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Posts posted by Lisa&Neb

  1. we are just looking at booking our anniversary cruise and I want to find an island that I can renew our vows and not cost a small fortune (we are already doing that with the cost of the cruise!).


    Is there somewhere in curacao that we could do this? Ideally it would be nice to do it in a Catholic Church, but that's not necessary.


    Thanks a bunch.

  2. how long does it take before Woody usually responds to emails? I just sent him one today, but DH wants to book our excursions asap (he's convinced that Bumpiing is the way to go, and I'm just looking for more options)

  3. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO LSTEFFA: You make a hop bet. Ha, ha, ha. Don't you know LSTEFFA that the House pays 29 to 1 on a hop bet, but, the real odds are 35 to 1. Yes, the House makes their true killing when you win. And might I add you are a real intelligent bettor making a bet like that so if it hits you don't get the true payout. If he doesn't hit then you lose your entire bet. That is a really smart bet. lol


    I agree hop bets have a high house edge, but they have a lower house edge then the normal big red. the hop is in units of 3 to the math is...


    Big red - $3 bet to pay 12 ($15 off the table)

    Hop - $3 bet pays 15 ($16 off the table)

  4. Hello all, very informative thread. I'm a rookie but love the game and still learning.


    Do any of you folks ever play the FIELD? Is it a sucker bet or can you make some money by playing it?


    I will play the field only if I am drunk..... it is a bad bet.... you are not getting the best numbers, the 6 and 8. you are better placing the 6 and 8 for 6 each then betting the field.

  5. This all makes sense, but to take it one step further… Am I correct in my understanding that I may decide at any time to have my odds working or not (on both pass/don’t pass and any come/don’t come bet) but the original bet stays in place till the number is hit or a 7 is rolled?



    Correct... odds cna work on ont work at any time... but pass line and come bets must always work untill they win or lose..... Unlike don't pass and don't come, which you can pick them up at any time.

  6. Thanks everyone, these responses have helped a lot. It truly shows me how much I have to learn about the game to become anything more than just a casual player. This cruise will have a steep learning curve for sure.


    To make sure I understand… If I make a come bet, no matter what number comes up I get the true odds without having to pay the vig, so long as I also take the odds?


    A come (or don't come) bet is the exact same as the pass/don't pass line, it is just setting another point.


    ie. new shooter. You bet 5 on the pass, a 9 hits you can take odds (say 2x so $10). On the next roll you place a come bet. a 2,3 or 12, you lose the come bet, 7 or 11 you win 1 to 1 on the come bet. any other number the come gets moved to it and say it is the 5, you can put $10 free odds on it. No if a 5 comes before the 7 you win on your 5 come bet ($20 win) and if the 9 hits before the 7 you win $20 on that.


    If the 9 hits you win $20 on it and you 5 bet is still up there. Now you still need to hit a 5 before a 7 to win on your five bet.

  7. Can someone please tell me the difference between buying points and placing them?


    Thanks, I'm still learning...



    A place bet has set pays that are not ture odds... you should place 6/8 and 5/9 as the house edge is less on a place bet vs a buy bet. A place bet on the 6/8 pays 6 to 7 meaning you put $6 down and if it hits you get 7. the 5/9 are 5 to 7 so you out down $5 and get $7. the 4/10 are placed at 5 to 9 or $5 to $9.


    When buying you are paying the casino to get the true odds without a come bet.


    Buying the 6/8 pays odds 5 to 6, the 5/9 pays 2 to 3 and the 4/10 pays 2 to 1


    So when you buy the 4 or 10 you nomrally pay $21 ($20 bet and $1 to buy, a commission). If you win you win 40 so it is 21 for 40 or just shy of 2 to 1. So compaired to the place at $20 here is what you get



    Place bet

    At 4 units

    Pay out at

    4 units

    Buy for $20

    +1 commis

    Pay on buy bet

































    I hope this helps....

  8. yes... you can play both sides at the same time..... I have seen a guy play the good side, with 10 as the point, and then LAY the 4. so the 4 was covering his 10 bet, and he just had place bets on the inside numbers, and turned them into come bets. I asked him about it and he said he only does it when he has a 4 or 10 as the point. not sure why but he does....

  9. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO Lisa&Neb: I disagree with you about the odds in Black Jack. The House has an 11% edge when six decks are used. Now most casinos use eight decks dealt out of a shoe. House edge goes up. The House also now uses a continous shuffle machine or a CSM. House edge now moves up even more. Regardless of your knowledge of basic strategy beating the house is now a long shot. Forget about counting cards. The CSM takes card counting out.


    Compare that to Craps. The House has a 1.45% edge on the pass line bet. Same for the Come bet. If you play the Don't Pass the House Edge is now 1.43%. I don't recommend taking odds on the Don't Pass bet. Once you take full odds, whatever the casino will allow, the House edge now slips to .80%. That is under a 1% edge. There is no fairer game in the casino than that.



    Thanks for your opinion... but I think your #'s BJ are WRONG!!!


    "The house edge can be diminished to only around 1% if the player follows certain rules. The set of rules known as basic strategy make blackjack one of the fairest games of any kind, almost as fair as coin tossing."





    8 deck with basic rules .7% house edge when playing basic stragey




    this has odds of all the games!!!

  10. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO CGuy: First, I would not recommend playing Black Jack on a cruise ship or in any other casino. The house has too much of an edge. You should learn how to play craps. If you like interacting with other players this is a good game for you. Besides, the house edge is less than in Black Jack. Never play a game in which the house has a big edge. You will be a big loser.


    Actually BJ has one of the lowest house edges when played according to the "chart" (basic statagey). IF you can count cards (are not playing on a CSM) then the player actually can have a small advantage. As for craps.. at 1 or 2 times odds the housle has about the same edge as BJ. for more info go to www.wizardofodds.com and look at each of the games. the 4 best games toplay for low house edge are BJ, craps and Baccarat and finally Pai Gow.



    You can also add in Table poker, where there is no house edge, just your sitting fee or rake... just look for a lower rake. Finally Video poker cnda have a low house edge if you find he right rules/pay table.



    On the other side the worst bets are Keno, Big wheel, Car. stud side bet (unless the jackpot is over about 160,000), Baccarat tie, BJ insurance, LEt it ride side bet, Craps prop bets(middle bets), Roulette with 00 (numbers), finally Cansino War tie bet.

  11. Just found this board-- great addition!


    Yo, another darksider here. I just got back from Vegas a few weeks ago and played more craps than I ever had before. (Also like to play BJ, pai gow poker, and roulette.) I made some decent money and had a great sense of when to back off and wait out a shooter. I'm with Yo 100%. I don't need the crowd and the cheers-- just pay me. When it's a hot table, I'll back off and root for the rest of you to make some money too!


    I'm a low stakes gambler though, played all $3 tables out in Vegas. Wife and I are heading to Adventure of the Seas in September and never played craps on the seas before (always stuck to BJ). From what I've read, looks like all ships have $5 minimums, is that right?


    I don't like laying odds on 6/8, but I will on 4/5/9/10. (Just a personal preference.) On a $5 table, will they let me lay $6 on a 4/10 to make $3 and lay $6 on a 5/9 to make $4? Or would I have to bet enough so that a winning bet is at least the table minimum, i.e., lay $10 to make $5 on a 4/10 and lay $7.50 to make $5 on a 5/9? In Vegas, I saw both ways so I have no idea which way is the consensus/majority view. My preference would be to bet the minimum on odds while still getting mathematically proper payouts. Hey, I'm cheap, but not stupid. ;)



    I think the poster was asking would they only me able to bet at 1-1 if the odds did not allow for a proper bet ammoujnt. I believe that most casinos will let you go up to the next unit (bet) that allows for a proper payoff.


    on the 4 and 10... any even number (so if max is $5.. they would let you bet 6) so 6 pays 3. on 5 and 9, anything that allows them to pay 2-3 so $6 to pay 4 and the 6 and 8 would be maxed at 6 to pay 5.


    I know they have max odds, but they do not want to upset the players that know what they are doing. This is atleast my experience at most casinos. (here in Ontario... they will let you go to $30 on a $5 5 or 9 at 5x odds (so it is actualy 6x!!!)

  12. I have seen layouts (I think most recently they were in Vegas on the Strip) that show all the hop bets on them across the top of the center of the layout, so the bet can be placed there as easily as the more common 2/3/11/12 bets. And plenty of people were making the bet.


    It's still not a good bet though! Way too much house edge on it.




    i agree... but a better bet than Big Red

  13. Yo... you are correct... any of the horn bets are "hopping" even big red is hopping.... I am not sure why a casino would not take a hopping bet... it is a bad bet jsut like yo or any other 2 outter at 15-1. the stick, table boss and pit boss all knowing about the bet should make it a good bet even if it is not on the table. What about when you yell a bet just as the dice are passed... they still book that bet... so the hop should be the same.... The main reason I think they may not book the bet is they may not know what a hop is.....

  14. Another tip to cut the house edge...


    For all you Big red betters... hop the 7 3 ways for a dollar each. you are betting $1 a 6-1, $1 a 2-5 and $1 a 4-3. If 7 hits you get 15 to 1.. so you ahve 16 dollars (your bet +15) Playing big red for $3 pays 4 to 1 or $12 + your $3 bet for a total of 15.


    7 hopping = $16

    Big Red = $15


    Only thing... the hopping must be played in multiples of 3 only!!!!

  15. If you have nothing but time and enjoy just watching for the "right" time to place a bet here is what I do.


    I wait untill I see a patter. I have watched a table for hours if needed. I wait for re-peater, within 2 #'s of the pervious spin, or dealers who plays across the wheel 0 then 00 or 9 then 10. Once I find this there is 1 area of the table to play. This is beaucew it is the only area where the entire streets are right beside each other on the wheel and the felt. It allows to block betting to allow for greater covereage or the area for multi bet wins on all numbers.




    I will bet $15 on a spin. You bet all the Straight ups, splits and corners in the 25 to 30 block and if you see the spinner is a repeat area or cross wheel, I will bet another $5, $3 on the straight ups I think will be hit (odds or evens) and 2 on the 25-30 street.


    If I have a few more $$$'s to spend I will also cover 0-00, 9-10 and 11-12 as these #'s are the brackets to what I call the top and bottom of the wheel.




    If you need more info ask.

  16. No!

    Don't Pass can only be made on the COME OUT roll.


    Don't Come can only be made when the POINT has been established.


    You can however remove either one of these bets at ANY time. Hope this helps.


    I only lay odds on the 4 and the 10. Good luck!


    I did not ask when you can put down a DC or DP bet.. I have played craps lots of times... I just never knew you could pick up a DP or DC. I normally play "right" and you can not pick up a PL or Come. When the table is cold I will bet the dark side, but I have never picked up the bet, as I did not know you could.


    As for laying the 4 and 10... It would only make sence if normally place the 6 and 8. Just wondering if it works as part of your strategy??

  17. One thing that does irritate me is after a point goes down, and I have two or three Come bets on the table, the morons that root for a 7 on the Come out roll. They just don't understand the game IMO.


    I play do's and don't when do'es. I play pass with x2 odds. after point I play the inside #'s for min. I also drop a come. I use the come and place to go x2 odds, and drop another come, repeat. I always have an off and on. I make 6-8, 5-9 always the same. I go up a unit with every hit to max. once the inside is at max, I buy the 4 and 10 at 20 (one each roll) and then pump them to 35.


    As for after the point is made rooting for a 7. Most casino's will let you bet big red on the come out to "insure" the comes. Meaning you have 4 $5 come bets out, you can put $5 BR and if 7 hits you cantell them to keep the comes up with odds and call it even!!



    I also bet HH YO and $1 AD (1-2) to make everything 30-1

    (or 30-2 for YO and AD). I only do this after I have come bets... I do this to cover mypass time and my Big Red.. If any "porps" hit I double them.. made 5 HHYO/$1AD in a row one time... 6,12,18,24,30 all at 30 to 1 or 2.



    ??? about don't.... 1. can you pick up any don't come or don't pass bet at any time?

    2. Do you ever Lay the 4 and the 10?

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