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Posts posted by k_immi_e

  1. If it's only $100, book through princess. If they give you wristbands at the pier, you can always just take a cab ((although we didn't have to wait long for NCL's transfers). But the $1 water bottles vendors are selling. Get familiar with the layout ahead of time, ditch the tour, and if you want lockers, head there first.


    We are traveling on Carnival. Its $179 thru their site right now and includes a lunch & transportation and a money back guarantee for weather.


    Thats where I am personally conflicted right now... the weather policies. LOL just wanted everyone elses opinion and experience.

  2. Do you guys know their rain policy? That is really the only thing I am worried about when it comes to booking outside the ship. We will be there October 5th (Hurricane Season) and I can cancel up until 9/21 without penalty, but if the park closes the day of due to weather, I am not sure if I will get my money back. I cant find any info on their site.


    I don't want it to sell out ahead of time, which is why I want to book now. Price has dropped to $100 a person via Atlantis! So I definitely would like to go that way.

  3. So we are going to be in Nassau beginning of October. We really want to do the Atlantis Aquaventure (waterpark). We are torn on how to book it. Three options:

    1. Thru the cruiseline at $179.00 each includes a tour, transportation and a lunch

    2. Thru resortforaday.com at $150.00 each... waterpark and beach access only

    3. Thru Atlantis Directly via their website at $120.00 each.


    There are plus and minuses to each.


    Like if we book it thru the ship, if there are any issues getting back, ship waits for us. BUT reading the reviews on Carnivals site, the issue is not enough time there. THat you get there almost at 10 & then have to go thru a tour, and lines are long by the time you actually get to a slide, so by the time you start having fun, you have to go.


    But, booking thru the other two options, they will save some costs, can go over as soon as we can get off the ship and get in line for the slides, but the rainy day cancellation policy for both sucks. We are going towards the tail end of hurricane season, and for the non-ship booking methods, the excursion is rain or shine, while the ship, you will get a refund if it gets cancelled.


    There are only 2 ships in port the day we are there, so that works in our favor of not as long of lines... but still want to do as much as possible since this will probably be our only time ever going.


    What are your experiences?!



    They found my lost Fedex! The staffer at my US Reps office pulled her sh*t together and reached out to their sources and after finding tracking numbers, names, etc, was able to find my actual Fedex with my request for my copy of FS 240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad).


    I am told it is now 100% in the right hands and I should have something to me in the next week :)


    Fingers crossed all!

  5. Welp, hopefully the lady at my US Reps office is really trying to redeem herself. She called me super apologetic and wish I hadn't have to go thru all this.


    She has called the supervisor of the place that it went to and gave them the last name of who signed for it and when and they are now trying to track it down.


    Fingers crossed.


    My pre-cruise buzz is totally killed. I, no joke, was so excited. Was reading the reviews for the different excursions over and over again... what to do if we didn't do an excursions... menus for the dining room nights... ordered a bunch of stuff for the cruise... now... its like oh yeah, vacation... whatever.


    Thank you for everyone following along for your words of advice and sympathy.

  6. I am SOOOOO sorry for you having to go thru this mess.


    Do you have the FedX tracking number? If you do, you can verify if and when the envelope was delivered and who (if anyone) signed for it. That could be starting point ....


    I do have the fedex tracking number. I found who signed for it, but we can't actually get a hold of anyone at that location to speak to. They don't have a phone number for the location, just an 800 number for the entire passport agency.

  7. What a crappy day.


    I get a call about an hour ago from the Passport Vital Records agency. I had left them a message on Monday to see if my Fedex had indeed gotten to the right place. Guess what... it did not. I try to call the phone number for the address it got sent to, and its just an 800 number for the passport agency, so they cannot connect me to anyone that is actually at that physical location that received my fedex. So now no one knows where it is at. My husband was off work so he drove up to my US Representatives local office and spoke to the woman who had given me the wrong address in the first place and let her have it. She had stopped replying to my emails and never returned my calls. Supposedly she is making some calls to people, but I have little faith in her now.


    I immediately called the Senator's office but the person that had emailed me was out of the office.


    It's just ridiculous... my husband who was born in a British Hospital in a British Country to a US Citizen Dad & a British Citizen Mom got his passport in a week. I was born on a US Naval Base to TWO US Citizens and my passport is on hold until I can get this Birth Abroad Certificate that the passport agency SEES on file, but needs the physical copy of to give me my passport.


    If I can't get anywhere in a week, I guess I will just cut my losses on the passport and get my BC back and hope that Steve at Charlestons Customs was right.

  8. Update:




    This blows.


    My Us Rep office was zero help. Gave me the wrong address and when I tried to get them to follow up with the agency, they stopped responding to my emails.


    I have reached out to my Senators office who is going to try to help me.

  9. I hope you get everything back in time and I really don't want to rain on your parade but it's my understanding that while photocopies of birth certificates are acceptable Consular Reports of Birth Abroad and Naturalization Certificates must be original. I believe though that you may have more than one Consular Report if you are willing to pay for it. (And look at it this way- your first drink of the day on board is going to taste sweeter than any other beverage that you've ever had.)


    You are not raining on my parade... I understand right now EVERYTHING is in limbo until I have this FS240 in my hands.


    WHEN (I am going with when to be optimistic) this is all done and over with... well lets just say there will be much celebratory drinks!

  10. Kimmie -- I'm following this closely!


    If you have to deal w/the less-than-competent Congressperson's staff, please feel free to remind them that this is an federal election year. ALL House of Representatives members are up for election/re-election & that you do vote!


    Also, once you get your passport, PLEASE don't ever let it expire! Always renew ahead of time so that you don't have to go through this headache again!


    Enjoy your cruise! (And thanks for educating all of us!)


    LOL Thanks for following and THANK YOU for everyone.


    My pre-cruise excitement is now nil-to-none. This has all gotten me down.


    I just posted an update with their response, but this US Rep isn't running for re-election, so I guess they just don't care anymore. Fun times!

  11. Kimmie, Ugh, sorry you are still going through red tape, and made worse by the constituent services staff not having updated information. Note for others: Try the Senator's office first...they are usually in office longer and might have more experienced staff.


    The really good news is that the passport office sees your FS240 on file...meaning one was issued, so they aren't going to come back and say they don't have one for you. All you need to do is stay on top of your contact at the Congressman's office to follow up with them to quickly get yours sent to you. Did you happen to ask for two copies? If you did, then you can send one to the passport office and take the other one on your cruise. IT is your proof of citizenship, not your naval hospital birth certificate.


    Now, as for the port and Steve and that naval hospital certificate. I know you are counting on Steve being correct, or at least allowing you on the ship. If he does, great. But you also need to realize he is either misunderstanding what you said on the phone, or he is a worse sack of dumb than your congressman's office. DO NOT rely solely on him allowing you on the ship with your naval hospital BC, OK? Keep on top of obtaining the FS240, push on getting that in your hands for this cruise. (If it comes down to the wire, and you only got one copy, take the FS240 on the cruise and don't send it in to the passport folks until afterwards.)


    Your citizenship is proven by that FS240, and until you get a passport that is the only document you have which proves it. The naval hospital certificate shows you were born in Cuba, not the USA, so it is legally useless as a citizenship document. But I'm not gonna tell Steve that....


    My Fedex has gotten to the right place! Yay! I emailed the congressman's office to let them know the address was wrong, and I got a "Thanks YOU rock!" in response... good thing this guy isn't running for re-election LOLOLOL


    Fingers crossed I won't have to worry about if Steve is right or wrong. As soon as I get that FS240 in my hands, it is being overnighted to the passport agency who will then overnight me my passport. I will make a copy of the FS240 as a copy which will be okay at the port. (This is according to Carnival & a few other cruise lines websites so I can pull that up on my phone showing its on their site that a copy is allowed with photo ID) I am sending it to the passport agency because I only have a certain amount of time to get this corrected or they will mail me back my originals but keep my $135. (By the time this is said and done, I will be paying over $350 with all the overnighting and admin fees!!!)


    So EVERYONE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Pray to any god you worship, do any ceremonial dance you can do, wish on a shooting star, anything will help to hope I get this FS240 back in time! If I don't have anything in a week, then off to the Senators office it is!

  12. Did you ask Steve to send you a signed letter on CBP letterhead stating that he informed you that you will be able to board with just the documents you have? If you did not, you are still in murky waters - third-party hearsay is not verifiable. You had better hope that Steve is working the cruise terminal that day and you can have him personally verify what he told you to the officer who is processing your for embarkation...



    IIRC, CBP isn't routinely involved in the boarding process. It's the cruise line staff/contractors that need to be satisfied with the documents presented as they want to be certain that you can get off the ship.

    Charleston is the one Us port where I had trouble with CBP because they didn't know the rules for extra duty free on purchases in USVI.


    I did not have anything signed sent to me from Steve. He is the Charleston Customs supervisor and he gave me Charlies name who is the pier supervisor. They have my name, phone number, and sail date and have said they see birth certificate from abroad naval hospitals all the time. The biggest thing I have working in my favor is that it is a closed loop cruise where I return to Charleston. If it returned somewhere else, then I'd still be in the grey area.

  13. UGH! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I didn't get any emails that there had been new replies!



    My congressman's office is a sack of dumb! They emailed me back after saying they could help, to send them some documents. I send them. Then I get an email back saying I need to overnight a request for FS240 to an address in DC. I get my documents together, get the request notarized, and go onto fedex to create the shipping label. Comes back that the address has the wrong zip code. So I email back the congressman's office to verify the address again and stating that the address they gave me was different from the one on the Dept of States website and the zip code was wrong, could they verify it again for me. She emailed again with the same address, so I look up the right zip code and see she had just transposed a 1 for a 2. That could happen to anyone. So off I go to fedex, drop my package off, paid extra to have it there by 1030am today.


    I get a call at 930, right after I got an email saying my package had been delivered, from a DC number. They tell me it's the wrong place (fedex labels have the phone number on the outside so she could call me without opening it). That the agency had moved months ago to a location on 6th st (I had sent it to 19th st). Sounded like a nice older lady that was tired of getting these as she said it happens once a week. She was trying to get Fedex back so it could be forwarded to the right address, or she was going to take it to the right place herself for me. I told her if there are any issues to call me right away, I will find the right address and email her a new fedex label. So that is what I am waiting on right now for the Birth from Abroad issue...




    Good news!


    The passport agency FINALLY returned my call from Monday when I initially got this letter from them. Super nice lady... how often do you get that from a government official! She told me she can see my birth from abroad on file and my parents are US citizens so that my passport is approved pending them getting this birth from abroad certificate copy. I explained to her what I typed above and asked her, once I get this certificate, and I overnight it to you guys, how long will it take to get my passport? She said she has it set up in her system that my passport will then be overnight-ed to me! So yay!


    I am back to being hopeful that it will all work out. But at the same time, the US Gov't has been a buzzkill to my pre-vacation excitement.



    I just got a call back from the Port of Charleston. Spoke to Susan. She said she has seen a few naval birth certificates and was pretty sure it would be okay. She had me call Charleston Customs & Border Protection. I spoke to Sam who transferred me to Steve who told me that it is no problem at all. Because it is a closed loop cruise (compared to ones like trans-atlantic), that I just need to prove I am a citizen, so my birth certificate (with marriage license proofing my name change) is good to go with Govt issued photo ID! I was told to speak to Charlie the port supervisor if there are any issues.


    I am still trying to get my passport because I have already paid for it. But that is a big sigh of relief.

  15. Kimmie, if you have not already done so, go ahead and apply for the replacement FS 240 now, with overnight mailing. Your representatives can help expedite that application, but you are still going to need to apply for it for them to expedite it. And, with normal service and no intervention, you might still get it before your cruise, as yours is in 6 weeks. Do include a photocopy of your Cuba Naval hospital birth record with the application if you have one. Your representatives' Constituent Services offices CAN get this taken care of in time, but the easier you make it for them, the faster they can make it happen.


    And yes, it would be a fluke if you were allowed onboard with the naval hospital certificate alone; regulations are much more stringent than 10 years ago and you ARE going to need your FS 240 in the future for proof of citizenship, so apply today (note the part for notarized signature and extra fee for overnight mailing). Good Luck!


    Thanks Cherylandtk.


    I have not applied for the FS240 yet- It's been less than 24 hours since I got the notice asking for this, so I have been still researching and trying to figure out what to do.


    BUT I did just get an email back from my representative saying they can help and I have to fill out some documents for them first (info release & etc). I am going home on my lunch break to get the paperwork they need.


    I am the dummy that forgot to photocopy my birth certificate before sending it off to the passport agency! What the heck was I smoking when I did that!

  16. Update:


    Not much has happened yet.


    My mom and I went thru every piece of official paperwork she has and no birth from abroad form. Talking with my mother in law who had 3 children overseas but are US citizens, my friend also born in the same wing of the hospital I was born in, & a father to someone who was born in that hospital, ALL of them have birth from abroad certificates. So as stated before, I am hoping I have one on file with the gov't.


    I have reached out to my congressman 3 ways now. I have called his local branch, his DC branch, and emailed both. So hopefully I will hear something back soon.


    I started calming down yesterday, but am now panicking again. I talked to my aunt, who I cruised with 10 years ago, and she is 100% sure I used my birth certificate then, but that was 10 years ago! So it may not be sufficient again.

  17. K_immi_e, with what GRADUT said above you might want to check with your Parents. They just might have the doc you need and not know it's what you need.


    GRADUT what does the Report of Birth Abroad look like? Does it look like a birth certificate or just a US form or maybe a letter?


    I really hope all works out for you!!! Let us know -


    My husband has a birth from abroad certificate, he was born in Dundee and his dad is a US citizenship. It's smaller than a letter size piece of paper and just has his name and birth date on it and is signed. (It looks like a traditional certificate when you think of a certificate)


    He got his passport back in a week!

  18. Thanks GradUT!


    My latest update:

    1. Email in to the congressman, hoping to get a response tomorrow

    2. Calls into different agencies looking for an answer on the BC being used.


    And then lastly, which is my most hopeful option, according to the State site, I can overnight a request for the birth from abroad certificate and include an overnight label with it for it to be sent right to me.


    I asked my mom (my dad passed last year) and she doesn't ever remember getting the birth from abroad certificate from the hospital, but as she said "she was busy having a baby" so who knows.


    Fingers crossed something works!

  19. BE SURE to get full names, titles & call back numbers of whoever you talk to from those agencies. Also, if it's what you want to hear, try to get them to send you an email or something in writing so that you have proof of what the say when you board. (especially if you are sailing out on the weekend!)



    Something else to consider or look at, is a voter registration card. Only US citizens are support to have the right to vote.


    I have that! Been voting since the day I turned 18!

  20. My son was born overseas when I was in the military. A record of live birth was created and kept at the US embassy of the host country and with the State Department. Although we didn't have diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1985, there still should be a record of a live birth overseas maintained by the State Department. The personnel folks were pretty good about getting births recorded.


    This link might be a starting point for you:




    For Winddawn: Of course our kids born overseas are American citizens, to include the right to become President. What a disservice it would be if the children of soldiers, sailors and airmen serving our country abroad were denied that basic right of citizenship.


    Looking into this now!

  21. That should be all you need if returning from same port you leave from. As long as it's not leaving from Puerto Rico in which case you'll need your passport. I was lucky. My representative was new young and ambitious to make his constituents happy. His staff was awesome and so helpful as well as quick



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    What were they able to do for you? Were they able to get you a passport or the documentation you needed for it?

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