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Posts posted by Saffir

  1. My first cruise was on the Crown Princess last April, and I had an amazing time! A few disappointments here and there, but nothing egregious. I'm planning April 2016's cruise, and I've narrowed my choices down between two -- one on Carnival, and one on Princess.


    Princess: Caribbean Princess, 7-day W. Caribbean itinerary out of Houston, $1159 for OV (minus gov't fees). Estimated plane ticket: $290 for an estimated total of $1449.


    Carnival: Carnival Elation, 11-day Caribbean/Bahamas itinerary out of New Orleans, $1098 for OV (minus gov't fees). Estimated planet ticket: $540 for an estimated total of $1598.


    So, the price difference is only ~$150, for an extra four days. :D


    However, I'm not sure about the difference between Carnival and Princess. Princess had a great atmosphere to me -- laidback, not really a party place, a good mixture of ages (though I was one of the youngest by far, which I didn't mind), outstanding service. Food and entertainment were great (with one food exception, but that was just one meal). Also not a lot of kids, which is important to me.


    I know Carnival has more of a reputation for being a "party" ship, but is it a super-noticeable difference? Are there a lot more kids onboard Carnival? Other potential differences I haven't listed?

  2. I'm a huge fan of wearing a lanyard. Carrying a purse around is too cumbersome, and I'm always wary about theft. I bought this one: Click me!


    I tucked my sail card underneath my shirt/dress and it just looks like a necklace on top. Plus it's magnetic, which makes it easy to put on and take off. Very sturdy, too. Definitely worth spending a little more on it than a $3 one if you don't want to look too tourist-y.

  3. Day 3: Sea Day Pt. 2, Electric Boogaloo


    Awaken to another glorious sunrise over the sea! Decide that an oceanview room for me is totally worth it. Not having that natural light would be awful. Head up to Horizon Court for another breakfast buffet (scrambled eggs with tomatoes, goat cheese, and mint -- yum!, cheese & fruit), then head back to my room to change and grab my Kindle for even more reading by the Terrace Pool. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite spots because it is quiet and adults-only. I read for a little while before deciding that I'd like to swim, so I head back to my stateroom to don my bikini.


    This time, I go for the Lotus Pool. Even more secluded and adults-only, though someone decided they were a special snowflake and brought their child in despite the VERY LARGE sign that says otherwise. An attendant was quick to boot them, though. Once I'm through swimming and hot tubbing, I go back to my room and then down to the Wheelhouse for pub lunch. I have fish and chips and lament that there are only two pieces of fish (though dining companions at the bar next to me tell me I can get three pieces next time -- yay!). Return yet again to my room (this is definitely a reoccurring theme) and decide to try out room service.


    Within 20 minutes, chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk have been delivered to my room. Decide this is the best thing ever and quickly settle in for another four-hour nap. Wake up and am hungry for dinner, so I head to the Michelangelo dining room for Italian night. This is easily the best MDR dining experience all cruise. Seafood antipasto (SO AMAZING), prosciutto with melon, veal scallopinne, and tiramisu. It is just awesome. I meet a couple my age at dinner named Dan and Ashley, and we all go to see Farrell Dillon's show in the theater afterward. Excellent sleight of hand artist and funny to boot. Quite enjoyed him. Retire to my room for TV and sleep.

  4. I'm just curious about sailing solo, because I've been thinking about it, but haven't done it. How does the dining room work for solo? Are you seated with others or by yourself? I know this is a basic question but I appreciate the insight!


    If you do Anytime dining, they'll ask if you'd like to share a table. I always opt for this because I like to meet new people each night as well as have the flexibility to eat dinner when I'd like. I know some people really prefer Traditional, though -- but it's your call!

  5. Day 2 - It's My Sea Day and I'll Nap if I Want To:


    Wake early at 6:30 and catch the sunrise from my window. Gorgeous. Decide to hit the gym, and apparently I am not the only one waiting around at 7:00. Start trying to work out, but it quickly becomes so crowded that I decide to leave early. Shower in my stateroom (and think to myself that it's probably for the best my 6'7" boyfriend did not come with me because he would not have fit in the shower). Head to the Horizon Court buffet for breakfast and quite enjoy the spread, especially the scrambled eggs with cream cheese and salmon.


    Head back to my room to change, then grab my Kindle and head to the Terrace Pool for reading. Spend quite a few hours doing so before going back to my room only to realize that the magnetic lock in my Kindle cover has de-magnetized my cruise card. Go to PAX services and they quickly have it up and running for me again. Return to my room for a nap -- a four-hour one, to be exact. I'm up in time to catch the movie Hitch on Decks 16/17, although the screen has quite a few dead pixel clusters, which was sad.


    Go back to my room to dress for dinner -- it is formal night after all, and I have a Crown Grill reservation. Get myself fancy-looking and head down. Dinner at the Crown is SO VERY WORTH IT. Treat yourself, please, because it is amazing. I would have easily spent three times as much on a comparable dinner in my hometown. Scallops and a lobster cake to start, a med-rare NY strip for my main, and a s'mores stack for dessert. Although the steak itself can use some trimming, it is easily in my Top 5 Best, and I'm from Iowa -- I know my meats! The s'mores stack was delectable. An incredible meal.


    Retire back to my stateroom and decide to wind down with some TV and eventually fall asleep.

  6. Sorry for the delay! I didn't want to continue without my notes because I've already missed things! I did indeed attend muster before sailaway. Continuing on!


    Day 1, Pt. 2


    After spending all the time I want on deck, go back to my room to change again and then head to the Michelangelo dining room for dinner. Pasta appetizer, grilled salmon main course, and souffle for dessert. Everything is lovely. There's a very poignant moment where one of the couples at my table sees an elderly lady who bears a very striking resemblance to the man's mother who recently passed. We also all notice how much our table shakes -- everyone who's sailed before agrees this is unusual. It's like Jurassic Park with our wine and water glasses.


    Head back to my room to check out the Patter for evening events. Decide to pop down to the Crooner's Lounge for a martini and David Williams's piano tunes. He is awesome, and as a fellow pianist, I must live vicariously through him who gets to play the beautiful baby grand on stage. Finish my drink and then head for Club Fusion's karaoke hour. Crowd is great, hosts are delightful, and of course I sing something because I can't not at karaoke. Enjoy the rest of the hour, then turn into my stateroom.


    By the by, the mattress is awful. I ask for and receive an egg crate topper, but it doesn't do much to help. I manage to sleep all right the whole cruise only because I have inherited my father's ability to sleep anywhere at anytime.

  7. This was my very first cruise, and I must say I definitely picked a good one! The itinerary was a perfect mix of sea days and port days, and although there were a few not-so-great parts, overall I had an amazing time. So let's get started, shall we?!


    Day 1, Pt. 1:

    Drive up from San Diego to the San Pedro Port. Stop in Costa Mesa for Jimmy John's because YUM. Think that I'm hopelessly lost on the way to the port and blame my GPS (which was actually taking me the right way the whole time). Decide to exit after the last bridge and try to figure out where I'm going, but then I see the Crown. Gasp out loud and exclaim to myself, "Oh my god, it's huge!! Wow! I'm so excited!" (That's what she said.)


    Perform the looparound to get to the berth's parking and then as I'm unloading my suitcase, realize with a start that I've forgotten my boarding pass at home. Heart sinks and panic sets in -- what if I can't board without it?! Head for the port and find a Princess rep to ask about my missing boarding pass. He's a kindly elderly chap who smiles and says, "Don't worry, sweetheart, it happens all the time. You got your passport?" I nod. "You'll be fine, then. Just see Barb at the desk first, okay?"


    My fears quelled, I hand my bag off to a porter and tip him, then go to the aforementioned desk. The lady there does a pre-check in for me and then hands me a health questionnaire I need to fill out before heading up to actual check-in. Everyone's very helpful about where to go next. Go to security, declare my bottle of wine in my carryon, then sit and wait. They're boarding Group 5; I am Group 13. Enjoy the subsequent cheers from the crowd as each group is called to board. Send my final texts to my best friend and my boyfriend, and eventually my group is called. Boarding itself takes a bit, but I make some friendly conversations with people around me.


    Once I'm on and have my card registered, I head into the ship itself and realize I have no idea where I am in relation to anything else. Ask another Princess rep for directions, and she's very helpful about ship navigation. Manage to find my stateroom - no bag waiting for me yet, but no worries. Start to unpack my carryon and then get a knock on my door. My bag has arrived! Finish unpacking, get a quick change of clothes, then arm myself with my cell and my cruise card. Head down to passenger services and get a hole punched in my card for my lanyard. Best idea EVER, those lanyards. Take the elevator up to Deck 16 and begin to roam about the ship. Try to get to Decks 18 and 19, but fail miserably. Work my way down the ship, taking many pictures, then head back to the top decks for sailaway. Enjoy a delicious mocktail while leaning on the railing and watching the USA slowly drift out of sight. Remember at the last second to turn off my cell's mobile data and put it on airplane mode. Close one.


    More to follow...this is going to be a long one!

  8. ^ Same experience as KruzPrincess, but I was on the Mexican Rivera voyage the week after. I was in an oceanview stateroom and the mattress was AWFUL. I got an egg crate topper but it did not help much at all.

  9. I don't allow her to run, talk loudly, or go anywhere unattended. She says "please" and "thank you" and doesn't make a mess at the table. If she spills something, I clean it up completely. We leave our cabin nice and tidy and she puts her clothes, toys away. She understands this is an extreme privilege and if she blows it, it will be the last cruise for her.


    You must all be unicorns. You must. Because it's been YEARS since any kid I've interacted with has used "please" or "thank you" or hasn't generally been shrieking their heads off and running around like someone set them on fire while in public.


    Please, please, PLEASE keep doing what you're doing. The world desperately needs more amazing parents like you.

  10. Ladies: I just got this stylish lanyard/badge holder from Amazon.


    It's even prettier in person! The clasp is magnetic, so you don't have to fumble with lobster claws or anything similar requiring dexterity. I'm really excited to try it out on my cruise for my keycard. I'll make sure to include it in my review when I return. :)

  11. I don't begrudge the vets who meet the qualifications. I think it's a wonderful thing for Princess to offer. But when Princess set up the offer, it defined the guidelines of who qualifies for the promotion. The OP admitted that he did not qualify.


    A) Clearly I am a female. You can see this on my avatar.


    B) Not my fault I was medically discharged before my first term of service was up.


    C) Also not my fault that Princess awarded the OBC.


    My original intention was to encourage other vets who maybe don't neatly fit the guidelines to also try for the benefit. I don't understand why you're being kind of really rude about this.

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