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Posts posted by Tikiintahiti

  1. I wanted to add this to my prior post but it had gone past the editing allowed time.


    Duckie - you had stated, "But when you spend that type of cash to take a cruise, the cruise line simply isn't allowed to have a bad week."


    Let me share my experience the first time I went to FP. My beautiful bride had been there several times prior to us going on our honeymoon, I had heard for months just how special FP was and that this would be a trip of a lifetime.


    So we headed to the airport, boarded .......... we were taxing down to the end of the runway for take off when our plane collided with another jumbo jet. We were all unloaded and taken back to the waiting area. After 2 hours we were all told that the plane could not continue and would be taken to a Holiday Inn for the night. Well 2 days later the plane was ready to depart, we endured buffet foodand a so so hotel for the first 2 days of our honeymoon.


    I could of said, 'we spent a ton cash to take our honeymoon, the airline simply isn't allowed to have a bad day' ........ they owe us!


    But nope, we landed in PPT and I remember seeing the outline of Moorea in the morning sunrise for the first time, I expected to see King Kong come from behind one of the jagged peaks, incredible beauty.


    The next day I go food poisoning and was very sick. I could of said, 'we spent a ton cash to take our honeymoon, the hotel simply isn't allowed to have a bad food day' ........ they owe us!


    But we didn't ...........


    Our honey moon was one of my best trips to FP .......... why? Because we worked through adversity, looked at the glass as being half full and we knew **** happens ........... to everyone, it just does, nobody but one was 100% perfect.


    Statistically over 90% of the cruisers on the PG have a great time and the ship/crew meet or go beyond peoples expectations, that is why the PG has a very loyal fan base ........... I would guess if you go 9 more times you should have some real good trips ;)


    Have a good day

  2. Tiki,


    Thank you for all your help with our Polynesian cruise in December!!!


    You have been very helpful!!


    Being in Polynesia for the first time, is the blue lagoon an excursion you would recommend?





    I love the Blue Lagoon ........... one of our favorite tours. However, it can be a bit rough getting there and you will need to wad through the water for about 75 yards to get from the boat to the motu ........ and there will be black tip sharks very close to you while your wading. They won't harm you but for the faint at heart it could be a tough thing to do.


    The colors are amazing, the setting beautiful ......


    I took this one a few years back ........



  3. Tahiti is dramatically beautiful and you should rent a car and tour the island. Maybe also take a 4x4 tour across the interior. It's true there aren't the white beaches but black sand beaches have their own beauty and, in fact, the beach at Matavai Bay is fabulous and boasts a stunning view. I also love Papeete - it has a real cosmopolitan vibe. I usually stay about 3 to 4 days in Tahiti.


    Here are some photos of mine:



    Some 'fun' pictures there Fletch, thanks for sharing/


    Yes, the interior of the island is breathtaking, by all means take a 4X4 tour of the interior, very few do and miss out.

  4. Hi you lovely people,


    How are you all? This time last year we were packed and ready to go off to L.A. and then the magnificent P.G.


    Since then we went to Barbados for some sun in January, you have to if you live this far north in the UK, our skin isn't just white it is translucent in the winter.

    We went to Vegas in May for Steve's 50th and came back considerably poorer than we were when we went! So no surprise trip on the PG for us this year!

    In September we are driving to northern France to "do" WW1 battlefields. Lucky me.

    Yes Tattoo, it is me, Vivienne, and not himself.


    We often think of the laughs we had Gerry. Sadly not so many memories of you Motu given the circumstances. Nancy was always good company though.


    So when is your next collective tour? When are you coming to Croatia? And Gerry, admit it now, you took his bloody flip flops, didn't you? :D


    How flip flops get bloody ......... :eek:




    These are Barbados sharks ............ in FP their like babies :p

  5. These were taken a few years back while we were visiting Aitutaki. We were on the 11 night Society/Cook Islands cruise. This was our 4th time on this beautiful Island. I think the lagoon on Aitutaki is only rivaled by the lagoon on Bora Bora ........... both are stunning.


    I took these pixtures with a cheap point & shoot so the resolution isn't the best but you can get an idea of how remote one can feel on the lagoon. The sunsets are stunning, the beaches silent and the water has incredible hues of green, blue and magenta ..........







  6. My husband and I will have one glorious day in Bora Bora. Please help me find a restaurant by the ocean where we could swim after eating? It must be easily accessible to us from the ship, by taxi or public transport. We have seen a few mention don Tripadvisor. This is the highlight of my bucket list. A day on Bora Bora. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!




    The place that is most accessible would be the Hilton Nui. Their boat shuttle picks up at the same place where the ship tender drops you off.


    They have a day use package for around $100 USD, I say around as things do change. This $100 buys you day use of their facilities and includes a credit for eats. They have beautiful beach area, nice infinity pool with hammocks stretched across palm trees, good snorkeling and the views are very nice towards the reef or hike up to the lookout for a stunning view towards the big mountain.


    The IC Moana also has a day use which includes a credit for eats. Usually ships have pre-arranged for a $5 shuttle to and from Matira Beach and the iC Moana just happens to be right across the street.


    There are probably others who allow day use but these two are the most accessible.

  7. Tiki,


    Thank you for your post on this spot for vanilla. Is it near the port?


    Nope ..........


    Exactly 1/2 mile west of the entrance to the IC Moorea, on the main road, lagoon side, you will see the sign.




    Last trips goodies, vanilla was from this place, fresh and sealed right before your eyes. 1/2 kilo, was about $100 USD, that was 18 months ago.



  8. Bruno was willing to do the full day tour from either location. Because we will be leaving Tahaa a bit earlier (and want to enjoy the motu) we've decided to do the trip from Raiatea.


    Bruno can be a bit 'dry' but is really a very nice guy who always wants people to experience the lagoon to it's fullest. The drift snorkel is wonderful though you need to be a bit careful not to cut yourself.


    Enjoy your trip and this excursion, good choice

  9. It is 3 miles from the tender drop off location to Bloody Mary's.


    Most ships have arranged transportation for $5 - $10 bucks to take people to and from Matira Beach including a stop at Bloody Mary's on the way back. Some ships even arrange for their tenders to provide transport to and from Bloody Mary's in the evening as their is a good size dock across the street from Bloody Mary's. I would contact your cruise line to see if they are going to offer these services. There are not a lot of taxis on Bora bora ;)

  10. Bruno moors his boat on Raiatea, right next to the ship dock. I didn't know he did a whole day trip when a ship was on the west side of Tahaa. Is this actually Bruno or a different operator? Is it the full day tour or an abbreviated tour just for the ship?


    Just asking, always like to know the straight skinny

  11. Buggspray is just heavy-duty DEET that sounds like it smells better. I'm sure any deet will do.


    I've never taken bug repellant to Tahiti at all, but did borrow some once from a fellow passsenger inland on Moorea, in April.


    That being said, FP has Dengue Fever, which is a serious disease borne by mosquitoes, so I will be taking deet with me for my upcoming land stay on Moorea. On the ship or on the beach, you shouldn't have to worry.


    Vanilla is a natural mosquito repellant. So combining deet and vanilla you get a double punch against the little critters plus you smell good ;)


    Do not try and use cheap store bought vanilla as it has a bunch of alcohol and can cause skin irritation on some people. Whole vanilla is very good to use, just slice open the bean and rub the inside on you. That is what makes "buggspray" so popular, they've done the work for you ......

  12. As mentioned




    Get the vanilla scent with 25% deet.


    It works great and the bonus is you will smell like French Polynesia.


    Towards the bottom of the first page of Testemonials on the buggspray web site you will see "tikiintahiti's" testimonial.




    Yup, Tiki has been referring people to this place since almost it's beginning. Heck, the people from Minnesota use it and the mosquito is the state bird :D

  13. I have some leftover Euros from a trip to Europe and was wondering if they would be widely excepted in French Polynesia? Going to bring some US dollars and of course credit cards!


    Seem to remember from my last trip that in Carrefour store in Papeete they had prices in euros and xpf?




    Martini Cruiser


    You will have no problems spending them ..

  14. How long does it take to drive around Tahiti iti and back? Also, the restaurant you mentioned - Asian on the north west side of which part - Tahiti or Tahiti iti?




    You can not drive around Tahiti Iti, you can go along the west side or the east side but it does not go all the way around.


    The restaurant is on Tahiti Nui (the large part of the island)

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