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Solo mi!

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Posts posted by Solo mi!

  1. I was thinking about doing that! My cruise is not until Mar. 2019 (Ushuaia to Cape Town), so it's way too early to do that now. However, I wonder how often they stock the ships... and how much 'lead time' they would need? :confused:

    I requested a special wine two months before embarkation and got a reply a week later that the wine would be there. Penny

  2. Cam: It is truly inspiring to see how many folks with roots in PR, including entertainers, politicians, and others stepping up to help and get emergency supplies delivered........Even the Mexican Govt. and the Canadian Military are involved. My poor friend still has little cell service with her family. I hope you are having better luck.


  3. Only 13 days until we depart from Ft Lauderdale. Fortunately we are not afflicted with triskaidekaphobia or more specifically paraskevidekatriaphobia because we likely would have had a tough time embarking on Friday the 13th. Nor do we have bogyphobia or samhainophobia, more good fortune, as we disembark on All Hallows' Eve and arrive home on November 1.


    About the only phobia we will admit to is lilapsophobia, probably the result of one IRMA.

    Good thing I am married to a shrink.


    We are more than excited to be able to cruise the Muse.





    Spins: We need you on our upcoming Wind TA with your knowledge of phobias.....Colin is our trivia leader...... Hope you have a fantastic cruise, following the stress of the hurricane and aftermath.....


  4. Penny....I confess I had never heard of the bug-eyed sprite. I did a "look-up" and found the cutest little car ever! Another fitting choice I think! :)


    J...best wishes for the "chestnuts"! I tried roasted chestnuts from a street vendor on the river cruise we did (I forget which port it was) and I was not amused! I'm sure second son will savour your roast meal. Lucky lad!


    Monday is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada. Instead of a turkey Myster will be cooking a prime rib roast. He uses an interesting technique - roasting it at 500 for 5 minutes per pound and then turning the oven off and letting it sit in the oven for 2 hours. No opening of the oven door though until the 2 hours is up. Medium rare deliciousness!


    Mysty, you are too young to be familiar with a bug-eyed Sprite!!

  5. The Parliamentary System is not perfect but it is darn good. I used to be so very proud of system in the U.S. I no longer feel so proud. When senators and congressmen are beholden to K Street rather than their districts, something is wrong. Case in point...lobbyists for the NRA. I am speaking for no one else here folks, just myself.

  6. Penny, this is by way of introduction to my Cooler friends of who I really, really hope will be the next British PM. He isn't so well known outside the UK.


    I don't agree with all his views but he would be an extraordinary leader.



    If only, if only Jeff! I'll bet you catch my drift!!!!

  7. TTS and Mysty: I had not thought about Ireland and the FLQ in Canada. I think we consider matters that we know first hand and look at those first. It seems important for good people to discus what is taking place in our world, even if they feel helpless. For me, the Cooler provides a place to speak our minds, read the opinions of others, and hopefully gain a bit of knowledge.



    Thanks to Jeff for setting up this thread (and long before I came onboard)!


    Sadly, I make mention the tragic events in France, Canada and the United States that occurred yesterday.

  8. And now, I personally, am very concerned about Catalonia. Yes, I know that this has gone on for hundreds of years but, it so reminds me of the former Yugoslavia and the relationship between Serbia and the rest of the country. Croatia and Slovenia and Vojvodina were the prosperous areas...Belgrade was the home of the central government, and received a great deal of the revenue from the other areas. The prosperous areas resented it greatly. Finally, it became untenable and we know what came of that. Some may say that the issue was between religious factions...They would be wrong.

  9. If you review recent posts you will see Jeff and Mysty (and I at times) talking about these disasters and lamenting what is not being done. We spoke of the toothless UN. We, and Coolers as a whole, do care. Camillus has family in PR and a number of us have friends. I live in Mexico and I care greatly what has happened here and in Guatemala. We are not apologists, as a few seem to be.

    Thanks for for your post!

  10. As it will be Remembrance Day, a lunch or brunch with family and friends. On the invitation, ask them to share bring a memory about you to share.



    First, it is nice to think about something happy like giving suggestions for your birthday celebration!

    What about poppyseed birthday cake and a toast to "the fallen" as a way of honouring the NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE?

  11. Lovely story J! We do speak English and sometimes accents do make it sound like something completely different. Some of the folks I have spoken to from your wonderful land have been offput by my insistence on pronouncing the ends of my words. :)


    I am now asking for advice from my fellow Coolers and Cooler lurkers. On November 11 of this year (Remembrance Day here in Canada) I will turn 65. Not a big deal really except that neither of my parents made it to that age. If I do I would like to mark the day somehow. Travel won't work for the time being. You lot are very imaginative and creative so I am hoping you can suggest an interesting way to mark the milestone. Don't worry if you don't want to play at this. I just thought there may be some interesting suggestions forthcoming.

    Thank You!


    As it will be Remembrance Day, a lunch or brunch with family and friends. On the invitation, ask them to share bring a memory about you to share.

  12. I love US air travel, it broadens the mind. :D


    I was once on a Delta flight to Atlanta, and the stewardess came up to me and asked "Oliver Twist?" I looked at her blankly trying to work out why on earth she thought I was a dickensian charecter - when she asked again - slightly more assertively "Oliver Twist?" I looked at my travel companion - I looked at the stewardess. Clearly I hadn't asked for more food - so I knew I couldn't be Oliver Twist. I gave her my name and she blurted out at the top of her voice "Olive or Twist - for the Gin and Tonic sir!

    Two great nations divided by a common language. :)


    Cute story!

  13. Did you live in the gardens?

    Do you remember the brothers two or any ott brothers bars?


    I lived in Coral Gables. We used to frequent a bar (can't remember the name) on Key Biscayne.

    National did not merge, rather closed down. I believe Northwest merged with Delta. My cousin flew for Northwest and became a Captain with Delta.

  14. I flew for National. My uncle worked for Eastern. I wanted to fly cross country as I was from So. Calif. We had the first transcontinental jet route. We also shared routing with PanAm. They would fly people to New York and Miami and we would carry them within the US. That was back in the day when flying was fun, and passengers were well treated. Stews in stilettos wearing white gloves!!!

  15. I still have high heels, and try to think I do well in in them. Like Imelda Marcos...I have this thing for shoes...


    Me, too but I have given up on the stilettos! I am in awe of Latinas who walk on cobblestones, broken concrete etc. and never even wobble. I do remember fondly, my first ones....a pair of Amalfis......Back in the day when flight attendants were known as stews.....I was based in Miami.

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