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Posts posted by frenchrci

  1. Hi,


    There is 3 possibility for a guided tour: 3hrs, 4 hrs or 7 hours....


    But, in general, it begin at 9am or 1pm.


    It's around 30-40e/p


    So, your only possibility is to rent one on you own.


    4hrs one each one, 60e, everything included


    4hrs a big one for both, 45e, everything included too.


    It's always open everyday in summer, in general, 9am-6pm. :)


    Be prepared that elevators or escalators could be out of order though.


    Haha ! :D:D So true... Everyone who went to the huge underground tunnel of Montparnasse knows that ! :D


    There is no elevator directly to the street (or i never paid attention), but there is not a lot of stairs... It's not the worst station. You can do it easily. :)


    Then, you have just a 5min walk to your hotel.

  3. I know this is an old post, but hoping you might see it.


    We are booked into a nice looking boutique hotel on Rue du Champs de Mar, just around the corner from Rue Cler...is this neighbourhood ok?


    thanks Deb




    Oh, this is a very nice area ! No problem here.... ;) :)

  4. Hi,


    I saw the one open only 10-12...


    The only big agency is a Hertz open 24/7... in Frejus. :rolleyes:


    You can call "Avis" that can maybe put a car in a "Vinci car park" and you return on the same parking.


    You also have that one: http://www.locazur83.com/vehicules-tourisme.htm


    They can bring you the car directly in the port if you need. It should be 80e.


    And you have "http://www.autoeurope.fr" with the agency "luxury cars" that have a new Mercedes Classe A for 134e.... Nothing less expensive open a sunday.


    Hope that helps a little....

  5. Since we generally think of "tour" as a 4 letter word (this is a personal bias) we will not get into the tour discussion. But DW and I are Paris lovers (will be there this Spring for a week) and have a suggestion. Have you considered taking the train to Paris and spending the night at a Paris hotel or smaller inn? You would then have the better part of 2 days to explore this magical city (and that is still not nearly enough time) and could also enjoy an evening in Paris with dinner at one of its many restaurants.




    As i live in the center of Paris, i totally agree... It will be cheaper to do it on your own and you can manage your time as you want.

  6. Hi !


    This year, with the president that we have (:mad:), there will be a lot of people here for asking his résignation. So, you can expect to see some fights again the police.


    Last year


    If you want a good place, come before 7am ! But i will be very very crowded.


    For the fireworks, there is a lot of different places !


    The best experience is a dinner cruise on the Seine "special fireworks" (99€pp).


    It's too early to know the best places of the year. They post informations 10 days earlier in general. :)

  7. The French have their priorities right IMO. The lunch-hour is sacred and everything grinds to a halt for it -- which you can occasionally use to your advantage. In my experience, this is very often the best time to get quickly into popular exhibitions and cut the queues.


    Maybe where you live... :confused: Not in Paris !


    A lot of people don't eat during the day because they don't have the time to...


    Even when you are studying ! No break during the lunch at the university... I have lessons between 11h-14h everyday without any break...

  8. I agree.. It's very crowded. It is very difficult to use public transportation... And it is worse by car !


    A tip:


    Votre train arrivera en gare de Monaco voie A.Quand vous sortez du train, vous prenez à droite sur le quai et vous le parcourez en sens inverse de celui par lequel vous êtes arrivé en gare.

    Vous remontez le quai (très long) jusqu'à buter sous un portique de feux pour les trains (visible de loin) toujours allumés au rouge (sur le quai panneau "direction Fontvieille-Monaco-ville").

    Arrivé à hauteur du portique, vous descendez l'escalier, vous passez sous les voies (panneau Fontvieille-Monaco ville) et remontez pour vous retrouver voie C. Vous vous trouverez en face d'un très long couloir équipé de tapis roulants (escalators horizontaux !). Vous remontez ce très long couloir (décoré, photos de la principauté sur les murs). Arrivé à l'extrémité, vous prenez à gauche pour sortir de l'enceinte de la gare.Vous vous retrouvez sur un petit parvis à l'extérieur (entre les immeubles, on aperçoit le port). Vous vous dirigez vers vos "14 heures" de façon à rejoindre la rue de la Turbie (située à 80m à peine). Vous remontez cette rue et à 200m, vous arriverez à la place d'Armes (haut de l'avenue Grimaldi). A partir de là, vous êtes dans la zone devenue piétonne pour l'occasion et il vous sera facile de vous approcher du circuit et de vous balader dans le quartier de la Condamine.


    It is the best way to go in the heart of Monaco during the GP. ;)


    I let you use a translator, because it is better to have the original text. :)

  9. Nooo, Beuvron* en Auge, not Beuvon ! :D


    FotoPeg, as you stay 8 nights, yes, you should take one day to go in Normandie ! In September, you will certainly have a great weather ! .....and there is small restaurants with fresh products from there. It would be a perfect day !


    Hank... You probably know better than me my own country ! :eek: Incredible !


    How many times do you came here ? :eek:



    A tip: http://www.les-plus-beaux-villages-de-france.org/fr/carte-des-plus-beaux-villages-de-france


    There is there a lot of the "most beautiful towns".

  10. Honfleur is a relatively compact city of only about 8000 souls and is best explored on foot. As much as we enjoy visiting Honfleur (especially when Mussels are in season) it is not a place we often recommend for an entire day....hence the rental car. There are actually quite a few other coastline villages, but Deauville is the one closest to Honfleur.


    Hi Hank,


    Did you stay only in the lower Honfleur ? Honfleur is not only the place with restaurants in front of the port... :) You have also the best view of Normandie on the upper side, with the Pont de Normandie.... And other things to discover ! ;)


    It would take half a day... Easy !


    It's next to Trouville/Deauville... But not only.


    For example, i never read here Bevron, which is known to be one of the "plus beaux villages de France"... Pont audemer.. Pierrefitte... Marais vernier... :)


    For renting a car... I agree at 200% ! Public transportations ? No way...

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