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Posts posted by knitdiva

  1. I have looked at hotel/transportation/flights ad nauseam for the last 2 weeks.

    The only other option I might still consider is going from FLL to the Marriott Biscayne Bay (cause that is where we usually stay) on the night of arrival. But that gets me there after 10pm, there will be very little place to eat aside from room service (which was good the last time we used it) and not much around to walk to for the following day in terms of shopping. Like I said we just want to relax the whole day away pre cruise. There is also the room rate which is quite different. Maybe I should look at what kind of food they have on the plane on Air Canada this time. Last time, wasn't much of a meal unless going business class.

    We have already splurged on MSC YC (for my benefit), 2 good basketball tickets (for DS's benefit), car service for our peace of mind. The rest of the time is for relaxing.

    Also my son happened to see a few stores and restaurants he likes around the Hampton inn Plantation.

    If you guys think my plans are nuts let me know.

    Aiming for simple, R&R, don't need much. Want to relax and be carefree and worry free before cruise.

  2. Will be arriving in FLL around 9pm with my DS12. Chose this hotel for the rate I got and the surrounding stores and restaurants. We do not want to go to the beach nor do we want to sightsee. We will be cruising from Miami 2 days later and post cruise staying in Miami one night (basketball game!) and then back to Plantation for a night before flying back home. FLL instead of MIA cause half price direct flight.

    Here are my questions. Will the hotel shuttle still be running at 9pm and how do I find it? By that time we will be tired and hungry (the patience of an hungry preteen right in the middle of a growth spurt with his mom trying to figure out the easiest way to get him food and get herself to bed-you get the picture).

    Is it safe to walk around the hotel at that time of night? Of course I will be with him, my bed can wait until he's fed. Or better yet any place that will deliver to the hotel at that time? There are quite a few places we could walk to from what I can see on the map but is it safe to do so?

    As for getting to POM car service already booked. Same for getting back to Plantation. Don't want to rent a car as I want to enjoy relaxing and stop worrying as soon as I set foot in Florida. I'm trying to "pre-worry" (not a real word, I know) everything ahead of time.

    Thanks for helping me turn worry into planning!!

  3. Thank you ljandgb!

    Sorry for the delay in answering.

    Desensitization 7 years ago! Wow.

    The allergy specialist is worried about by son's asthma acting up too much so he is not keen on having him try the desensitization. I'm gonna keep asking!

  4. KSwind, thanks for letting me know. My son is old enough to stay away from the peanuts he can identify. Now I'm worried about cross contamination. I will make sure the peanuts are kept away from the rest of the food. We have never had an "accident" and we have travelled quite a bit. Would like to keep it that way

  5. Thank you FireEater. I will fill out the special needs form that Msc has on the website, tell the TA to make a note on the reservation and then make sure the Maître D knows about the allergy. Even with all the precautions, I will still come equipped with epipens as always. Those things live in my purse and also in my son's pocket.

  6. Just booked YC on Divina for February 2017. DS12 is allergic to peanuts. We have been on other cruise lines, some had us fill out forms to fac ahead of times others required a meeting with the maître d' on day 1. Does anyone know who I should speak with at Msc and/or YC?


  7. Thank you for the great review!

    You had me laughing out loud enough that my BF kept asking me what I was doing. Your mother/daugther trip sound like my mother/son trips. My DS12 is my favourite travel companion (don't tell my BF that or my sister or my mom). We always have a great time. He is also an only child (unless one counts our dog which my son calls his brother-no, the dog doesn't cruise). And he has been spoiled by quite a few special trips. Spoiled in a good way.

    We are looking at the Oasis for March break which is actually a February break for us and a full 11 days this time:)

    The mom planning part has already begun!

  8. My son has his father's last name as well as mine. Was asked for the letter to board the cruise once out of more than 10 cruises. Was also asked for it so I could sign the waiver for my son to be allowed on the rock climbing wall. Was asked for it getting back on ship in Mexico and the funny one, was asked to show the letter coming back home at the airport!!!

    That conversation went something like this: Where is the child's father? Waiting for us in the parking lot. Does he know you are traveling alone with the child? Yes. Did he give his consent? Yes. Do you have proof? Yes. Can I see it? Of course. Silly me never expected to have to show the letter to be allowed back home.

    Non cruise related, we live an hour from the US border and were meeting friends in Vermont for my son's birthday. Again I was asked at the border if I had a letter from my ex husband allowing my son to travel.


    Perhaps not required but makes travel less stressful in my opinion.

  9. We will be in Barbados in August on Adventure of the Seas. My DH wants to see the Concorde and then we would like to enjoy a nice beach.

    Can it all be done in one day? How to get from the pier to the museum and back and then to the beach (which beach?)

    The only ship excursion to the Concorde involves lunch at The Crane. The price is crazy and we want to enjoy a beach, not only look at one.

    Thanks for any input.

  10. Cruise in 12 days, paid in full, docs won't print. I have tried for 3 days on different computers and with different browsers.

    I emailed Carnival and still no answer.


    Can I call them to see if they can email me the pdf?

    I need this cruise with the freezing weather we are having!

  11. Carnival Liberty when DS was only 3 his beloved, favorite stuffed animal that he carried everywhere ended up with a torn arm. I told my son I would be able to fix it as soon as we got home that I Had not brought any needle or thread on the cruise. When we came back from dinner that night there was a needle with matching thread (matching the teddy bear) on the desk. I quickly went to work and all was well in my son's world.

    My son does not remember it but I sure do.

  12. Will be going on a mother and son cruise out of Miami at the end of February. I have researched the boards, some hotel review sites. There are so many options! My son wanted to go back to the Marriott Biscayne Bay as that is where we stayed pre-cruise last year. That was fine but it was a one night stay and we got there at 10pm. With arriving 2 days before the cruise, he might find it boring. Not to mention the rate for that hotel for our dates is more than 400$ a night.

    Free wifi and a pool are a must per his request.


    Suggestions welcomed.



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