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Posts posted by GrammyJill

  1. Dang! Damn that might be a deal breaker for me right there. Just kidding! I don't know why it just never occurred to me there wouldn't be a coffee maker.


    About the coffee package. I drink plain black coffee. The specialty coffee package wouldn't serve me well.


    Thanks for the room service in the carafe idea. I forgot that's how we did it before.

  2. Just note if you book a private excursionthat is running late getting back to the ship, you are on your own. Royal is not obligated to get you back to the ship if it sails.


    Personally, i always book privately but just make sure you are aware of island vs. Ship time!


    For families that need more than 1 bathroom especially on formal nights, you can always use the gym showers. They are bigger and the guys dont seem to mind going there so the ladies can gussie up.

  3. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Is the staff on the island from the ship? I was wondering if they are locals that work on the island or if the cruise line has the ship staff come out on the island to pamper us all day.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Starz723']Im cruising in a few hours!!

    My group is gonna try to get the Oasis. Wish us luck. Worst case, we will get a cabana or 2 or 3. One of us is planning on getting to the dock early so he can board early and be first on the excurison line.

    Bon Voyage![/quote]

    [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I am curious as to the outcome of your HMC experience! Did you get the Oasis or another cabana?

    I have decided to try for the Oasis, we have a group of 13, surely they won't charge me for the 4 yr old, she is the 13th.
  5. I can't find out how you see the day rates for any of these places except Sheraton.


    Breezes looks nice but no kids under 14 & our gd will be going.


    Thanks for all the info!

  6. I have to tell you---that is one great picture you have on there---I love it.


    Thanks! You made my morning!


    You can't tell in the picture but the glasses light up all kinds of colors & I saved them just for formal night. I waited until the dessert round of dinner & broke them out. Wore them all night, got so many comments & many offers of cold hard cash! LOL! Gotta have fun!

  7. Thanks for the re-welcome! This last weekend we went to an Epilepsy Family Retreat & I did good Friday & Saturday morning then....... dun dun dun...... lol The sweets & carbs just were too tempting. OK, then back on the wagon TODAY! Scared to get on the scale this morning so I didn't! :o


    I was going to suggest the same arm excersices but you can use a milk jug & adjust the water to your level of fitness if you don't have any weights. I had my "wings" waving to everyone! lol


    Anyone want to share ideas for this next week's eating plans? We are home at least today for snow & ice, probably back to the salad lunch routine tomorrow.

  8. Well, I've booked & I am back! lol I did a search & saw I posted on this thread 2 years ago! Last time on low carb lifestyle I lost about 35 pounds & yep in 2 years I put it all back on. Started back at the EXACT same weight I started at originally. BLECK!


    Oh well, it's been almost a week & down 4 :) My daughter does this with me as she is on a lot of meds & has seizures so weight control is so very hard for her.


    I love reading through & being reminded of some great sites I used to go to all the times like SFS & Low carb Linda. THANKS!


    Ok, so I have 9 months & 50 pounds to loose. Sounds attainable to me. I really do well with my blood pressure when I live this way it's just so easy to get sucked into higher carbs.


    Thanks for all the great advice & motivation!

  9. How is everyone today?


    Does anyone else have trouble staying on track when your sick? Yesterday I had a bowl of whole old fashioned oats. It was so comforting:o


    I have been playing with the same pound & a half for ever it feels like. I BROKE THOUGH IT! Yeah, to tell the truth I didn't believe the scale at first & moved it before I re weighed. lol


    Oh & I soak pork loin in soy sauce, garlic, s & p before I grill it. OMGosh, so juicy & then I serve it with the faux mashed potatoes.


    Are you all still keeping pretty close track of your daily carbs? I'm still under 35.


    Think I'm going pant shopping today. I don't have to unbutton to go potty anymore :D

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