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Posts posted by SouthCaribbean2017

  1. Spend a relaxing day at St N. The tour, grounds, refreshments, are worth it.

    Then get your bespoke engraved bottle of 15/18 yo, which is refilled at half price on each subsequent visit.;)

    The rum is not messed about with, and is straight from the barrel. :)


    And how much does the bespoke bottle cost?

  2. Hi,


    I was wondering if there were any multi-facility rum and/or rum shop tours.


    I found "STRICTLY BAJAN RUM SHOP TOURS", but conveniently they are not open on the day I'll be in Barbados.


    St. Nicholas Abbey is on my must-visit list, fairly open-minded after that (Mt. Gay? Various rum shops?)


    I can't figure out if booking a taxi and paying the driver for a few hours is a better idea, or if there is a tour that meets what I'd looking for.

  3. ".boarding is between 2-8pm?"

    I never thought of it that way, but I guess so. Not positive.

    We all just wanted to get on the ship eat, and go back out.

    I'm just wondering, if the embarkation people will stay that late.?...


    I'm just trying to determine the best times to book a flight...it's a 5-hr flight to PR from my location...and if I can depart anywhere from 11am-1pm, that's better than earlier for me...

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