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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Yumm.. Vodka sause... That is my very favorite!


Talking about husbands. My husband is overweight, a lot. I dont nag him hardly at all about it because I really feel that weight loss is more than anything else a mindset and if you are not ready to make the committment and change it is not going to happen. So now there has been an interesting change of events. They have a contest where he works which started on Friday. The men did a weigh in, the results posted on a website weekly. Depending on how much you loose each week determines how many raffle tickets you get for a 42 inch plasma TV. Now we dont watch TV much but this excited him and he joined in. So now he is ready to do this and asked me to help him put totgether a diet. I am excited about this.


So the charts say he needs 3000 calories to maintain. I figured to drop him down to 2000 which he could then loose 2 pounds a week.... Is that to low? I also thought I would have him go low carb, just taking in carbs from veggies.


We agreed that we would get up early each morning( a real challenge for me), to do a hour of cardio a day at the gym. I know if I dont do this with him he wont go. I think the best thing I can do for him is motivate him, myself knowing how hard it is at first to get started.


What do you think? Does this sound about right. I never put together a diet plan for a man before.

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Whats even more amazing is how many illnesses and diseases can be taken care of by good nutrition. I imagine the doctors I work with at the hospital cringe when their patients with diabetes, heart disease, etc. do nothing to change. I'm glad I'm not one of those kind of doctor's because I'd fire all my patients. I have told more than a few drunks and addicts that they were going to die if they didn't stop and I couldn't work with a patient who wasn't going to take responsiblity and I've fired a few of those patients!!


The package of gnochhi makes 4 servings at about 200 calories a piece and the argrula sauce has a little cheese and some walnuts, made in the food processor. So far I've been eating better and losing eating some of my native foods, so I'm glad I went back to what I know works.



I think one of the most incredible things that I have learned, since getting fit, is what our bodies are capable of. It's just amazing to me, at my age, what I can do. I think we have this lousy culture here that people just expect to grow older and get fat and have health issues. To be expected...oh well. :rolleyes: So not true. It's hard to get people to understand, until they've pushed themselves, how much control we really do have over our health. Yes, some conditions are obviously out of our control, but basic fitness is core to good overall health. So many health problems will disappear once you get back in good shape...I wish they would publicize that fact more. Might get people moving in the right direction a little quicker!!
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Whats even more amazing is how many illnesses and diseases can be taken care of by good nutrition. I imagine the doctors I work with at the hospital cringe when their patients with diabetes, heart disease, etc. do nothing to change. I'm glad I'm not one of those kind of doctor's because I'd fire all my patients. I have told more than a few drunks and addicts that they were going to die if they didn't stop and I couldn't work with a patient who wasn't going to take responsiblity and I've fired a few of those patients!!


The package of gnochhi makes 4 servings at about 200 calories a piece and the argrula sauce has a little cheese and some walnuts, made in the food processor. So far I've been eating better and losing eating some of my native foods, so I'm glad I went back to what I know works.



I think one of the most incredible things that I have learned, since getting fit, is what our bodies are capable of. It's just amazing to me, at my age, what I can do. I think we have this lousy culture here that people just expect to grow older and get fat and have health issues. To be expected...oh well. :rolleyes: So not true. It's hard to get people to understand, until they've pushed themselves, how much control we really do have over our health. Yes, some conditions are obviously out of our control, but basic fitness is core to good overall health. So many health problems will disappear once you get back in good shape...I wish they would publicize that fact more. Might get people moving in the right direction a little quicker!!
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Whats even more amazing is how many illnesses and diseases can be taken care of by good nutrition. I imagine the doctors I work with at the hospital cringe when their patients with diabetes, heart disease, etc. do nothing to change. I'm glad I'm not one of those kind of doctor's because I'd fire all my patients. I have told more than a few drunks and addicts that they were going to die if they didn't stop and I couldn't work with a patient who wasn't going to take responsiblity and I've fired a few of those patients!!


The package of gnochhi makes 4 servings at about 200 calories a piece and the argrula sauce has a little cheese and some walnuts, made in the food processor. So far I've been eating better and losing eating some of my native foods, so I'm glad I went back to what I know works.



I think one of the most incredible things that I have learned, since getting fit, is what our bodies are capable of. It's just amazing to me, at my age, what I can do. I think we have this lousy culture here that people just expect to grow older and get fat and have health issues. To be expected...oh well. :rolleyes: So not true. It's hard to get people to understand, until they've pushed themselves, how much control we really do have over our health. Yes, some conditions are obviously out of our control, but basic fitness is core to good overall health. So many health problems will disappear once you get back in good shape...I wish they would publicize that fact more. Might get people moving in the right direction a little quicker!!
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So the charts say he needs 3000 calories to maintain. I figured to drop him down to 2000 which he could then loose 2 pounds a week.... Is that to low? I also thought I would have him go low carb, just taking in carbs from veggies.


We agreed that we would get up early each morning( a real challenge for me), to do a hour of cardio a day at the gym. I know if I dont do this with him he wont go. I think the best thing I can do for him is motivate him, myself knowing how hard it is at first to get started.


What do you think? Does this sound about right. I never put together a diet plan for a man before.


This is great news...for the both of you. Success is the best motivator, so we'll try to ensure that he is successful!! :D I'm not sure on the calories, but if I had my WW book, I'd look up the points for his weight and see what the points allowance is. I got the chart below off the 'net but not sure how correct it is. I know the top (less that 150) range is right, because that was the last one I used. Figure that each point is *about* 50 calories...of course fat and fiber figures in there, but 50 calories is a very good average to use.


less than 150 pounds: 18 to 23 points

150 to 174lbs: 20 to 25 points

175 to 199lbs: 22 to 27 points

200 to 224lbs: 24 to 29 points

225 to 249lbs: 26 to 31 points

250 to 274lbs: 28 to 33 points

275 to 299lbs: 29 to 34 points

300 to 324lbs: 30 to 35 points

325 to 349lbs: 31 to 36 points

over 350lbs: 32 to 37 points

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Whats even more amazing is how many illnesses and diseases can be taken care of by good nutrition. I imagine the doctors I work with at the hospital cringe when their patients with diabetes, heart disease, etc. do nothing to change. I'm glad I'm not one of those kind of doctor's because I'd fire all my patients. I have told more than a few drunks and addicts that they were going to die if they didn't stop and I couldn't work with a patient who wasn't going to take responsiblity and I've fired a few of those patients!!



I find it shocking how few doctors are willing to actually say anything to their overweight patients. My dad was having breathing issues and they tested him for all kinds of things - sleep apnea, asthma, acid reflux, among many others. Never did any of the many doctors he saw about this problem said anything about his weight - he took it upon himself to lose weight. He lost 40 pounds and guess what - breathing problems are taken care of!


My sister is looking great these days. 6 weeks after giving birth she's lost all but 3 pounds that she gained during the pregnancy. She wants to lose 15 more beyond that, so she has 18 more to go, but I'm proud of her. She and her hubby dropped their gym membership and bought an elliptical machine and some weight equipment. They're planning on buying Wii Fit when they can find it! And they're taking more "family walks" with the baby and dog at night. The baby is certainly growing...he was 21 inches and 8 pounds 12 ounces at birth. He's up to 22.5 inches and 12 pounds!

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Whats even more amazing is how many illnesses and diseases can be taken care of by good nutrition. I imagine the doctors I work with at the hospital cringe when their patients with diabetes, heart disease, etc. do nothing to change. I'm glad I'm not one of those kind of doctor's because I'd fire all my patients. I have told more than a few drunks and addicts that they were going to die if they didn't stop and I couldn't work with a patient who wasn't going to take responsiblity and I've fired a few of those patients!!



I posted a response, but the boards "ate" it. I know a doctor that told a family friend that he'd fire her if she didn't quit smoking (she was having cardiac issues).


It's amazing to me how few doctors want to say anything to overweight patients. My dad was having breathing issues. He was tested for a ton of things and saw numerous specialists - sleep apnea, acid reflux, asthma, etc. All these tests came back negative, but not one doctor mentioned losing weight. He took it upon himself to lose 40 pounds, and guess what, the breathing issues disappeared!


My sister is doing awesome - she's lost all but 3 of her pregnancy pounds 6 weeks after giving birth. She still wants to lose an additional 15, but she's doing great. She and her hubby quit the gym membership and bought and elliptical and some weight equipment, and they've been taking more family walks with the baby and dog. The baby's growing fast - he was 21 inches and 8 pounds 12 ounces when born. He's now 22.5 inches and 12 pounds even!

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Not sure if they've change it since you've done WW Happy, but now you fill out a chart with your age, sex, current weight, activity level, etc. That is your points target. Additionally, you get 35 points you can use however you want, and you can "earn" points by exercising (but no more than 4 a day). I needed to eat the exercise points, or else I didn't lose - counter-intuitive, I know, but that's how my body responded.

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He is not doing WW and I have never either so these points is all a mystery to me! Thier weight is being posted on an intracompany website.


I'd think having the weight posted for co-workers to see would be an even bigger incentive than the TV!!


1 point is approximately 50-60 calories, so find his weight in Happy's post and multiply the corresponding points by 50 to see the approximate amount of calories your hubby should be taking in to lose 1-2 pounds per week. How long is the contest?

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Ok got it... So that means he should have 1700 calories a day not 2000 like I figured. But since we will be doing cardio each day and I would guess expend about 200 calories, 2000 might still work. He is starting at 281 pounds.


So we discussed it tonight, The plan is that he will eat about 1000 calories during the day, in about 2-3 hour intervals, leaving 1000 for dinner and a snack. I will be packing him a bag each day!! He is a programmer and at a desk most of the day so this can work. The only non veggie carbs he will have will be oatmeal for breakfast and no fruit after noon. The real challenge is going to be if I can get up early enough to do the morning gym.


The contest is for 12 weeks, weekly weigh ins... So last week the other men were eating like crazy, tons of carbs so they would be heavy at the initial weigh in.... I told him how stupid is that, he did not do that! I dont think it is about the TV really, I think he was just ready.

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They had a contest in my mom's office, and all her co-workers were pigging out before the initial weigh-in too!


I like what you said about being ready. You can KNOW you need to lose, but unless you're ready to make the changes, it's not going to happen.

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Well, this sounds like a reasonable plan...The early am is usually when I go to the gym..it makes a huge difference around 2pm when I normally want a nap! It just takes getting used to.


We went to see my MIL's sister..who had a stroke..once again, high blood pressure and diabetes are the culprits..so we are trying to encourage her to eat better, etc.


Today was day 7 of my Brazilian eating plan...oh what a disaster..breakfast started off ok with watermelon, but due to father's day stuff it went down hill after that...oxtails/rice/gravy, cowfoot/rice/beans, fried chicken..ugh...I feel like the goodyear blimp! I didn't even enjoy it so I'm glad to be back on track again tomorrow...M


Ok got it... So that means he should have 1700 calories a day not 2000 like I figured. But since we will be doing cardio each day and I would guess expend about 200 calories, 2000 might still work. He is starting at 281 pounds.


So we discussed it tonight, The plan is that he will eat about 1000 calories during the day, in about 2-3 hour intervals, leaving 1000 for dinner and a snack. I will be packing him a bag each day!! He is a programmer and at a desk most of the day so this can work. The only non veggie carbs he will have will be oatmeal for breakfast and no fruit after noon. The real challenge is going to be if I can get up early enough to do the morning gym.


The contest is for 12 weeks, weekly weigh ins... So last week the other men were eating like crazy, tons of carbs so they would be heavy at the initial weigh in.... I told him how stupid is that, he did not do that! I dont think it is about the TV really, I think he was just ready.

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My sister is looking great these days. 6 weeks after giving birth she's lost all but 3 pounds that she gained during the pregnancy. She wants to lose 15 more beyond that, so she has 18 more to go, but I'm proud of her. She and her hubby dropped their gym membership and bought an elliptical machine and some weight equipment. They're planning on buying Wii Fit when they can find it! And they're taking more "family walks" with the baby and dog at night. The baby is certainly growing...he was 21 inches and 8 pounds 12 ounces at birth. He's up to 22.5 inches and 12 pounds!


Growing like a weed, I'd say!! :) Glad to hear the fundle and family are doing well!! And give your sis my congrats...that is always such a hard thing for moms to do!!

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Good news! After 4 days of my husband sticking right to the "plan" he has lost 5 pounds! Based on the plan he should not loose this much but I know this happens some times you a person first starts a diet, espeically with a lot of weight to loose.


I am so excited for him. I hoped this would happen because I knew it would really motivate him, which it has.

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Today was day 7 of my Brazilian eating plan...oh what a disaster..breakfast started off ok with watermelon, but due to father's day stuff it went down hill after that...oxtails/rice/gravy, cowfoot/rice/beans, fried chicken..ugh...I feel like the goodyear blimp! I didn't even enjoy it so I'm glad to be back on track again tomorrow...M


Oh I hate days like that!! No worries...you are probably already back on track!! ;)


Good news! After 4 days of my husband sticking right to the "plan" he has lost 5 pounds! Based on the plan he should not loose this much but I know this happens some times you a person first starts a diet, espeically with a lot of weight to loose.


I am so excited for him. I hoped this would happen because I knew it would really motivate him, which it has.


Yep typically those with more to lose, do lose at a higher rate initially. And it's so great because it really IS so motivating. Hope he continues to do well!!

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Smooth: Who cares, it's 5 lbs! Think of how a bag of flour or sugar weighs....that's 5lbs! Enough to motivate him to go on..you must be over the moon!


Happy: You're right, I got quickly back on track. I've dropped 4 lbs in the last two weeks but "Aunt Martha" came to visit so back to feeling bloated, so drinking lots of water!


Brenda, how's it going with your ab's goal??



Oh I hate days like that!! No worries...you are probably already back on track!! ;)




Yep typically those with more to lose, do lose at a higher rate initially. And it's so great because it really IS so motivating. Hope he continues to do well!!

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By the time the week ended he lost a total of 10.2 pounds.. Can you believe that? It took me months to do what he did in a week. But he is sticking with it well. 4th of July week-end we are going to Nantucket for a 3 day get away and I hope by then his habits will be stong enough to eat smart at all the wonderful resturants and B&B home made snacks. We will get around the island on bikes so that should help. Yesterday I tried on bathing suits I own and felt happy with the results so that is a motivator for me.

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Smooth, that is awesome! I hope he can stay motivated. I know my cousin, who had (has) over 100 pounds to lose because really frustrated after the first month or so when the weight loss slowed to the 1-2 pounds a week. So, hopefully, with your encouragement, he can keep it up. And as we preached to Brenda, he didn't gain it overnight, so he won't lose it overnight. Of course, you know this, you'll just have to remind him of this.


My foot is still bugging me. Tried to go running the other night, but I couldn't...to painful. Changed to a brisk walk instead.


I got to babysit the little guy last night. I think I changed his diaper about 6 times in the 4 hours I was there lol! He's grown another half inch, and he's definitely put on some more weight. He's so fun. And I know everybody says this about their babies, but he really seems advanced. I was talking to co-workers and friends that have babies 2 months older than my nephew, and he's doing stuff that they aren't doing. He's soooo close to flipping himself over.

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Yes, when he Emailed me his weigh in results, that was the first thing I told him..... Cool, but dont expect this every week.


I think though he has the advantage, I have cleared our house out of every carb, and although I dont need to go this route as I am in a maintaining stage I make our meals and eat just what he eats..... It makes me really happy to do this for him and I am actually quite suprised that he has gotten with the program so quick.... AHHH, what we do for the ones we love!!


I am so gald that my poop diaper days are over!!

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My speeding ticket got dismissed! Woo Hoo!!

Even though it was a photo ticket from a van, the van is still manned by an officer, and he didn't show up! All 40-50 people in court had their tickets tossed. I was talking to a few people before we went in, and they got all of us on the same date, same place, and same time frame. All of us were going 55-56, so obviously, that's how traffic was moving. A couple people had attorneys, and they got to go first. I couldn't hear what was going on, but I was swearing at myself because I could tell they were getting dismissed. Well then the first guy without an attorney got called, and I heard the judge say, "The officer is not in court, case dismissed." Besides the names, that was all she said! Soooo relieved that I not only don't have to pay the $375, but my driving record stays clean, so my insurance won't go up : ) I lucked out! I don't think this is how the program is supposed to work though with the mandatory court appearances. Oh, well, I'm not complaining!

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Me too! Glad it worked out for you. I could not help but think thought what a waste of taxpapers money.... They give tickets, have to take a day off from work, and in the end they dismiss everyones tickets.... A waste of money and time for a full day in court for all these people and the court employees....


They should hold these policeman accountable for this waste of time and money.... Fat chance I know but still!

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Me too! Glad it worked out for you. I could not help but think thought what a waste of taxpapers money.... They give tickets, have to take a day off from work, and in the end they dismiss everyones tickets.... A waste of money and time for a full day in court for all these people and the court employees....


They should hold these policeman accountable for this waste of time and money.... Fat chance I know but still!


I agree. Personally, I'm happy with the outcome, but from a taxpayer stance, it's a complete waste. They paid for the vans, they have to research who the plates belong to, send the tickets out certified mail, the officers manning the vans are off-duty officers, not to mention the court resource use. It's ridiculous, especially since the whole thing is a revenue producer for the broke state.

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