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Posts posted by BEARFACE

  1. Fair enough. I've never denied that I'm not losing.


    But its hard to swallow that one cupcake for the week could ruin my weightloss. I use the cupcake as an example. Obviously, it must be something else I'm doing, but as soon as I mention on here that I ate a cupcake...................:eek:. That was it.............that's why you're not losing. That one cupcake you had this week, even though you had the points to eat it and even though your plan says its okay to have it. Cupcake.:o


    I know about the WW plan, although back years ago when it was just the points plan, and it did work for me when I followed the program, that cupcake you want everyday, well if it is within your points for the day I do not see a problem with this. You can include a sweet everyday and still lose the weight. I think your problem is what else are you eating that is not within your points for the day, and doing this everyday you are not going to see a weight loss if your going over your points on a regular basis. I struggle myself from day to day about having sweets, I go through withdrawals if I miss a day without something sweet;) so that is my weakness that I need to work on. So in the end I do not believe it is that "cupcake", I think it is whatever you are snacking on throughout the day or evening that is going to sabotage any weight loss efforts. Have that cupcake or one sweet a day that is within points and stop there, you will be satisfying a craving and still lose the weight, stay within those points for one week and you will see a loss. As everyone had mentioned here, only you can make this happen.

  2. I might open a big fat can of worms here.........as I've noticed that most have stopped commenting to me..........but I guess I deserve that and it might be a good thing.


    However, I would like to ask a frank question as no one here (including myself) has ever had a problem with honesty. Is the only reason I get "picked on" (for lack of better wording) about my food choices b/c I'm not losing anything? I mean if I was losing like 1-2lbs a week, but still had a cupcake everyday would you guys question me as much?


    I don't want to pick on other people here, but there are others who have diets that give them permission to eat full fats and lots of meats (including red meat etc.) and there has nothing been said as to their choices in their diet. But they are losing and showing progress. People who say they eat out a lot (maybe good choices, but I've done good choices eating out too, but it didn't matter), but b/c they are losing..............not a word to them?


    Is that it? Honestly, not trying to get into debate over this, but it is something that curiously popped into my mind yesterday and I kinda wanna know if its just me being paranoid or there is some fact to it.


    I guess I might regret this. Curiosity killed the cat. :p


    PS-Should know it about 48 hours about my gallbladder. You know they have to pay these extra special people to read these results and then they tell my dr. and I probably have to pay for an apt. for him to read them to me. :rolleyes:


    You are not being paranoid, I agree with everything you said, it is all about losing weight, others are succeeding here, but each week if you do lose you manage to gain it back, when is the last time you had steady weeks of weight loss? and maybe having that cupcake everyday you could still lose the weight, the question is what else are you eating that is sabotaging your efforts? I do believe you could have one sweet a day and still lose, I think the problem is the extra food you are eating throughout the day. Just one opinion here. And I do agree, I think the Adkins diet is a poor choice, the program delivers success but I think it causes harm to your overall health, too many red meats, eggs and fats are not good either. I think a combination of the main food groups is a better choice, and getting fiber is most important. But again you are right, because others here are losing weight they are not going to be questioned about what they are eating. Sorry but you come back day to day, week to week with no or very little progress, and I have been reading your thread for a couple of years.

  3. Bearface, are you on myfitnesspal?


    No I am not on myfitnesspal, I have been reading this thread for the last couple of years and just want to see the OP succeed, we all know the struggles of losing weight and what we have to do. I liked your quote from Dr. Phil, so very true.

  4. So how many points are you going over by, if I may ask? If you say it's counteracting with your exercising, and you're only maintaining your weight, is all this planning and hard work worth it to just maintain the weight? Maybe I'm being out of line, but I personally I would be mad with myself if I was busting my @$$ to "only maintain the weight". I know, I know, everyone has their own opinions, but I'm just asking.


    Are you on myfitnesspal Brooke? You used to post on here what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.....


    I have to agree with you Mrs. CO5, what is the sense of doing all this exercise with very little success, I would be annoyed too if I were putting in all this time at the gym, Brooke, hopefully someday you will figure out the food part, but until then you are not going to see anything, yes I think you are just sort of rewarding yourself with food after all this exercise and maybe thinking you will still lose the weight, unfortunately it does not work like this. Like you say now you just have to get the food part right. Good luck to you.

  5. I don't even know how a nutritionist would help you at this point because I think you honestly know what you are supposed to do...cut your portions, exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables and not junk. It's not rocket science, it's common sense. You just don't want to do it.


    Not to sound cruel, but you said it yourself. "I'm rebellious". Two words: get over it..being rebellious..life isn't fair..it's not fair that we can't eat what we want, when we want, whatever we want and not gain weight. "I can't afford a program, gifts, whatever"..that might be true..we make sacrifices for what we REALLY want even if it's painful. Somehow your managing to find funds for another cruise. That's a sacrifice. Your complaining about money being tight, but then contradict yourself and say it's not about money or housepayments but then say you can't afford Christmas presents or some things that might help you with the weight loss. Here's an idea..don't eat out for a month and see how much weight you loose and how much money you save. That's a sacrifice. And it involves planning, getting up earlier maybe to pack your lunch, letting your mom's feelings get hurt because your not eating what she cooks (that's her issue, not yours), etc.


    Your probably not going to like the "in your face" comments by a few of us but you know what? If you don't like the comments, it's not about us, it's about you not wanting to face a painful reality. That's why the WW group might be a good thing for you.


    My point here is not to be cruel. I, and so many others want you to succeed and do well. I think you have the capability of doing it. You know what to do, just do it and like the other person who posted prior to me said, just stop making the excuses. But maybe a cold reality check is in order. None of us might not be friends in real life but we do care enough to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.


    Could not have said it better myself:) I totally agree with you here.

  6. I don't even want to talk about the scale right now. I want to scream, "WHAT THE $^*@!"


    But in reality I know what the *****.


    I've half-***** the last few weeks and I've paid the price for it. I can't blame mother nature or my back or the cold, well I can, but only to an extent. About 85% of its my BAD choices. So, I should get mad, angry, or sad and depressed.


    Thought about doing all of that when I stepped on the scale and saw a number I haven't seen for almost 8 months now. Probably went through all those emotions in a matter of an hour. But I knew the only thing I could end with was resolve. Resolve to FOCUS! Focus on me and what I'm putting in my body. I let myself slack, slip back into letting things slip and what happened? Exactly what I didn't want to happen. I have now put on more weight than what I gained on the cruise!


    It is NOT the season for gaining weight for me. I was planning on maintaining through the holidays and now I'm ballooning like crazy. Now, I have been reading some articles about "healthy at any size" and how diets are crap and have fail rates for most people and that your body decides your size,etc. While I agree with some concepts, I don't believe my body wants to be this weight or anywhere near it. I'm not happy personally at this weight. I KNOW where I want to be and I KNOW I can get there if I actually wanted to really try.


    Let's face it people. I've been half *****ing it since I started this thread. You know, I know it, the lurkers know it. What is the key to kicking myself into gear though? I'm not sure I know. I'm not sure I know what is going to change my thinking to really put forth the effort to follow the guidelines and lose weight. I can't answer that question. I know right now I'm mad at myself and frustrated at what I have done and that is motivating me at the moment. Is that enough? Cruises don't seem to do it. My nephews don't seem to do it. Being single doesn't seem to do it. My family def. doesn't. I mean the 352 weight inspired me. I felt miserable and icky at that weight. I don't feel that way now, I just know that I don't want to be here. Strange.


    I sure wish I could figure it out.


    But until then. I know that when I feel like this the best thing to do is clear the slate. Forgive myself and forget about the past and focus on the present and future. I cleared my WW and restarted at the new weight on a new weigh day and have pre-tracked my food for today. Even the food I will be eating out tonight for a friend's bday (looked up the restr. menu and chose the best thing I could). I went to the store this morning and spent money I don't really need to on some food choices. Time to get back to basics of WW. Sugar free pudding for my sweet cravings and light babybell cheese for that salty snack. Fresh fruit and easy steamable veggies. Though I did pick up a pre-made salad and wrap from the deli for lunches for the next two days. I know the ingredients and can log them easier. At least they aren't processed, they were hand made in the deli. I thought very hard about just going back to eating WW frozen foods to make life easy, but I know that isn't what I want to eat or need to eat (maybe on occasion).


    So here I go again. I feel like Pete and Repeat, deju vu, Groundhog Day............but I guess I can say I haven't given up.


    Good Choices.


    Haven't replied to this thread in many months but kept as you say "lurking" you are being so hard on yourself, but maybe now is the time to seek professional medical help, where you are accountable for weekly weigh-ins, spend the money where it is most important....on yourself!! forget about putting away on homes, cruises, etc....you need to focus on "you" and getting to a healthy weight. Dieting is not easy for anyone, at least not anyone I know. You should seek a dietician who can figure what you need to eat each day to lose the weight and see this person every week. I think WW is a good plan to be on but maybe not enough for you at this point, just being honest.


    What you posted today makes much sense, for the first time in a long time you were finally honest with yourself and everyone here and not making excuses. You are reaching out for help, pick up the phone and get it!!! it will be the best decision you will ever make, don't wait until the weight you are at affects your overall health. I have been reading your thread for a long time and still wish you success....you can do this!!!:)

  7. Sat. 315

    Sun. 315.2

    Mon. 316.2

    Tues. 315.8

    Wed. 316.6


    I don't know what is going on...........I just keep taking a long breath and saying, "It will come around."


    BK: Oatmeal


    L: Chicken wraps and fruit cup


    S: Cereal box, carb bar


    D: Turkey cutlet and baked potato


    W: 60 mins. ellpt.


    Well, I went into the gym and both ellpt. were in use so I jumped on the bike for 30 mins, then the ellpt. for 30 mins.


    I know its positive thinking that helps moves things forward, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that I've been going at this more exercise thing for about 8 days straight and I thought that I would see some results.........but apparently...........its gonna take longer? Maybe I'm still eating too much. I mean looking at my WW points, I'm not eating more than I have been.........so if I'm eating the same and exercising more, there should be a result????:rolleyes:.


    I guess I just have to give it some more time, but I'm getting REALLY tired of seeing 315.....and I'm sorry, but that is really frustrating and the time I have to lose the weight i want is slowly going down.............and my weight isn't.


    Nonetheless, I'll be on the ellpt. this afternoon, hoping that things will turn around soon.


    Good Choices.


    Hi Brooke,


    You know I was looking at your earlier posts when you started this thread, you were losing consistently back then and your eating habits were a bit different meaning you were eating from mainly all the food groups (carbs, proteins, veggies, fat). You were also going to weight watchers meetings, do you think that maybe attending these meetings again would help? maybe that is the answer to keep you accountable. Maybe going back to read some of your own posts will give you an idea of what you were doing a few years ago, just a thought, because yes I really do agree that with all the exercise you are doing you should be seeing better results. Are you eating enough now? because what you are listing as to what you eat everyday does not seem like enough, sometimes you have to have more calories to compensate for all the exercise you are doing.


    Well I hope that the scale starts moving soon in the right direction for you

  8. Sat. 315.6

    Sun. 317

    Mon. 316


    I think the Dr. will be disappointed, but I guess I will just have to deal with it and move on.


    BK: Oatmeal


    S: Fruit


    L: Grilled chicken sandwich


    D: Turkey cutlet and green beans.


    W: 40 mins on the bike


    Going to the Dr. for my check in apt. after my initial 2 months ago. No progress in my weight at all. I guess I have to decided, with the Dr., if low carb is helping or not. If I did it right, probably would, but what is my willingness to do it right? Idk.


    Good Choices.


    Hi Brooke,


    The menu you have listed for today, this seems like the perfect menu because it is a mix, some carbs, protein and vegetable, that will work for you. I really believe that although you were doing low carb you were eating way too many high sodium foods which I truly believe was sabotaging your weight loss.


    I think you will have more success going back to what you were eating before, like the oatmeal in the morning, a whole wheat sandwich with protein for lunch and have some protein and veggie for dinner, don't make every meal high protein, you need some carbs and fiber.


    Sorry you did not reach your goal for the two months, your doctor will have to understand, you have been stressed with house hunting and work lately, just move on and tell him you hope to give him a better number the next visit, don't stress over it. You are making the effort and that is what counts.


    Good choices, as you say;)

  9. I work at a college, so I can walk around campus, but my chiropractor actually discourages walking for me b/c of the impact on my lower spine. He says maybe when I lose some more weight it won't be as bad. He doesn't like the Zumba either, but its usually one day a week, so he lets it slide. The ellpt (as long as my knees stay strong) and the recumbant bike are the two things he likes for me until more weight comes off. Walking casually, doesn't hurt too much, but long periods will cause a lot of soreness and swelling in my lower back. I'm hoping that the 25lbs I want to lose will really help move past this b/c I really want to go cave tubing and there is a 30 mins hike through the jungle.......hope I can make it.


    I'm my own worst enemy. I'm serious about losing weight, but not serious enough to cut it all down to the bare bones to lose more than a 1lb a week. I just keep holding on to the idea that......I may lose a 1lb a week, but hopefully it won't come back as easy once I make my goal.


    Yep, my name is Brooke, brooklyn is a sorority name and fc is the initials of my college and hometown.


    I guess some chiropractor's have their own theory, mine used to encourage walking because it will strengthen your back, walking is the only form of exercise I will do, I do take the stairs quite a bit at home too. But I can certainly understand your wanting to lose a certain amount of weight before you do any intensive walking. I love it, I enjoy the scenery while walking. I can't tell you how many times I joined a gym only to last a few weeks. My DH says gyms are off limits for me;) plus I like to be outdoors.


    Losing 1 lb a week is fine, that old saying "slow and steady wins the race", when you think about it that is 8 lbs in two months, nothing wrong with that number. I need to get serious about my diet too, I am at least 20 lbs overweight for my height if not a bit more.


    Thanks for the info on your screen name, can be confusing since you live in Virginia and not brooklyn lol...what college and town?


    You will reach your goal for that cave tubing adventure, just be positive:)

  10. sat. 316.2

    Sun. 315

    Mon. 317

    Tues. 316.4


    I sure wish I was seeing more than a lb or less (so far) each week. But, I could if I tried harder, I guess.


    BK: 1/2 c oatmeal/1 c 2% milk/ tbsp sugar.


    L: Hamburger patty/light bread/ canned fruit b/c it was like the only thing healthy we had.


    D: Idk, mom is supposed to go to the store this afternoon, so hopefully I will have some choices when I get home.


    W: 30 in the gym


    I did 23 mins yesterday on the ellpt. I made it to 300 calories burned (or so said the machine). I had walked across campus yesterday and back, so I didn't feel bad giving up a little early. After all, I haven't seen the ellpt. in a while.


    I'm gonna have to be up by like 5:30am tomr. for work. We have an event that I have to work. Lucky though, my boss is gonna let us go after its over, so it will be an early morning, but early day too. I will workout at home tomr. if I have the energy after being up an hour early (I'm not kidding, early morning really affect me that way).


    I gotta go track my food for yesterday. I've been slacking on it and I'm sure that is part of my problem.


    I hope everyone is having a good week!


    Good choices.


    Hi Brook,


    Is there a park with a walking path close to where you live? that would be great regular exercise and being outdoors with a nice pair of headphones, that is good cardio exercise, the pounds should fall off. That is what I did today and will continue to do now that the weather is nicer.


    Don't beat yourself up, dieting is not easy, eventually you will find what the right food plan is for you and the pounds will come off.


    I know your screen name is BrooklynFC and I hope I have not been calling you by the wrong name. Your name is Brook, right?


    Good luck in your house hunting too.



  11. Sat. 315.4

    Sun. 316.6

    Mon. 317.2

    Tues. 316.8

    Wed. 316

    Thurs. 316.8

    Fri. 316.8


    Soooooooooo 315.4 is my weight this week. That puts me up a lb from last week. But still in my 5% body weight loss and 5lbs additional to the 10lbs I lost. This seems to be what happened last year when I booked my cruise. I changed my diet back to WW, which happened to have changed the program. It then took me about 3 months to figure out that the points they assigned me were too many and causing me to maintain and not lose. Then I had 3 months to lose the 10lbs I wanted to before the cruise, which ended up coming down to the day before I left to meet it. So, here I am again trying to lose weight for a cruise and I started with a year and lost about 5lbs in 5 months and now I'm trying something new AGAIN and its causing me problems AGAIN..............I don't want to be down to the wire again on this one. I really was hoping I could lose the 25lbs and then some. Annoyed? Yea a bit, but I know it will pass.


    BK: Flax muffin (finally bought some splenda), some butter on it, one piece of 3oz ham.


    S: Peanuts (Lori-I need to buy almonds or at least unsalted peanuts, you're right) The PB I have is low sodium and low sugar.


    L: Ham sandwich on my low everything bread w/ some light mayo and mustard. Didn't think to grab a veggie this morning. I have a cheese stick though.


    D: I will try for the shrimp again tonight. Last night the nephews called (my brother and SIL usually call us to come see them on Thursdays b/c thats when they have visits with their biological mom and they think it kinda helps when he gets to see us after that.) We went to McDs and yes, I let the carbs fly. The 2 cheese burger meal with fries and diet drink, then my brother bought me an ice cream cone.


    I've noticed that Thursday..........seem to be "the day" for me. I don't know why. Maybe its b/c I'm usually with the kids. Its also the last day before weekly points restart. Idk, maybe Gathina was right in saying I needed treats, maybe I just need one meal, one day a week. Hopefully, not always that horrible, but something. Something to consider.


    W: I will workout at home tonight b/c I'm going to view a house. I worked out at home last night after McDs b/c of going out to eat with the boys. I did do 40 mins. on the bike though. Was proud of that.


    Good Choices.


    Good morning:)


    They also have low sodium cold cuts too, and yes you are better off with the unsalted peanuts. When I want cold cuts I buy the low sodium cheese, turkey or bologna, every little bit helps. Thankfully I do not eat the cold cuts too often. Your choice in peanut butter sounds good with the low sodium and sugar.


    Oh, and if you like spaghetti they offer the whole grain version which is what I buy all the time, like last night I had it, a small enough portion with a salad.


    You are right, although you are drinking enough water, if you are constantly eating foods high in sodium you are not giving yourself a chance to flush your system out and of course you know salt causes fluid retention which shows on the scale. But it seems like you are already making different choices with lowering your sodium intake, good job:)


    Have a nice weekend.

  12. Sat. 315.4

    Sun. 316.6

    Mon. 317.2

    Tues. 316.8

    Wed. 316

    Thurs. 316.8


    Well, they had Zumba last night, so I went with that. It was a bit hard on my shoulder actually, but I worked through it. My knees were mad too, but such as life when you don't get in good exercise for a few days.


    BK: 1/2 c (dry measure) of oatmeal, splenda (forgot to grab fruit, but I think I can ask a workstudy student to borrow some from the cafe.)


    S: Peanuts


    L: Deer sausage mixed with cream cheese and cilantro, 1 c corn.


    S: 1tbsp PB


    D: Grilled flavored shrimp (pre-packaged since I can't seem to fix it right myself), Asparagus (I didn't have that last night, I pre-cooked the sausage so I ate a portion last night with green beans and brought the rest for lunch today)


    W: at least 30 in the gym


    I see I popped up in weight today. Well, it seems to be a trend the last few weeks........lower totals at the beginning of the week and higher at the end. Well, as long as my weight goes down again next week..........I'm okay with that. I sure hope there isn't a delayed reaction to my overeating this past weekend. This week I truly haven't been looking at my carb totals, though I've been making lower carb choices. I'll be curious to see what I get without really seeing the totals each day and trying to really focus on a certain total. I think this will give me what I'm "comfortable with" and then I need to take it down a notch from there.


    I told my chiropractor that maybe I'm not losing what I thought I would b/c I wasn't taking in as many carbs as I had thought I was. I used numbers from when I was doing Sparkpeople. The thing is...........WW kinda is a low carb diet.


    WW tracks:


    Total Fat





    They do some kind of secret calculation and come up with points for each food depending on the above information. So, what I have noticed is: If you eat low fat, low carb, high fiber, high protein............the points for the food per serving is lower. So "technically" WW is a low carb diet. I know I was still eating breads, potatoes........etc. but I wonder if it was closer to around 200 carbs a day instead of the 300 I was thinking and therefore.........taking it down to 150 didn't cause much difference. I could just totally be making that up.


    However if 200 was closer then half would be 100 carbs a day. I guess I will just take a look at my totals per day and see what I'm taking in and then decrease that.


    Good Choices.


    Hi Brook:)


    If I may offer a bit of advice? maybe the scale is at a standstill or gain because of too much sodium? I would lower your sodium intake, eating sausage everyday along with other protein foods high in sodium can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Like the other day I ate turkey breast and other cold cuts, my weight was up in no time because of all the salt. Most seafood has a ton of salt per serving. I think you were doing just fine with your oatmeal in the morning, have a whole wheat type of sandwich for lunch with fruit and a healthy dinner in the evening (chicken, fish, lean beef, vegetable and salad) and that scale will be smiling at you;) keep the sweets to a serving or 2 a day (100 calorie pack chocolate).


    Yes the weight gain this week could be from eating all the good foods Easter day, see how it looks next week.


    I applaud your efforts, keep up the good work:)



  13. Thanks Lora. I know my relationship with veggies are lacking and I should increase them. I have the hardest time withe them and texture. If they are raw they are too grainy and if they are steamed they get too mushy or some get rubbery. I have a real problem with food and texture. It took me 15 years to be able to not gag when eating any kind of bean besides green beans (excluding limas, haven't gotten there yet) just b/c of their texture. My brother does it too, he won't touch a tomato, cooked or fresh, but I love them fresh, not so much cooked unless its pureed. Can't stand chucky salsa, i will drain all the juice out and eat that, lol. I need a better relationship with veggies, it make take some time, but I think I will get there.


    Yea, my face always gets slim first. I've always had a fairly slim face, so when I saw picture No. 1 and my face was disappearing into my fat......I knew I had issues.


    Oh, I meant to say I have to agree, you are a very pretty lady:)

  14. Thanks Lora. I know my relationship with veggies are lacking and I should increase them. I have the hardest time withe them and texture. If they are raw they are too grainy and if they are steamed they get too mushy or some get rubbery. I have a real problem with food and texture. It took me 15 years to be able to not gag when eating any kind of bean besides green beans (excluding limas, haven't gotten there yet) just b/c of their texture. My brother does it too, he won't touch a tomato, cooked or fresh, but I love them fresh, not so much cooked unless its pureed. Can't stand chucky salsa, i will drain all the juice out and eat that, lol. I need a better relationship with veggies, it make take some time, but I think I will get there.


    Yea, my face always gets slim first. I've always had a fairly slim face, so when I saw picture No. 1 and my face was disappearing into my fat......I knew I had issues.


    Yes, wouldn't it be nice if we could eat corn on the cob every night;) it is my favorite. I can understand your fustration with vegetables, broccoli is about the only vegetable I like, green beans are okay but not a favorite. You ever try the butternut squash? frozen kind is pretty good, I know not like the fresh kind but another alternative. And the broccoli, I love when it is very soft but of course the longer you cook it the more nutrients that come out so what is the sense, I try to make them pretty firm. Do you like spinach? add a bit of butter and it is pretty good. And eggplant is very good to have, loads of fiber, you could make like a casserole dish, layer with spinach and some low fat cheese, put it in the oven, it is delicious. And if you like salads that is a plus.


    Eventually when the time is right you will get on track, you are already making much better decisions on your food choices, keep up the good work.

  15. I forgot. I wanted to post a few pictures of past cruises I've been on and what I looked like then and now. I see a difference, don't know if you guys will.


    This one is what really made me get serious about weightloss. I was really sad about how I looked here: April 2009



    June 2010-about 20lbs or so down I think, you can only really tell in my face.





    January 2011 probably around 30lbs lighter, maybe might have been after this I gained 10lbs back.






    October 2011 I had just lost the 10lbs I gained, so I'm about the same as Jan.




    Lets hope my next cruise pictures look even better!


    Good morning,


    I have to agree with Chigirlcruzin, if you eat just salads or veggies with your dinner at night I agree too that the pounds will fall off. Since Sunday morning I did not eat my usual baked potato or other starch and just ate broccoli with my dinner, I am down 2lbs since Sunday morning. See if you can have your carbs in the morning, a good filling breakfast, a salad with protein for lunch and then protein and veggies and or salad for dinner, you should definitely see the scale go down. You can still have your mini pack of M&M's, maybe 2 a day, that should not effect your weight loss, yesterday I had 3 of them and still lost, just stay away from the cookies and cake, more carbs there.


    Yes I can see the difference in your pics, especially your face. You have come a long way since that first picture was taken on the ship.


    BTW, my name is Lora, the screen name might have thrown you off, my DH came up with that name because that is what I call him.


    Have a good day.

  16. Sat. 315.4

    Sun. 315.6

    Mon. 314.4


    Well, finally a fall. I know some might argue with me, but I really think it was my use of oatmeal for BK and some flax mixed in. All that protein and dairy can take its toll, but the oatmeal really helped yesterday. Don't worry, I'm not going to go oatmeal crazy again. I'm just going to add it in a couple days a week, to help keep my body moving. I'm actually need to cut the portion b/c I'm not eating all of it after cooking. Which is a good sign.


    BK: I measured 3/4 c of dry oats and 2tsp of flax, 3 packs of splenda. I've left about 3 tbsp of it in the bowl. Oh and 1 c almond milk. Oh yea, 4 strawberries.


    L: Leftover deer tenderloin pieces about 8oz, fresh natural fruit cup w/ about 15 grams of carbs for the cup.


    S: Some salami pieces and cubed cheese piece


    D: Okay, so I've pushed the SW chicken back..........I get lazy with cooking and you guys know that. I think I will do it tonight though b/c I want to do a low carb wrap beans/cheese/sour cream/lettuce tomr. for lunch.


    W: I will have to workout at home b/c the gym is closed again until Wed. for concerts for students.


    My biggest concern this week is the impending Easter weekend. My Dad's side will be in for the weekend. Carbs will abound in our house. Snacky foods, cakes, biscuits in the morning.............it will be a real challenge and I'm really dreading having to deal with it. I don't want to be set back again and I KNOW I'm the one who has control over this, but there are times I just can't trust myself. When it comes to having my family around, I feel more relaxed and of course they all are over eaters too, so we just enable each other. I also know a positive attitude will help, so I'm going to put my best foot forward and hope for the best.


    Good Choices.


    Good work:) you need the fiber to keep your system humming, nothing wrong with having oatmeal a few days a week, I don't care what anyone says but having all protein and no carbs which by the way have most of the fiber is not good. Keep adding foods with fiber.


    As far as Easter goes, you can do this, just have small servings, let everyone else eat what they want, stick to you guns, have a nice Easter, keep up the good work:)

  17. Sat. 315.2

    Sun. 316

    Mon. 316

    Tues. 315.2

    Wed. 315.6


    Well, I have to say at least this week has been consistent. I guess I will have to suck up the 2lbs and just hope I can get it back off in a weeks time. I still don't think it was all my food choices that caused this, I really think something was and may still be up with my BC. Frustrating.


    BK; Shake w/banana, ls bacon.


    L: 91 lean hamburger patty, strawberries, cheese stick


    D: I did hamburgers last night b/c I was just plain starving. No clue why.......better add some more food to the middle of the day. But I felt all bloaty yesterday so I didn't eat much b/c I felt icky. Then I get home and I'm starving. Lucky I controlled myself. So probably something with chicken tonight.


    W: 30 min. on the bike.


    Got in 30 on the bike and I tried to push harder too. I'm just feeling bloated and my stomach feels icky and I'm not sure what is causing it. I stopped drinking diet sodas, thinking that was it. I drank 32 oz almost straight last night to see if that would "flush" anything out. But still feel tight in my stomach. Maybe I need a yogurt or something. Whatever it is, I think it might be behind my gain, but I won't blame it on something I'm not sure of. I just really hope I can make up for this, otherwise it puts me 2 weeks backwards. That is really frustrating. I'm hoping the fiber in the fruits and adding some fiber veggies to dinner will help with whatever is going on. Maybe just too much protein?


    Oh well, I've done worse before and haven't quit, so I guess I will suck it up and move on.


    Good Choices.


    NEVERMIND, I see it............my carbs slowly have been creeping back up and I've been missing some points everyday too............NO WONDER Geez. Well, at least I've pinned it.


    Good morning:)


    You mentioned eating too much protein, that could be a problem over time, you really do need fiber to keep things moving along;)


    Have you ever tried taking acidophilus? very good for the digestive tract, keeps the digestive tract humming and you would not have to worry about eating yogurt, this is like a replacement. And it will help keep you regular, just a suggestion.


    Yes eating too many carbs will send that number on the scale up:rolleyes:but your still on the right track, keep up the good work:)

  18. Sat. 314.8

    Sun. 312.6


    I have to say i struggled this morning with the scale. I weigh when i first wake up......before i eat.........and after.................yea.


    I weighed 313.....but then it went to 313.2 and back again. So it was being wishy washy which it doesnt normally. So i decided not to eat right away and to sit for a while. I went back and it was wishy washy between 312.8 and 313. So i took a shower and got out and it read 312.6. Im gonna decide what it will be when i weigh tomr.


    WOW!!!!!:) that is wonderful, that scale is going down slowly but surely, good for you. I always wait at least an hour before I weigh in, to me the body needs some time to register what was let out;) of course not everybody has an hour to wait especially getting ready for work. It is good that you waited awhile, never jump on that scale right away because it will register a lower reading if you give it some time.


    I think your doing great, keep it up!!!!:)


    And a belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too.

  19. Sat. 315.6

    Sun . 316.2

    Mon. 314.6

    Tues. 313.8

    Wed. 314.4

    Thurs. 314.8

    Fri. 315.8


    Well, as usual I will be rounding up the 313.8 to 314, which I think my numbers support.


    BK: Shake, bacon.


    L: Light spam and corn.........I know........this was my rushed morning.


    D: Idk.


    W: I'm going to try to go over during lunch and grab one.


    I didn't workout last night b/c I was all nerves. Nothing could have helped me last night. I was waiting for my cousin to make a bid on a house that already had some interest shown (they didn't fill out the right paperwork), but he ended up not getting to it last night.........so now I've had an entire week of stomach turning, ulcer forming stress and worry about getting this house. I know I'm supposed to say "Que sera sera", but I'm only human. This is the first house I've actually really liked, in my price range. Of course we found it only gets 1.5 gallons per min. on the well, but that isn't horrible. Now, I'm just hoping my cousin drags his butt out of bed after the concert last night and puts the bid in. I don't know why I'm so worried, the possibly that they will reject it is like 50%.


    I also had to get my taxes done last night, so at least that's one less thing to worry about. So, I'm hoping to get a workout in at lunch to help keep me on track. I am proud that I have been doing 30 mins more consistently, so I will pat myself on the back for that.


    Good Choices.


    You see, you never knew you had such a fan club;) we are all here rooting for you:)


    I have to agree about the sodium in foods, if your not drinking plenty of water to flush it out you will see a gain on the scale, trust me I know. I soak it up like a sponge then have to spend the next day flushing it out of my system. It is good that your eating more protein then carbs but maybe a mix of everything would be better. There was nothing wrong with eating oatmeal in the morning, maybe a salad for lunch and a protein and veggie for dinner,even adding a baked potato too, nothing wrong with that. The problem with eating all protein is the tremendous amount of salt. Trust me everything I mention here I have to abide by myself;)


    Have a nice weekend:)

  20. Thanks. You are right. I have been and probably still addicted to carbs. I LOVE them. It has been kinda hard adjusting what I can eat b/c every time I think about a meal, I have remember to take out the carbs or at least most of them. Lunch has suffered the most, but I have a feeling that if I do some more research I might be able to find more options.


    I also think, in the past, I've been told or asked to give up all carbs, all at once.......and well..........I'm sure you could probably know and read that it never worked (at least not for long). I think gradually decreasing my carbs and then finding a level that is doable and healthy for me is the key. I'm actually thinking between 90-100 will be a sweet spot for me, but it will probably have to go lower until I lose more weight, then I can regulate it.


    I will admit that I haven't felt deprived (except for that one night with the cheerios) and I know there will times where I go carb crazy for one reason or another (hopefully at a min.), but between the WW and just keeping carbs more in check, I think this is something I can cont. to live with. And I think that is key.


    I'm def. not giving up. It may take me longer than most, but slow and steady wins the race, not just the sprint.


    Hi again:)


    Listen, we all know the struggles of losing weight including myself, why do you think I come on here, if anything to read about any different hints of losing;) I know I like my carbs too and you know what? they are not your enemy if your eating the right carbs, with plenty of fiber, that is a weight loss tool right there, FIBER!!! I usually eat 100% whole wheat toast in the morning with some eggs, and at night I will have a baked potato (not loaded with butter) with dinner, and it works. Again I used to think that carbs were your enemy, they are not if they are the right carbs, not the processed junk like white bread, white rice, candy, cakes, cookies etc....I do eat something sweet everyday, I buy those miniature bags of peanut M&M's, only 90 calories a bag and seems to do the trick for me. Remember everything in moderation, now I need to tell myself that lol...;)


    Like the old phrase goes...slow and steady gets the job done, and I think you are finally on the right track, keep up the good work:) I will post again soon:)

  21. Sat. 315.6

    Sun . 316.2

    Mon. 314.6

    Tues. 313.8


    Well, though I will round that up, its nice to see. Just a bit closer to getting to my short goal of 309.


    BK: whole wheat waffles (2) and 1 tbsp of PB and a banana. I'm starting off high with carbs. But complex carbs. I think I've read that if you are going to eat carbs, its best to do so in the morning for that early morning energy and it will burn off...........or something like that.


    L: Idk, probably eat some more turkey, I bought three packs of it, lol. Either that or a salad from subway.


    D: bunless hamburgers with green beans.


    W: I didn't work out yesterday, I skipped zumba and the gym. I got a call from my real estate agent to come look at a house and its one of these deals where it might not stay on the market for long. I'm not going to comment on it..........right now. Tell you why later. But I'm going today for 30 mins. on the ellpt.


    Well, I hope this downward weight continues and its partially b/c of my lower carb intake. But I also lowered my daily points to 44, which 2points down, so I don't think I'll hurt myself too much. I did fine with it yesterday. Went over, but when I lower my dailies I usually always hit what my previous daily was with weekly points, so I'm still lowering my intake. Eventually, I'll get used to it and less weeklys will be needed.



    Good Choices.


    Hi Brooklyn FC


    Let me tell you, I have been reading your thread for over 2 yrs and wanted so many times to chime in and tell you that I thought your problem was eating too many carbs and sweets. Since your doctor appointment it seems like you are taking this much more seriously now, so glad for you that the scale is finally going down and that your really trying hard lately to make it work. I knew if you gave up much of the carbs you were eating you would be successful and I for one are rooting for you. Keep up the good work:) and don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your progress, I get a feeling many here are rooting for you as well. Just think of how good your going to feel when you reach the 200's on the scale:)

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