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Posts posted by yesplease

  1. You're correct in your understanding that you can get a price adjustment up until your final payment is due. That does not include special WOW sales or limited time sales events. You can also upgrade to a higher level cabin if the price for it comes down & you want to pay the difference.


    As for booking a specific cabin with 4, the booking engine on RCL won't let you book a room that accommodates 2 if you note that there are 4 in your party & you want one cabin ... So no worries there.


    Happy cruising!


    Thank you! So if you book a wow sale that price is not changeable. Good to know!

  2. You have some great questions! I am sure you will get a ton of replies here. Perhaps it would be helpful to share with us what ship and itinerary you are contemplating. RCCL has many ships and though in my opinion they are all nice, it depends what you may be looking for. With a family, I would opt for one of the bigger ships as they have more activities and things to do. I think that you will do fine with Royal, just do your homework and look at what best meets the needs of your family.For our next cruise, I opted to go with Navigator OTS in March as it is a large ship, great for families, lots of activities, newly refurbished, and closer to the west coast for travel. All of those thingsd come to play when I look to book! Enjoy the process and make the planning half of the fun for the family!


    Ideally Oasis looks great!! We, however are in Nebraska and COULD drive by going to Galveston where I believe Navigator is?? Here's another thing, one of my boys is fearful of anything close to Mexico as news story's of pirating and people going missing have him scared.. I believe most Galveston ships have western Caribbean stops.

  3. Hi everyone. We have only done one cruise before, that was 6 years ago on Disney, it was a land and sea vacation. We loved the cruise portion. Although Disney was great it was so expensive and so I've been researching a nice cruise line that is somewhat affordable and believe I've found I with RCCL. Our fear is that we'll be disappointed with the next cruise line b/c Disney was SO NICE. Would you say that 's a legitimate fear? I feel like I'm pretty safe here. For instance, part of me says book a carnival as they seem so much cheaper and just try not to compare it to the other cruise. Then another part of me says if we're going to spend this much money, pay a little more and ensure you'll feel comfortable. So I'll take any opinions/suggestions on that topic. :)

    My main question is --as much as I'm looking for a good deal would it be safe to book a RCCL as far out as I can and just keep watching for the price to drop before final payment date?? It seems like I read somewhere you have limited time to change it?

    Also, we are a family of 4. Our boys are 13 & 14. Will anything I book so long as it says 'up to 4' accommodate us or do I need to pay more attention to which rooms have Pullman beds, etc?


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