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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. The free waterfront shuttle is back for the season. https://seattlewaterfront.org/free-seattle-waterfront-shuttle/
  2. Been there, done that. Transatlantic Crossing on QE2 in Queens Grill with no luggage. I had a little black dress, black ballet flats and my jewelry in my carry on and did a mad dash around John Lewis for essentials. I did buy one dress on board and other passengers loaned me clothes. Each night when I arrived at the table for dinner I would tell my table mates what I would have been wearing, had my luggage arrived. My laundry was expedited and free for the duration of the trip. If nothing else, I have a great story to tell, even all these years later and people who remember me always ask about my luggage when I see them for the first time on any trip.
  3. Is the WSET wine academy course available on Queen Anne?
  4. Not quite as fancy, but this is my favorite classic bar https://pennyroyalbar.com
  5. Seattle public transit finally has an app - no need to buy an Orca card anymore https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/fares-and-payment/ways-to-pay/transit-go-ticket
  6. This is my favorite company (speaking as a local) https://reservations.island-adventures.com/whale-watching-tours/index.php Unfortunately, as others have said, you either need to drive north or spend a long time on the boat before getting to the whale areas during the summer. I’ve gone out of Everett in the spring and seen whales within 30 minutes of leaving the dock
  7. I work in Seattle and avoid bringing a car into the city. Parking is appallingly expensive, especially at the stadiums. Light rail will get you from downtown to the stadium much quicker and much less expensively. i use public transit wherever possible. I’ve never felt unsafe but definitely keep my city smarts/radar up. There are no turnstiles to the light rail stations so people get on without paying and then have to be kicked off by security. When I don’t use transit, I opt for Lyft which is usually cheaper and more reliable than Uber.
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