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Posts posted by checkard

  1. Someone on one of my cruise threads has Zumba and loves it. Although she says her husband makes fun of her doing it.


    I was able to get a brand new one from someone who bought it and never used it so the price was good. I have a dance workout for Wii that is a bunch of Latin Dances. It was hard at first too but once you did it a few times it wasn't too bad.


    I'll let you know how I like it.

  2. Just bought Zumba for my Wii. I've been wanting to try it because it looks like so much fun. I need something to get me motivated again. Of course I'm sending DH to another room while I make a fool of myself.

  3. what happened at work, did you get Wii for exercise or something else in your new building?


    No Wii at work. In fact, no workout room either. Powers that be are afraid that people will be in there exercising rather than working. And worried about liability if someone gets injured while exercising at work. So now that nice room with lots of windows and a rubber floor will be used for storage. One good thing is that the new bulding is a lot bigger than our old place so I get a lot more walking in during the day.


    I've really slacked off on my Wii over the summer. Been busy with work, camping and trying to keep up with things at home. Lots of exercise with chasing the grandkids arouond at the campground though. Our campsite is half way up a pretty steep hill so all the trips up and down should count as exercise.


    Now that I've been reading this Wii thread, I'm wanting to go home and get my Wii out. Maybe I just need to keep posting so I stay motivated.


    What was the walking game that people were talking about a while back, was it Walk It Out? Was watching that on ebay but forgot to get back on and check it before the bidding ended. I watched a video trailer about the game and it looks like a lot of fun.

  4. Our work department is moving to a brand new building in a couple months and it will have a fitness room. I'm really excited about that and am trying to convince the powers that make the decisions that we should get a Wii. Not only will it take up less space than other gym equipment, but we can do fun things like Fit Challenges and team building activities. I brought my Wii Fit Plus game in today and hope to work on doing some PR for the Wii.

  5. I've been off the Wii for a while too. Crazy hours at work, our son bought a house so we've been helping him move and then doing some work around his place. Somehow the days have slipped by and it's more than I realized has gone by since I've even turned on the Wii.


    I did set up my treadmill again in a room in the basement and I've used that a few times. I've been raking flowerbeds and working outside our house too so I have been getting some exercise. The scales indicated that I haven't gained any weight but I think some of it has been redistributed.


    Maybe I need to put on my bathing suit and look in the mirror. I'll be horrified and get back on the Wii.


    Reading about other folks successes is great. It makes me realize that if I put some effort in the results will pay off.

  6. It's been crazy with getting back from the cruise on Dec 18 and having to finish Christmas shopping, decorate and cook. But now I'm hoping to be doing more on the Wii.


    Good news.......no weight gain at all on the cruise or so far over the holidays. We did a lot of walking and swimming and by the 10th day we were tired of food so that helped.


    Anyone get any new Wii games under the tree? We got a new controller so now we can play a lot of the games together. But of course we need to go buy a new steering wheel so hubby can race the grandson in the Cars Wii.

  7. Didn't do any Wii but I walked in our town's holiday parade to support Carly's Crusaders - a group formed in memory of a friend's 5-yr old daughter, Carly Mitchell, who passed away in May from DIPG (brain tumor). Carly would have been 6 years old tomorrow.

  8. Jo - I had to think about your question. Are you right handed? I am better swaying right than I am left even though I am left handed.


    Sorry you found my 3 pounds. I saw a really skinny girl on the cruise and I was hoping to donate a lot more than 3 pounds to her.

  9. Did some Wii over the weekend. Did so much bowling that my arms are a little sore. I was bowling once left handed and the next time right handed so that I was using both arms. I'm actually left handed but didn't do too bad with the right hand. We got the Cars racing game for our grandson so I had to let him have a little game time every once in a while. Now that I did a little Salsa dancing on the cruise maybe that workout will be a little easier for me. I think I recognized the names of some of the steps that we learned.


    I think we'll be a lot more active on the next cruise. We were with someone who had a walking problem and we tended to take things slower and do more sitting than we normally do on a cruise. Didn't want him to feel like he was holding us back. And the crappy weather didn't help either.


    I need to check out the Walk It Out thing. Sounds like fun.

  10. Walk It Out game sounds like fun. I'll have to look for that.


    Back from the cruise on Saturday. We had rainy weather and big waves so the ship was rocking and rolling. Just walking around was a good workout. And I did the Salsa dancing lesson on the ship, did much better with that than I do with the Wii.


    Good new though, I lost 3 pounds on the cruise. Hmmmm, I think I need to go on more cruises to lose weight.

  11. I'm still working on a sewing project - making a Christening gown for my grand daughter from my wedding gown. Almost finished but between long hours at my job, getting my craft room moved and set up and sewing I haven't had a change to do any Wii dancing.


    However, while I'm down in the sweatshop my DH is upstairs bowling, golfing, skiing, making his way through the obstacle courses, etc. He will probably lost 20 lbs in a week - why is it so easy for guys to lose weight and women have to work so hard for every ounce? Not Fair!

  12. I like the Dance Workout but haven't done it the last week or so. We've been moving my craft room to a room in the basement so we can turn the upstairs room into a guest room for our grandkids. So my exercise has been unloading 4 big cabinets and helping to haul them downstairs. Then it's a lot of trips up and down the steps to get everything from those cabinets down to the new space. So that has been workout for the last two weeks. But I plan to get back to "Wii-ing" in the next day or so once everything set up in both rooms.

  13. I posted on this thread a long time ago. At that time I was really using my Wii. Then we packed it up to take on vacation with us in February and somehow it never came out of the box again until this week. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. I'm trying to get back into the swing of spending some time each night working out. Just got the new Gold's Gym Dance Workout and it is so much fun. Watching me learning to Salsa and all the other Latin Dances is quite entertaining. My DH asked if I knew my right foot from my left foot - after that I banished him to another room while I was on the Wii.

  14. We had atrium cabins on both Explorer cruises and one is booked for Voyager cruise. We like deck 7 but even on deck 6 the noise didn't bother us. Just remember to close your curtains for privacy since the people in the rooms across the promenade can see into your room.



    Explorer 11/2001

    Explorer 12/14/02

    Serenade 10/13/03



    Until Grandeur 5/21/04



    Until Voyager 10/8/04


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