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Everything posted by eos790

  1. anguyen@metropolis.io is the email I have been communicating with.
  2. I did hear back from Andy Nguyen last night via email. He stated they will be honoring those reservations made with ABM. So good news! He did instruct me to send them a reminder email a few days before arrival.
  3. Just to let everyone know who had already made reservations with ABM before the ownership change-I did hear back from Metropolis last night via email and he stated they will be honoring those reservations. He instructed me to send them a reminder email a few days before arrival.
  4. Thanks for the info! I just emailed both of them. We'll see.
  5. I agree, I wonder how many people that have reservations there won't even find out about the change until they show up embarkation morning. My mom and I cruise frequently and this is our first and most likely last time to leave from San Francisco. Beautiful city but they don't make it easy for cruisers at all. At least those of us that drive to the port. It's just not worth it. Enjoy your cruise next month!
  6. Maybe I will email one of them directly and get a faster response. Thank you!
  7. Our cruise is end of July and I haven't received an email from either company. I made reservations in April. I just happened to stumble across this post yesterday, luckily. I emailed ABM and they did say the new company will honor my reservation but to contact them. After finding an email, I wrote them and she wrote back and stated my situation will be escalated to the next level. That was yesterday. I agree, I definitely want verification in writing from them before driving to San Francisco.
  8. There is a thread on the Crown Princess page on facebook about this. Apparently effective June 1, ABM no longer owns that garage. It is now owned by Metropolis. Metropolis offers long-term cruise parking at 80 Francisco Street. Contact rjeangilles@metropolis.io and anguyen@metropolis.io or call 415.398.4162 with questions about your reservation. Passengers should confirm their reservation with the parking company before their trip. The Port provides this information as a courtesy and does not manage the lot. The phone number is not a working number however. I had reservations at this garage for our end of July cruise, made them back in April. I have emailed a generic email address I found for the company before finding these more personalized ones and did get a response, but was told my situation was going to have to be escalated to the next level. This was yesterday and I haven't heard back from anyone else. I did all this after contacting ABM (also not easy to find contact info on) and they stated the new company will honor previously made reservations, but I want verification from them directly before driving to San Francisco. So far, no one on the Crown Princess Facebook group has heard back from Metropolis either, to my knowledge.
  9. I'm glad I stumbled across this post, as we also had reservations at that parking garage for our August cruise. I booked in April. Was ABM not planning on contacting those with reservations to let us know?? I've contacted them via email to see how to obtain a refund (that's what the phone recording instructed me to do). I am also now on the search again for parking in San Francisco if anyone has suggestions.
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