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Posts posted by ep1987

  1. Regarding individual tips; whilst those who receive them may be grateful that their hard work is being directly recognised i believe that it has been stated on this forum that those tips will still enter the collective pot.

  2. Rather than create a new topic these questions probably fit best here.


    1. If i book a cruise with a travel agent will the deposit and cancellation policy be similar to P&O?


    2. Also will the cruise actually be booked by them now meaning that i'd get documentation etc. at the same time as if i went with P&O direct and would i be contacted by P&O as regards dining preference (would be an early saver on Ventura and would want Freedom if possible).


    3. With regards to upgrades can you put notes on? Basically we don't want to be on P-deck so would be booking NC grade (although me may yet opt for a blacony). An upgrade (to NC or obstructed outside) would be fine but the next grade up is another set of P-deck cabins.


    Thanks for any help.

  3. Are you expected to pay additional tips above the 'auto-charge' to waiters and thus are best to avoid dinner on the final night if you choose not to for whatever reason as you would encounter dirty looks?


    Should your cabin attendant be tipped extra as a courtesy (i'm aware that this is supposed to go into the shared pot) as not doing so would cause offence?

  4. The OP was saying that she didn't quite know what to expect from casual nights. All I was doing was giving examples - oh and you seem to make the assumption that my husband and I are old!!!


    I wasn't responding to your comment. Indeed 'chinos and a short sleeve shirt' seems to be the advice that is always given in regards to smart casual evenings for men.

  5. As per P&O guidance in relation to this thread - trainers/sneakers, no. Shoes yes.




    Do you have a link to anything more substantial than the basic guidelines or is this based on advice from a restaurant manager or similar member of staff?


    One thing which doesn't get brought up is that most people who worry about the dress code aren't trying to 'bend any rules/get one over on the man'. Instead they simply wish to wear the clothes which they own and feel comfortable/confident in. It's all well and good saying 'chinos and a short sleeve cotton shirt' but these items aren't likely to found in the wardrobe of younger people.


    Conforming to the dress code verbatim should guarantee entry rather than not conforming on technicalities instantly resulting in being denied entry. Whatever happened to common sense? I understand that the desire is for people to be relatively smartly dressed in the evening; but as others have said this doesn't necessarily result.


    I think i am capable of dressing myself smartly and don't want to worry about such trivial things as whether my footwear conforms to the regulations on a holiday. Of course i could choose another cruise line and would do so in a heartbeat, but the reality is that i have to think about the person i'll be travelling with and P&O is he only real option for an older British person wanting a minimum hassle Caribbean fly cruise.

  6. My idea for a larger ship aimed at a slightly younger crowd like the Ventura:


    Casual: No flip-flops, shorts, vests or sportswear; smart denim allowed.


    Smart Casual: Trousers, shoes and a shirt, smart polo shirt or smart jumper for men, trousers/skirt with a smart blouse etc. for women or a dress.


    Formal: Tuxedo, suit with tie/bow tie or smart waistcoat with tie/bowtie for men, long dress for women.


    On a 14 night cruise have 11 nights where dining is casual in all venues except for East, White Room and the club dining restaurant. On the 3 formal nights smart casual can be worn instead in one of the two freedom dining restaurants and on the waiter service half of Beachside, casual only permitted in buffet areas.


    With regards to formal attire here seems as good a place as any to ask whether a smart waistcoat and tie/bowtie would be acceptable and would it be ok to undo the top button of my shirt once seated (the two times i wore a tuxedo i was close to passing out through heat exhaustion; i'm in good shape but for whatever reason overheat very quickly in a fully buttoned up shirt with a jacket)?

  7. Is there a dress code for the Beachside waiter service? I read somewhere that someone was turned away for wearing a t-shirt without a collar. This would seem to suggest that someone wearing a nice designer t-shirt, smart jeans and fashion plimsolls (which would be fine at 99% of restaurants) could only ever eat at the buffets in the evening?


    Am thinking of cruising on the Ventura in Jan 15 (Caribbean) so any help would be appreciated.

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