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Posts posted by Geeocacher

  1. Wow! I NEVER would have known about the festival. Thanks for the heads up. I was considering heading to Kermit's, but I believe that is right there, so I may have to find an alternative.

    Kermits Key Lime Pie shop? I don't think you will have much of an issue getting to one of them (there are two locations). And I only knew about Songwriters because someone I work with frequents Key West several times a year and warned me. Unfortunately I didn't check the dates when I requested my time off and fell into that week without realizing it.


    We are actually motorcycle people, so mopeds definitely don't intimidate us. I am more concerned about having to park it every time we stop. I know a lot of people say to just walk everywhere, but I'd rather have a break from walking, so the trolley may be our best bet. However, do you think the trolley will be jam packed with the festival happening or will most people stick to that area?

    Can't speak for the impact of the festival on the trolley since I have not been there during that time. If you want to use the free Duval Loop shuttle you might want to go to that website on your phone and bookmark the Live Bus Map page. It will show you the current locations of the bus(s), as well as how full they are at the moment. https://www.kwtransit.com/


    While some may think it's "gloom and doom" to warn tourists about scooters, there are serious injuries here every week. There was a death less than a month ago. Helmets are not required here and no one wears one. It is rarely the scooter driver's fault. Rent one if you want, but be very careful and be sure your health insurance is up to date.

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I know there are issues. I once read (and believe) that there are two kinds of motorcycle riders. Those who have crashed and those that are going to. Same is true of scooters. But some posts I've seen on this site make it seem like Key West itself is an especially bad place for scooters. While it can be crowded its really no worse than anywhere else. Just like riding motorcycles you have use extra caution for the drivers who aren't watching for you (and there are a lot of them). And I have no doubt that a good percentage of the scooter riders, and other drivers, in KW are a bit impaired from visits to Sloppy Joes etc. I would also recommend staying off Duval (use another parallel street) due to the high pedestrian traffic that may cross in front of you at any time.

  2. May 13th.


    Ok, you'll overlap me a bit (I'll be there 8-18). Something to be aware of is the Songwriters Festival which runs through the 13th, so part of Duval near Greene will still be shut down when you get there. But, you will be able to enjoy some good music around the city that day (check http://www.keywestsongwritersfestival.com for schedule).


    As far as scooters, I love having a scooter to get around. I see a number of "doom and gloom" posts here regarding scooters, but if you use common sense and exercise some caution you should have no problem. And I have never had any trouble finding scooter parking near anywhere I am heading. The free shuttle bus that has been mentioned is a good option if it is running when you need it. It only runs 7 days a week between Christmas and Easter, and only Thu-Sun the rest of the year (which would include your trip).

  3. It's a great place for a group to enjoy tapas and they have lots of great things on the menu, but if I were a visitor I would want to try fresh local seafood, simply prepared.


    Yeah, I wasn't actually looking for the "one" place to go, as most might be on this board coming off a cruise ship. I will be down for a week in May. I'll be trying many of the others as well.

  4. Most agree it is the #1 restaurant in town. Reservations are strongly urged as it is very busy.


    Ok, that was my next question. In one of the reviews they mentioned that they overheard the guy at the front on the phone telling someone that they were booked solid for the next two weeks.

  5. Sorry for the delay (again), I've not been able to access Cruise Critic for a couple of weeks (still not loading well). (not a CC issue, IT issue at my end)


    November 6 - Allure - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - det0814

    November 8 - Harmony - 2 Night Bahamas - TotheCastleandBeyond

    November 10 - Harmony - 2 Night Bahamas - mpoole3

    November 10 - Harmony - 2 Night Bahamas - theRCLblog

    November 10 - Anthem - 10 Night Eastern Caribbean - emptynestin09

    November 11 - Majesty - 3 Night Bahamas - NickVitani

    November 12 - Harmony - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - Andrew_1720

    November 12 - Harmony - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - LennyinFlorida

    November 12 - Harmony - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - Krys_10

    November 12 - Harmony - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - MsEmmy17

    November 13 - Oasis - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - fatbobharley

    November 13 - Liberty - 7 Night Western Caribbean - Wilson_cruise_ addict

    November 13 - Allure - 7 Night Western Caribbean - dandycruiser

    November 17 - Empress - 4 Night Nassau & Key West - CruiseLifeRick

    November 17 - Empress - 4 Night Nassau & Key West - cookingyo

    November 18 - Jewel - 9 Night Southern Caribbean - NickVitani

    November 18 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - jimec17

    November 18 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - raprice18

    November 19 - Oasis - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - MandieGoingRoyal

    November 23 - Navigator - 4 Night Western Caribbean - kcjarvis

    November 23 - Navigator - 4 Night Western Caribbean - Rich_Triplett

    November 23 - Navigator - 4 Night Western Caribbean - jepoole

    November 24 - Independence - 4 NightWestern Caribbean - CruiseHabit

    November 24 - Independence - 4 NightWestern Caribbean - earl_mcgrath

    November 27 - Navigator - 4 Night Eastern Caribbean - Rich_Triplett

    November 27 - Navigator - 4 Night Eastern Caribbean - CruiseMonster

    November 27 - Anthem - 12 Night Southern Caribbean - Soozin

  6. I really appreciate the time being taken to publish this list!


    At the risk of violating the "Beggars Can't Be Choosers" rule, can I suggest that future lists include the summary route info (i.e. "E Carib", "W Carib", "Alaska", etc)? That would help folks zero in on routes that are of particular interest to them.


    Wouldn't take too much more, how does this look:


    October 1 - Oasis - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - jepoole

    October 1 - Vision - 7 Night Eastern Mediteranean - rowcliw2000

    October 1 - Anthem - 5 Night Bermuda - ChadNipp

    October 7 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - mpoole3

    October 7 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - JNkohler19

    October 7 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - radarwatcherr

    October 8 - Oasis - 7 Night Western Caribbean - J_Keeble

    October 9 - Allure - 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - Johnwhy11

    October 14 - Enchantment - 3 Night Bahamas - CruiseLifeRick

    October 15 - Navigator - 7 Night France & Spain - lainmcfarlane1

    October 20 - Anthem - 9 Night Bermuda & Eastern Caribbean - Yorkvillain

    October 20 - Anthem - 9 Night Bermuda & Eastern Caribbean - RonLodowski

    October 22 - Grandeur - 9 Night Southeast Coast & Bahamas - Rich_Triplett

    October 23 - Freedom - 7 Night Western Caribbean - TickledPinkTra

    October 23 - Harmony - 13 Night Transatlantic Westbound - MsEmmy17

    October 23 - Harmony - 13 Night Transatlantic Westbound - newcastlemam

    October 23 - Harmony - 13 Night Transatlantic Westbound - Babyrocko1908

    October 23 - Harmony - 13 Night Transatlantic Westbound - julierackow

    October 30 - Allure - 7 Night Western Caribbean - m_swisshelm

    October 30 - Allure - 7 Night Western Caribbean - M_W_M_K

    October 30 - Allure - 7 Night Western Caribbean - BigDawgRonAZ

    October 30 - Liberty - 7 Night Western Caribbean - Bugsycruiser

    October 30 - Liberty - 7 Night Western Caribbean - swwake

    October 31 - Majesty - 4 Night Bahamas - Canadiantyler

  7. October 1 - jepoole - Oasis

    October 1 - rowcliw2000 - Vision

    October 1 - ChadNipp - Anthem

    October 7 - mpoole3 - Enchantment

    October 7 - JNkohler19 - Enchantment

    October 7 - radarwatcherr - Enchantment

    October 8 - J_Keeble - Oasis

    October 9 - Johnwhy11 - Allure

    October 14 - CruiseLifeRick - Enchantment (updated username)

    October 15 - lainmcfarlane1 - Navigator

    October 20 - Yorkvillain - Anthem

    October 20 - RonLodowski - Anthem

    October 22 - Rich_Triplett - Grandeur

    October 23 - TickledPinkTra - Freedom

    October 23 - MsEmmy17 - Harmony

    October 23 - newcastlemam - Harmony

    October 23 - Babyrocko1908 - Harmony

    October 23 - julierackow - Harmony (New)

    October 30 - m_swisshelm - Allure

    October 30 - M_W_M_K - Allure

    October 30 - BigDawgRonAZ - Allure

    October 30 - Bugsycruiser - Liberty

    October 30 - swwake - Liberty

    October 31 - Canadiantyler - Majesty


    October 12 - CruisinKat - Special Pre-Halloween Periscope with Nick Vitani at Halloween Horror Nights

  8. Sorry for the delay folks, I was a little slow getting back to things after I got back from Florida on the 1st. Anyway, here is October. If you're scoping and you're not on the list let me know!


    October 1 - jepoole - Oasis

    October 1 - rowcliw2000 - Vision

    October 1 - ChadNipp - Anthem

    October 7 - mpoole3 - Enchantment

    October 7 - JNkohler19 - Enchantment

    October 7 - radarwatcherr - Enchantment

    October 8 - J_Keeble - Oasis

    October 9 - Johnwhy11 - Allure

    October 12 - Andrew_1720 - Harmony

    October 14 - RickC23 - Enchantment

    October 15 - lainmcfarlane1 - Navigator

    October 20 - Yorkvillain - Anthem

    October 20 - RonLodowski - Anthem

    October 22 - Rich_Triplett - Grandeur

    October 23 - TickledPinkTra - Freedom

    October 23 - MsEmmy17 - Harmony

    October 23 - newcastlemam - Harmony

    October 23 - Babyrocko1908 - Harmony

    October 30 - m_swisshelm - Allure

    October 30 - M_W_M_K - Allure

    October 30 - BigDawgRonAZ - Allure

    October 30 - Bugsycruiser - Liberty

    October 30 - swwake - Liberty

    October 31 - Canadiantyler - Majesty

  9. September 2 - razorrayy - Enchantment

    September 3 - Sailor_to_Cruiser - Oasis B2B

    September 3 – aubreyc1988 – Oasis

    September 3 - airdog - Anthem

    September 3 - CruiseMonster - Adventure

    September 4 – CruiseHabit - Freedom

    September 4 - theRCLblog - Freedom

    September 4 - Wilson_cruise_addict - Freedom

    September 4 - Rich_Triplett - Freedom

    September 4 - alexkoffman - Freedom

    September 4 - hckmba - Freedom

    September 4 - annieiles1 - Freedom

    September 4 - JustCruisin – Allure

    September 4 – paulwandel - Allure

    September 4 - gavininskip - Navigator

    September 9 - klaconqueso - Enchantment

    September 10 - strobie25 - Oasis

    September 10 - cruiseweekTV - Oasis

    September 11 - KruzinKen - Allure

    September 11 - onemorescott - Allure (Late add)

    September 12 - mpoole3 - Empress

    September 12 - Virtopia - Rhapsody

    September 17 - RickC23 - Anthem

    September 17 - tlf2 - Oasis

    September 17 - radarwatcherr - Empress (B2B)

    September 17 - JNKohler19 - Empress

    September 18 - geeocacher – Allure

    September 18 - MsEmmy17 - Allure

    September 18 - M_W_M_K - Allure

    September 18 - mari4762 - Allure

    September 18 - CruiseboyTVLs - Allure

    September 18 - ErkenDirk - Navigator

    September 24 - RickC23 - Oasis

    September 24 - Coneyraven - Grandeur

    September 25 - travelgici - Allure

    September 26 - CruisingKat - Majesty

    September 27 - kerryn71 - Voyager (New)

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