can I trouble you to send it one more time??!!

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Denise, thanks for the tips on what to pack. Always wondering if I over(under) pack. I've never taken a trip where I'm actually packing for summer and winter conditions. Now if Tarheelbelle posts when she gets home from her trip I should be in fantastic shape.


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Enjoyin' Life,

I am planning to post when I return! I will be back on 2/2/08. I leave Friday to fly to BA. I am sure I overpacked for this trip, but I do not plan to bring those heavy fishing boots back, which will lighten my return luggage by over 10 pounds! [room for souvenirs...]

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I hope that you have a perfectly splendid trip. You must be sooooooo excited. Gee, I'm not even leaving yet and I'm excited for you! I will be watching the board for when you return. We leave on February 5th as we grabbed the Igassu Falls trip. Haven't received our travel documents yet. If we don't have them by Friday and will call Discovery with my high pitched paniced voice.......... that will get them moving. :p


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  • 3 weeks later...

Only a week or two left before our Antarctica and Chilean Fjiord cruise, Got our docs from USA today and next weekend we leave for some pre cruise time at Iguazu and Buenos Aires. We booked GV tours for Puerto Montt but havent chosen anything yet for Punta Arenas.

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Just returned home from the Discovery. Left the 4th got back the 19th. Had a good cruise. Did three zodiac landings and a cruise. Had 380 cruisers on board. Weather was beautiful. Coming back on the Drake was a little rough. I stayed in the room even though I had a patch. Missed dinner that night. All in all a good experience. Lecturers were very good. Saw 5 kinds of penguins and three kinds of whales. Good experience.

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:D I'm in the living room sitting on our suitcases ready to leave! We too are taking the Igassu Falls trip. I have also booked a private tour car of BA the morning of Feb 7th that sounds good. I hate being rushed and thought this would be the better way to go. AND........ we booked a tango at Piazzolla.

Maybe we will meet while on the ship. We're on the Pacific Deck how about you?

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Back today from Buenos Aires. thoroughly loved the days in BA, the Pategonia/Ushuaia extension precruise, and the cruise itself. We had a lot of bad weather which prevented 3 landings on this cruise [one due to wind, one due to ice, and one due to fog], but did land at Stanley [Falklands], Grytviken [south Georgia], and Hope Bay [Antarctic peninsula], as well as doing Zodiac cruise at Stromness [south Georgia]. Unable to go to Arctowski station, Gold Harbour, and one other; did have good views of Elephant Island. Despite missing the 3 we missed, the day at Hope Bay was beautiful weather and there were many playful Adelies, so it really was a great day!! Last sea day going to Cape Horn, we hit a storm on top of a VERY rough Drake crossing, with force 12 gale winds. The captain stayed on the bridge and made frequent announcements. It was very rough. Several people injured due to spills of hot liquids and falls. Several of the cabinets in the gift shop fell over and broke. I do not get sea sick so to me it felt like being on a Disney world ride that never ended! I felt very safe, however, and I feel that going through those seas is part of the bargain for going to Antarctica.

We had about 380 pax also, mostly English and Australian. There were about 70 from the USA and 30 from Japan and a few from New Zealand. There were many solo travellers. The lectures and art classes were great, as was the fitness program and gym and spa. I also thought the food was quite good, as good as or better than any I have had on Princess and Royal Caribbean. The coffee was not so good...

After I got off the ship Friday in Ushuaia, another woman and I took a Beagle Channel Cruise with Rambo Sur tours. It was terrific---great weather and saw many sea lions, cormorants, etc.

I personally saw 4 penguin species [Magellanic, King, Adelie, and Gentoo], but others saw Rockhoppers at Falklands. Had we made Gold Harbour, we may have seen Macaroni too. Close up and personal with the Elephant seals at Grytviken within 1-2 feet of them---huge numbers of them there. Also saw fur seals and Orcas, plus many many seabirds of course.

My cabin, 4274, was Bali deck and midship. It was spacious for traveling solo and in good condition. However, there was a lot of engine noise, so I would not choose it again. However I definitely will cruise agian on Discovery. I felt their customer service was some of the best I have experienced on any travel, both in the planning and during the trip.

Air and transport arrangements were good.

It you have questions, please let me know. Annski and Enjoyin' Life, have a great cruise!!

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How exciting that your trip was so spectacular. You're right, weather is all a part of the deal.

I do have a question on the clothing that you packed, didn't pack, shoulda - coulda, can you give me your thoughts and suggestions in that catagory? I feel I've over packed trying to cover all my bases and frankly, I'd love to eliminate one suitcase.

Any suggestions or tips for when we get on ship? I'm ready to sail !!!! :D

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Enjoyin' Life,


Packing: I am not sure how many nights your cruise will be. Ours was 14 nights with 2 formal nights and the rest "informal" or "casual". I took a pair of dressy pants and 2 matching jackets made of travel knit [Chico's] and several light tops that ranged from dressy [gold, shiny] to casual. I took one skirt and a pair of jeans, all mixed and matched with the black tops. Also a grey zip front ribbed sweater. Shoes: I took trainers, a pair of casual low-healed shoes, and Onesoles with interchangeable tops. I lived in my technical fabric clothes during the day, however--took 2 pairs of double layer polartech pants to wear with or without the rainpants on zodiacs, also a pair of black LLBean running pants that looked like informal pants with casual tops, a polar fleece pullover, and several longsleeve tops [both tech fabrics and cotton]. For BA, I took a pair of linen crop pants and a couple of short sleeve tops. Were I going again, I would take one or 2 more longsleeve tshirts.

Getting on the ship: book any desired shore excursions immediately. The Falklands ones sold out. Even though the desk is not open, you can fill out the form and drop it in the box that day to book your excursions. [in Ushuaia, you do not need to book a Beagle Channel cruise through the cruise line. Get off the ship when it is cleared the last day and go to the little area of tours at the end of the dock--lots are offered and very good.]

If you are not happy with your cabin, you can go to the reception desk on deck 4 and request a change or upgrade [latter at a cost]. The ship is only 2/3 or less capacity on the Antarctic itineraries.

If you are going to the Falklands, definitely do some walking in Stanley down the waterfront to the museum area---lots of good sights and historic monuments and beautiful gardens in front of Government House. Also, you can buy mineral water in the grocery near the port as well as snacks, various tea biscuits, etc.

In Ushuaia, there is a wine shop on San Martin called Quelhue that has a great selection of really good wines, including a good Malbec [La Linda] for about 21pesos [$7]. We bought several bottles and took them onboard. Cabin steward got glasses for us and even a corkscrew if needed [i brought one with me]. However the drinks prices onboard are very reasonable. [Cocktails ~$5; house wine ~$4.50/glass].

In BA, there is a great shop on Paraguay st. 1/2 block from the Melia called Kelly's---they have a huge selection of Argentinian handicrafts [weavings, sweaters, masks, mate gourds, etc.] for good prices. Also on Calle Florida, there is a shop called El Boyero which has high end Argentian crafts and good jewelry of silver for better prices than some other stores.

Have a fantastic cruise!!!! Other questions--let me know!

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Thank you for such fantastic information. I would say I'm pretty much on target with maybe a few extra tops.

You didn't mention which tango you went to in BA. We already have reservations for Piazzola but want to book another since we will have the time to do so. We've also made reservations to go to Colonia, Uruguay for a half day. Did you visit there?

I did an internet search and couldn't locate Rambo Sur Tours in Ushuaia so I hope to find them when we get there unless you have a contact number.

Did you see any whales?

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Saw a few whales---Orcas. Also saw dolphins in Falklands.

I went to the La Ventana tango show---it was excellent and the food was quite good too. [i did it through the Discovery tour desk.]

Are you doing a pretrip extension? The Pategonia trip we did was excellent.

Rambo Sur has a kiosk at the end of the pier. You can't miss it---as you are walking away from where the ship is docked, you will see at the end on the right several small kiosks for tours. I am sure that most of the tours are good. What I liked about the one we did was that it was in a large trimeran that would hold 150 people but we only had about 20 people. There is a comfortable inside lounge with comfortable chairs and booths with a bar that serves coffee, cokes, drinks, cakes, etc. Then you can go outside on the deck all around the boat to take photos and see the sights. There is a narrator who knows about the wildlife and she has atlasses of the birds you will see.

By the way, near the Melia on the same street is a great restaurant which has been in business in the same family from the early 20th century. It is called Dora. The food is wonderful and huge portions [2 people could definitely split the entrees]. We had the white salmon with roquefort, leek, and mushroom sauce and a great salad [the Salad Completa].

Also, the halfday city tour in BA which was included in my package was really wonderful. It included all of the neighborhoods---the stop at Recoleta cemetery was very interesting, as was the one at La Boca.

I know that you will have a marvelous trip. Please post when you return as I will be interested to hear about your experience!

I did not go to Uruguay---maybe something to do on my next trip....!

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I returned a very happy traveller. I can not say enough about the beauty of the land, penguins and ice bergs. The landings were great. The weather was perfect


I was very pleased with the whole Discovery Tour from the Sofitel Hotel in Buenos Aries to our cabin on the promenade deck. The service on both the ship and land portion were excellant.


The food and entertainment are good, but much better on some of the other larger cruise lines.


I would sail Discovery again without any hesitation!


We had booked our own flights on Aerolineas Argentinas. I would NEVER use that airline again!!!

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