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Posts posted by we3k9

  1. It doesnt look to to bad. I wish there were more photos. We plan on doing this in the morning and then heading over your way, for a look see. I expect you will be at maximum capacity and good for you, but we like it a little more laid back and less noisy. Had a Palm beach break package booked till it closed up. We were planning on doing Palm, Paradise and San Francisco. Now Its just all up in the air. I guess we will go where the day takes us.

  2. I just booked the beach snorkle break from Island Marketing aka cozumel cruise excursions. I realize that things have changed since wilma and I just want to know if this place stills has what website claims it has. Is it the ultra modern chic beach club with big stuffed furniture and will it be a pleasant atmosphere, or a barren beach with some plastic lawn furniture? We dont plan to spend the entire time here, we plan on taxi over to Palancar or (San Francisco and Paradise if not too crowded.) But we did want to shore snorkle a bit first and I really liked the look of Uvas on this link http://cozumelmexico.net/Playa_Uvas.html

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