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Posts posted by JROBTX

  1. I want to thank OzCanuck for detail directions. I'm traveling with my parents. My mom & dad have never had passports. I told them they could go on the cruise with just their birth certificate but I prefer they get passports. My dad was pretty excited to get his. My brother travels globally very frequently and my dad was just recently admiring the stamps in his passport. We were talking about the cruise and he proudly said, I'll get two in mine. He looked very disappointed when I told him they don't stamp on cruises. So I thought I would research and find if it's possible to get his stamped. I screen shot the info and will keep it in mind when we are there.

  2. We kinda had a mini party in one of our balcony rooms on Breeze. I picked up the phone and ordered all the wing favors and a couple of quesadillas. The total came out to about $50 and I tipped $10 cash. It was consumed in about 10 minutes. Everyone said everything was good. I think I got a few wings but I'm not sure of the favor. I think they were $5 a basket and maybe had 5-6 wings in the basket.

  3. Wife and I are currently on this cruise, waiting to debark in Galveston now (6:10 pm). The initial delay started around 7pm on day of embarkation. A lady broke her ankle on the Lido Deck Sail Away party, causing us to turn around back to Galveston, and taking off again around 9:30pm. Traveling at full speed to Cozumel, the back up generator failed causing Liberty unable to reach top speeds. Delaying the Cozumel visit from a scheduled 9am to 4pm instead. We didn't leave Cozumel until 7:30 pm. And here we are now. I'll make a review over the trip very soon


    What time did you have to vacate your rooms today? Did you still have to put luggage out last night. Casino open until close to port?

  4. No way no how will I be ok with a card linked to my credit card being unsecured in a public hallway. I've dealt with too much cc/debit theft to not be extremely cautious about these things. One thing I've learned, thieves are smart. With them if there's a will there's a way. I don't even link my cc to my account until check in. Less time seating on a server that can be hacked (Target/Home Depot). I had to replace my debit card 4 times in 6 month span. I no longer use my debit card. Use Cc for daily purchases and pay it off each month. That has seemed to work since I haven't gotten the dreaded phone call in over a year. I watch servers and cashiers with my cc like a hawk. I check my accounts every single day to make sure all purchases are mine. Let me tell you folks, if you haven't experienced anything like I have then you are lucky. So no I don't care how much damage they can or can't do. I'm not taking all these precautions just to let Carnival place my sign and sail card linked to my credit card in unsecure public hallway with nothing but a sealed envelope.

  5. Wait until you board. It will show in the computer as only one person in the cabin.


    When this happened to me, I told the lady at the check in that my mom wasn't coming. I wanted Cheers and had to go down to Guest Services a couple of times the second day (it was out of Galveston-they didn't sell until 2nd day) to tell them so that I could purchase by myself.

  6. They went thru my whole account. There was one from about 4 years ago for a smaller amount. I think it was an inside job but I couldn't get ahold of anyone high enough to do anything. My corporation didn't think it was enough to go to the police. But if I were you and you find the email address have been changed, I would file one.

  7. If these were eGift Cards, I'm thinking you need to go back to your Amazon. Check your order history. My guess is the email address was changed. This happened to me on some work Amazon gift cards. I sent out some spot awards gift cards. The receivers didn't go in and redeem the cards for a few months (they were waiting on Black Friday). And when they went to redeem them they were already used.


    After investigating, I found out my account had been hacked, they changed the email address, sent the cards to themselves and used the value. We caught it too late. Amazon kept telling us that they were investigating. That they would refund me in 10 days. We finally had to take the hit and reorder the gift cards. Since it's a large corporation, there was a lot of paperwork to deal with and interviews by controllers. :eek:


    PS. I would also change your Amazon sign in and password. You can also set it up where you have to put in a numeric code that is sent thru text or an app. (I have an app). I use this at work. You can set it so that computers you use frequently are exempt.


    Let me know if you have any questions.

  8. This may not be PC so I'll apologize in advance. Tipping is so personal.


    Does anyone know if the cruise lines (the corporation) get a cut? It's something that has always nagged at me. Don't get me wrong prepaying gratuities and paying the 10% gratuities on the drinks is so convenient. I also understand pooling so that everyone involved in the services receives a portion. But I think I would feel really deceived if the cruise line used a portion of this as a revenue stream or even to offset "payroll administration cost". :(.


    I know this happens in some land restaurants when large parties are involved. But at least it's usually stated in writing.

  9. I have a funny story. My very first cruise in Oct 2013 was a 4 day on the Triumph. I was with a big group of friends. We are all excited. On embarkment day, They are talking about TS Karen but reassure us that they will go around her. I think they said we would be 150 miles around her. We were on Deck 2 in an oceanview. At 5AM, the waves begin to get rough. I mean I was air born off the bed. It scared me but eventually it rocked me back to sleep. I awake just before 7 and couldn't go back to sleep. So as not to awake my friend and cabin mate, I get dressed to go to the Buffet. At this point I'm feeling fine. I ride the elevator to the Lido deck (I think it's deck 10 on Triumph). I get off the elevator and immediately grab the wall for dear life. Yes it happened that quick. I stubble a few step, the feeling was awful. I was so dizzy and nauseous. I promised myself that if we got to Cozumel safely, I would fly home and never step foot on a cruise ship again. Decision made I proceed to the buffet. I don't know what I was thinking I just found myself in the buffet line. I think I was just staring at it. Finally this older gentlemen behind me, said "Ma'am, you don't look so good." I responded that I think I was seasick and maybe a little hung over. You see, we had gotten into our "bring on" wine the day before plus our TA sent us wine at dinner. I'll never forget his reply..."You need an apple and a Banana". I was really unsure but since nothing else sounded appealing I grab an apple and a banana. I go sit down. I absolutely hate biting into an apple. But didn't dare get up to go get knife. So bite into it I did. I'm still pretty skeptical here. I start figuring out the logistics of flying home and wonder how big a hit it would be to my savings. Who I could call to pick me up at the airport and drive me to Galveston to get my car. I tell you this because I want you to know I was serious. I was having no part of this. This is Sea Day 1 and I was calling it over. But by the time I got the banana down. I notice my stomach had settle some. The boat is still rocking (it would be rough until about 10 or 11 am) but I didn't feel so bad. I got up and went got me a Diet Coke to drink. Sipped it. Feeling even better, I went back thru the buffet and got some toast and eggs. By 9 am I was feeling pretty good. I go back downstairs and my friend is up. I ask her how she feels. She says she's fine and the rocking of the ship didn't bother her. She wants to go eat at the buffet. So I tell her I go with you. The exact same thing happened to her as soon as we got off the elevator. So I'm like apple and a banana. Needless to say we were laying by the pool enjoying the sunshine by the time the rest of our group got around. They all had their stories on their own sea sickness. Most went to the gift shop for either Dramamine or the bracelets. Needless to say I didn't fly home from Cozumel. I'll be taking my 5th cruise in Oct. I'm forever grateful to that nice man. Although it probably would have been cheaper in the long run if I'd flown home from Cozumel. ;).

  10. In 2014, out of Galveston, I had a friend that didn't complete on-line check-in. They had separate lines for those with boarding passes and those without. So if they still do it this way, then you are not inconveniencing those that did check-in online. That being said....I dropped her off with the bags, parked, took the shuttle back, went thru security, got my sail and sign card, and waited ten to fifteen minutes for her. So it is more efficient to do online. I guess your answer will be is if you want/have to wait on your group to board. :D


    I didn't notice if this changed. On the last cruise, I had a Diamond status friend in my cabin so I check in Priority Lounge.

  11. I'll start with the family drama as you call it. A vacation to get away from it should be at least a full week, more if you can handle it. Travel time to the port can be the start of some personal decompression, but if you truly need to rekindle your battery, you may not be able to start relaxing until you are on board and sail away, leaving those issues behind you.


    Take the longest cruise possible. 7 days on the Miracle. Just do a ship excursion or stay on board the ship in PV.


    I like the way you think. The reason I didn't pick 7 day in Galveston was I didn't want to do the same ports as I'm doing in October and I'm done the other ones.

  12. I would do the seven day...and try to add a long weekend with your budget..I don't drink alot but like nice drinks and that alchemy bar sounds perfect..so is the size of the ship and when those ships clear out...it is amazing service on lido with views..wonderful in Cabo..like your own living room with a world class view in middle of it all on the ship....personal table view and your own butler for an afternoon!!


    I love Stargate fan's post, it came in while I was typing. I so get the drama too...I too wish you peace. You have to plan right in Mexico, sadly not what it was in 70's and my folks had several trips before and during great times in their marriage as well as retirement.


    But time never stands still..I have read about super snorkel and special hotel trips on the Riviera itinerary too..check port board.


    If you have time you could pick a cool area in LA to chill as well.


    We had the Alchemy on the Freedom last year and I loved the chocolate drink. I think it was called the Antioxidants. So much better then the martini.

  13. I get family drama. I uninvited my whole family from the Passover Seder last year. I invited Catholic friends who had never experienced a Seder before instead.

    Sorry you are going through this.


    Having sailed all three ships, I vote for Miracle.

    1) She's a beautiful ship.

    2) All of the aft Lido is Serenity with a pool.

    3) She's leaving to go to China in 2018 so take your chance to sail her.

    4) Seven days vs. five??? That's an easy one.

    5) Mexican Riviera ports are wonderful.


    Splendor is my next vote.

    1) She's a great ship, with lots of pink decor, which I LOVE!

    2) The entire aft deck is wide open to the sun, the breeze, the sounds of the ocean. It's not Serenity but there is one without a pool.

    3) Grand Turk has a really nice beach right off the pier. Have not sailed to Amber Cove yet.

    4) Five days vs. seven??? Need I go there?


    Liberty is my least favorite ship of Carnival's fleet.

    1) I don't like her layout.

    2)The adult pool is aft but it's recessed into the ship so there's not a lot of room there.

    3) There is Serenity but without a pool.

    4) Cozumel and Progresso...meh

    5) I'm biased against Liberty so...

    6) Five days vs. seven??? Why is this even a decision?


    I wish you peace.



    I love all your points. Thanks for the good thoughts! That's neat that you invited friends that hadn't had that experience.

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