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Posts posted by Submariner

  1. Tricky. Im sure 90% of new guests are unaware of this situation and arrive at their usual time. This will lead to longer lines before boarding. If you delay your arrival, you will be back of a long line - but you would miss the wait.

    If it were me, I would arrive a little later.

    My guess is that they would delay departure time by an hour or so and just make it up at sea. But thats just a guess..

  2. Yup, I'm also on board. I had a 10:00 bus, luckily was able to push it back to noon and am considering doing a 1:30 instead. When they finally dock it's going to be a madhouse to get off.


    ... not to mention the rush to get new guests on board. I bet they are a little jittery. :eek:

  3. As for the comment to Submariner: you probably aren't aware of the fact that most retailers require their employees to greet and make eye contact with everyone who enters the shop. This cuts down on 50% of theft.


    Hmmm... so that just confirms my point in that the greeting isn't genuine - but rather based on an ulterior motive and that is to play the numbers game to decrease shrinkage.


    Did management say ' Lets greet our customers to show we care that they took the time to shop here' or rather did they say' Hmm...we can reduce our theft by applying a little psychology here'... Again with the phoniness.


    Hey, sorry to hijack this thread. I wont say another word ..:D

  4. Wow someone's in a mood today :rolleyes: Just to let you know I'm never phony, I genuinely enjoying interacting with and meeting new people that's why I do what I do. Like I said the majority of people are very pleasant and friendly. Now which category would you be in? Hmmm...no comment.


    Sorry! I guess I am not as naive as you are. Thats ok. Its not a fault - just an exception. While there are many cheerful and happy people like yourself who deserve an equal reciprocation there are many 'drones' in the service industry who have glazed or robotic mannerisms that look like Stepford Wives as they act all cheery and plastic when they greet you with a 'Howya all doing today'?


    Oh an on the subject of things that piss me off. Here's another:


    People who say 'No comment' then they clearly have one but lack the guts and the fortitude to say it! :cool:

  5. Having worked in retail for 18 years now I agree. Oh boy the things I've seen and heard! I work in a restaurant now and have had people actually get mad at me for holding the door for them (this is part of my job) or because I ask, "how are you today?". I can understand they could be having a bad day, but getting angry at me?, I don't get it. So I just keep smiling and kill them with kindness like a lot of you said. The wonderful people I have meet have more than made up for the nasty ones. Happy cruising everyone! :)


    Actually I am one of those that get annoyed by that. It irritates me to no end at the phony, fake greetings that people say in stores. I feel like saying 'Do you really care?' Its a symptom of plastic fakeness that permeates in retail and service today. After you hear that one too many times, you get a littel pissed off..


    Almost as bad as the 'Management apologizes for the inconvenience caused ...' default added as a signature at the end of them doing something to piss you off .... :rolleyes:

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