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Posts posted by bert425

  1. Do you have some sort of special Kardashian wedding inside scoop? Even if you are wearing mittens, and counting all your fingers together, I'm pretty sure this isn't right.


    It's from an internet MEME, and it got a little mixed up in translation.




    "More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian, than have died from Ebola"



    that IS accurate.

  2. as far as Sunscreen is concerned, we bring a pack of Sunblock "wipes". . as they easily fit flat in the suitcase, or back pocket, and you can just tear them open and use on face/arms.


    We've done that instead of a can of spray for years now, and works perfect for us.



    one other thing we never travel without? Rain ponchos -- bought at Academy. We hardly EVER use them for the intended purpose, but they are almost the exact size/shape of a wallet. So we carry them in our back pockets as a "decoy"


    twice in the past, we have been pick-pocketed of our ponchos (while our wallets stayed safely in our front pockets :))


    Figured I'd share our "trick" for the guys!

  3. Can you tell me where you heard they are coming back a day early? We have family members on board the Magic, and I had not yet heard that detail.


    I follow Carnival Cruise Director John Heald on FB :)




    I don't see him reporting Saturday arrival tho..he mentions Sunday morning.


    maybe I saw it on TV?. .but I do recall seeing something about coming back a day early -- that's why I thought to myself the compensation was fair.




    but i TOTALLY could have imagined it, if you aren't seeing it anywhere else :)




    edit: found it. . it was in the Washington Post online



    but they have now adjusted the article to show "Updated and Corrected" at the top of the article.

  4. It this instance, I can't justify it just for missing a port.


    But others will have to chime in. They are very inconsistent in the credit dept. it seems they have learned the higher the visibility, the higher the reward. I would imagine the next ship that misses the port of Cozumel will not be getting the same reward.


    they didn't just miss a port tho. .they are coming back a day early.


    so yeah. . it's nice they are offering some compensation.


    (just wait until those that have flights the next day start to complain about having to book a hotel room for Sat night now)

  5. Are you referring to the failed effort to get her back via Belize airport or is this new?


    Wasn't the ship headed toward coz?


    This info may be old


    But if not


    Good and take her straight to one of the 4 facilities that can handle this


    But dear lord I hope this too is just a precaution and she/he is not ill or the poster just posted outdated info



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    the update I posted is less than 2 minutes old:


    ohn Heald


    a few seconds ago

    Here is the latest news for you.


    The Carnival Magic, which was waiting off the coast of Cozumel, Mexico this morning to dock there for a scheduled port visit, had not received clearance from Mexican authorities to do so by 12 noon eastern time today and therefore the decision was made to proceed to Galveston to ensure the ship arrives there on time on Sunday morning.

    We greatly regret that this situation, which was completely beyond our control, precluded the ship from making its scheduled visit to Cozumel and the resulting disappointment it has caused our guests.


    The Texas healthcare worker on board continues to show no symptoms of illness and poses no risk to the guests or crew on board.


    The individual remains in voluntary isolation. Guests on the ship are being provided a $200 per person credit to their shipboard accounts and a 50 percent discount on a future cruise based on the missed visit to Cozumel.

  6. From Carnival Cruise Director's FB:


    John Heald


    a few seconds ago

    Here is the latest news for you.


    The Carnival Magic, which was waiting off the coast of Cozumel, Mexico this morning to dock there for a scheduled port visit, had not received clearance from Mexican authorities to do so by 12 noon eastern time today and therefore the decision was made to proceed to Galveston to ensure the ship arrives there on time on Sunday morning.

    We greatly regret that this situation, which was completely beyond our control, precluded the ship from making its scheduled visit to Cozumel and the resulting disappointment it has caused our guests.


    The Texas healthcare worker on board continues to show no symptoms of illness and poses no risk to the guests or crew on board.


    The individual remains in voluntary isolation. Guests on the ship are being provided a $200 per person credit to their shipboard accounts and a 50 percent discount on a future cruise based on the missed visit to Cozumel.

  7. FROM THE CRUISE DIRECTOR (just the facts)


    John is great to follow if you don't already on FB.


    John Heald


    Just a quick update for you.



    Late afternoon on Wednesday, October 15, we were made aware by the U.S. CDC of a guest sailing this week on board Carnival Magic who is a lab supervisor at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. The CDC informed us that at no point in time has this individual had any direct contact with any infected patients nor has this guest exhibited any symptoms or signs of infection for 19 days since this guest was present in the lab with testing samples. We were not aware of this situation at the time this guest embarked the ship, and the CDC deemed this individual to be low risk and cleared to travel.




    We continue to be in close contact with the CDC and our medical team continues to monitor the guest. The individual remains symptom free and is not contagious. The CDC has advised us the guests and crew on board are not at risk.




    Due to a change in CDC monitoring procedures yesterday the CDC requested this guest be returned home from Belize. The U.S. government did make an attempt to arrange to fly the guest home from Belize yesterday, however, was unable to finalize arrangements with the Belize government. This resulted in our delay from departing from Belize last evening. At this time, the guest remains in isolation on board the ship and is not deemed to be a risk to any guests or crew.



    It is important to reiterate that the individual has no symptoms and has been isolated in an extreme abundance of caution. We are in close contact with the CDC and presently it has been determined that the appropriate course of action is to simply keep the guest in isolation on board until we return to Galveston on Sunday.




    Our plan is to arrive in Cozumel this morning at 10:00 am and depart this afternoon at 6:00pm.





  8. FROM THE CRUISE DIRECTOR (just the facts)


    John Heald


    Just a quick update for you.



    Late afternoon on Wednesday, October 15, we were made aware by the U.S. CDC of a guest sailing this week on board Carnival Magic who is a lab supervisor at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. The CDC informed us that at no point in time has this individual had any direct contact with any infected patients nor has this guest exhibited any symptoms or signs of infection for 19 days since this guest was present in the lab with testing samples. We were not aware of this situation at the time this guest embarked the ship, and the CDC deemed this individual to be low risk and cleared to travel.




    We continue to be in close contact with the CDC and our medical team continues to monitor the guest. The individual remains symptom free and is not contagious. The CDC has advised us the guests and crew on board are not at risk.




    Due to a change in CDC monitoring procedures yesterday the CDC requested this guest be returned home from Belize. The U.S. government did make an attempt to arrange to fly the guest home from Belize yesterday, however, was unable to finalize arrangements with the Belize government. This resulted in our delay from departing from Belize last evening. At this time, the guest remains in isolation on board the ship and is not deemed to be a risk to any guests or crew.



    It is important to reiterate that the individual has no symptoms and has been isolated in an extreme abundance of caution. We are in close contact with the CDC and presently it has been determined that the appropriate course of action is to simply keep the guest in isolation on board until we return to Galveston on Sunday.




    Our plan is to arrive in Cozumel this morning at 10:00 am and depart this afternoon at 6:00pm.





  9. John Heald


    Just a quick update for you.

    Late afternoon on Wednesday, October 15, we were made aware by the U.S. CDC of a guest sailing this week on board Carnival Magic who is a lab supervisor at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. The CDC informed us that at no point in time has this individual had any direct contact with any infected patients nor has this guest exhibited any symptoms or signs of infection for 19 days since this guest was present in the lab with testing samples. We were not aware of this situation at the time this guest embarked the ship, and the CDC deemed this individual to be low risk and cleared to travel.




    We continue to be in close contact with the CDC and our medical team continues to monitor the guest. The individual remains symptom free and is not contagious. The CDC has advised us the guests and crew on board are not at risk.




    Due to a change in CDC monitoring procedures yesterday the CDC requested this guest be returned home from Belize. The U.S. government did make an attempt to arrange to fly the guest home from Belize yesterday, however, was unable to finalize arrangements with the Belize government. This resulted in our delay from departing from Belize last evening. At this time, the guest remains in isolation on board the ship and is not deemed to be a risk to any guests or crew.

    It is important to reiterate that the individual has no symptoms and has been isolated in an extreme abundance of caution. We are in close contact with the CDC and presently it has been determined that the appropriate course of action is to simply keep the guest in isolation on board until we return to Galveston on Sunday.




    Our plan is to arrive in Cozumel this morning at 10:00 am and depart this afternoon at 6:00pm.


  10. Yes, I think so too. But fear takes over and rational thought go out the window.


    Just scared.


    More people die of the flu, of gunshots, of car wrecks EVERY day, than have died, or even been infected, of Ebola in the United States.


    yes, your fear is irrational. Fight thru it, don't believe the hype, and enjoy your cruise.

  11. Agreed! Americans on the whole are clueless about global geography. Duncan probably said he was from Liberia and the intake person thought "there's no Ebola in Libya".


    Can someone summarize the Shepard Smith clip for me? Is it a slam on media hysteria?


    here's the transcript (from "the Daily Banter" site. .but it IS word for word what he says)


    “For the next few minutes I’m gonna give you the facts on Ebola. It’ll take just three minutes. But first, today, given what we know, you should have no concerns about Ebola at all — none, I promise. Unless a medical professional has contacted you personally and told you about some sort of possible exposure, fear not. Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible. Here are the facts: a man contracted Ebola overseas. Tragically, he was dying in a Texas hospital. He was his most contagious while showing the most symptoms; that’s how Ebola works. And a healthcare worker at the hospital got the virus from him. She is doing well she says, Skyping with her family from isolation just yesterday, saying she’s blessed to have so much support and such great medical care. The CDC director told us, all of us, yesterday that he did indeed expect other healthcare workers at that hospital who treated that one dying patient to contract the virus — and that’s now happened. Another healthcare worker at that same hospital now has Ebola. They tell us they’re transferring her to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. Now, before she showed symptoms she flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Frontier Airlines. They say she should not have done that but she did. But as we all now know, if you don’t show symptoms you are not contagious. She did not show symptoms, according to the doctors. Still, medical professionals are contacting everyone who was on that plane to make sure each person is okay. The CDC director says chances are very slim that any of those passengers is sick.


    Now, big picture, and this is important. You have to remember that in the middle of all of this, you have to remember that there is politics in the mix. With mid-term elections coming, the party in charge has to appear to be effectively leading. The party out of power needs to show that there is a lack of leadership. So the president has canceled a fundraising trip and is holding meetings and his political opponents are accusing his administration of poor leadership. For the purpose of this fact-dissemination exercise, those matters are immaterial. Again, these are the facts. We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States, nowhere. We do have two healthcare workers who contracted the disease from a dying man — they are isolated. There is no information to suggest that the virus has spread to anyone in the general population in America. Not one person in the general population in the United States. Suggestions have been made publicly that leaders and medical professionals may be lying to us. Those suggestions are completely without basis in fact. There is no evidence of any kind, of which we at Fox News are aware, that leaders have lied about anything regarding Ebola. I report to you with certainty this afternoon that being afraid at all is the wrong thing to do. Being “petrified,” and that’s a quote, is ridiculous. The panic that has tanked the stock market and left people fearful that their children will get sick at school is counterproductive and lacks basis in fact or reason. There is no Ebola spreading in America. Should that change our reporting will change. But there is nothing to indicate that it will. Best advice for you and your family at this moment? Get a flu shot. Unlike Ebola, flu is easily transmitted. Flu along with resulting pneumonia killed 52,000 American last year alone. A fly shot will reduce your chance of getting flu. So get one.”

  12. Yesterday my DH went to our primary care physician for a routine check up. The first thing that the nurse asked was if he'd traveled to Africa or Texas recently. I'm glad that our Dr. is not taking this crisis lightly and is doing his due dilligence to screen for potential problems with this virus.


    Locally a class was held for first responders to teach them the proper protocols for transporting possible Ebola patients. There are hundreds of those first responders in our area, yet there were only abut 50 in attendance in this class when the TV camera panned the audience. The health care community need to start taking this seriously instead of assuming that "it won't happen here".


    As to the poster who is using antibacterial wipes and lotions - those are ineffective against a virus.





    has he been to Africa or Texas?


    (shakes head). . .



    *by the way, Dallas airport is not in Dallas (it's between Dallas and Ft. Worth, and it's huge). So the odds of you being near anything in Dallas airport that was even close to anyone that possibly was infected are minimal.


    and in the same breath, let me explain how CDC is not anywhere near the Atlanta airport (which also is HUGE), and the patients that came into the CDC for treatment I can guarantee you did not walk thru the terminals regardless.


    so no need to panic.

  13. My plans are not being amended. I am flying to Ft. Lauderdale on the 2nd of November and sailing on the NOORDAM on November 3.


    Same here.


    (2 from Austin, 4 from Houston).


    I think it's silly to panic over this. Take precautions (as one would do on a cruise anyways. . but just move it over to real life -- don't touch your face, anti-bacterial hand wipes, and try to stay away from folks who are coughing/sneezing).


    Tell your brother all your friends on cruise critic said Happy Birthday!



    Will do.



    (he keeps asking me why I'm taking lead on everything, when the Cruise is a gift from Dad. . LOL.


    Well, I'm a Planner by job description (I schedule new products on a mfg floor), and I work from home a lot, so able to do 'cruise stuff' on my desktop system, while working on my laptop. . and 3, my Parents can't figure ANY of this stuff out (they have to go thru a TA, when I'd rather just take care of it myself!).



  15. just a quick update, as we are 3 weeks out now.


    my Mom is very pleased that, per the Travel Agent, we got a 6 person Oval table :cool:


    Oh well. . she'll be happy to have something to complain about :)


    (on the bright side, I did call HAL late last week, and today got a response back that I'm able to use our gifted Pinnacle Grill dinner (from the TA), to celebrate my Brother's Birthday in style.


    so at least one night will not be in MDR).

  16. Bert - If I recall correctly you are in a Neptune Suite? If so, the Neptune Lounge staff can help make anything you want happen. (If not in a Suite, the front desk will help you out.)


    Not Nuptune. .but it's an SY room (so that' signature suite, I guess)?


    I've seen it listed as a veranda suite as well. . but the actual room number lists it as SY on the deckplans.


    (true of all 3 of our rooms)

  17. We were on board for my father's 60th. And we told the front desk about it after boarding and he had a cake in the dining room. My mother's birthday was a week later and we a cake for her as well, just by telling the front desk staff. It was easy to arrange, even once we were on board.


    that's a good idea that I didn't even think of.


    as noted, we're in Pinnacle Grill that evening for his Birthday dinner, but I'll be sure to mention it at front desk when we get in.


    (and I'm NOT looking for anything free. . just looking for something I can order, so of course, i'll offer to pay for it if they can do something).

  18. Hi


    If i was afraid to travel because of some trouble in far off places I would never leave my home. I would not go cheer the Boston Marathon because it was borned or even go into Boston. Cruise somewhere because of terroiest. I refuse to let them win. If it happens it happens. there is nothing I can do about it. But I feel silly if that wonderful cruise comes back with no incendent and everyone on board had a wonderful time' date=' while I stay home scared. Not going to happen to me. I would be careful to cruise where they are having problems. But cruiseing to Alaska, South America, Caribbean, and others. I am more worried about the Noro Virus due to a medicial condition..

    any typos blame on glass of wine I am drinking



    well said.


    and I agree with everything


    (in particular about drinking :))

  19. So it's my Brother's big 50 during the 11/3 Noordam sailing.


    I've already booked all 6 of us into the Pinnacle Grill for that evening. . but is there anything else we should do to celebrate?


    I've not done any kind of "milestones" while on a Cruise, so not even sure what the options might be (can we order a cake?).


    what would you folks do?

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