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Posts posted by Blackjack22

  1. As I read this, I begin to remember, my Carnival Cruises. I see not much has changed. A large percent just thinks its for other people, and don't take it seriously. Yet, I don't experience the same issues on other cruise lines. I can't even remember the last time, it took more than 30 minutes.


    Fewer sheeple on CCL and more #woke folks

  2. I hit 13000 points on my cruise last week and got a bounce back offer. Normally the code is OHM but this time it is PMI. In addition, there was a little paragraph titled "The Premier Treatment" that says not only have you qualified for this great offer but you may also in the future receive special invites to our invite only premier cruises...etc.


    Does this mean I'll potentially be getting another offer coming?


    Thanks in advance

  3. I just talked to someone who cruised a couple times last year during the fall/december months (my aunt) and she said there is pumpkin pie until new years, I don't remember that at all but last year they were in the process of rolling out different menus on the ships if I remember correctly so maybe I just didn't go on the right ship? Would love info if anyone has it.

  4. I think Americans and people from the "Anglosphere" tend to be pretty polite and most think of themselves as polite. I had a Russian ethics professor who made me question this. A lot of Americans and Canadians think of Russians as not being as polite because they don't say please and thank you as often, but our professor pointed out there is more to politeness than language choices. Politeness is a mindset and about considering how your actions affect others. Who is more polite, the person who cuts in the guest services line to give special comments about a staff member or the person who waits patiently and says please and thank in order to have her tips removed?

  5. I have a similar question, what is the age of consent at sea? My co-worker's daughter just turned 19 and is dating a young man who is 16 (the age of consent in our state ) They are booking a family cruise for thanksgiving and the daughter won't go unless they bring the boyfriend because she doesn't see them much since she went to college. My co-worker's husband doesn't want them to break up and the daughter get in trouble for having sexual relations with a minor or something down the road.

  6. That's true, so NOW the Q stands for questioning and BEFORE it meant queer.

    Thanks for playing, there's a parting gift waiting for you as you exit the studio.


    OMG some people are really clueless. For a moment it was LGBTQQ to include questioning but then switched back to LGBTQ with the Q doing double duty. Some are actually using LGBTQ+ which I kind of like because it includes asexual people. Savage uses another acronym which escapes me right now. Really glad my niece tauht me this in the first place - very interesting history for non-close minded people (ahem). I'm going back for another degree and took a class in it all last spring. I may be dating myself I remember when it was it was just LGB in the 80s because the proto-terfs didn't want to include trans people!

  7. If money is not an issue...


    at their AGE, why not just take the bull by the horns and GIFT the cruise? Make everyone happy, forgive, and just never do it again? Most likely, this will be the last cruise GM has with her sister. Ever. Hopefully, everyone makes it through the cruise with no medical issues. And taking away unnecessary stress on the blood pressure for all concerned? PRICELESS.


    I'm with you spiritkat. I would do anything to have family and friends who are either no longer with us or physically unable to travel to go on another cruise. There's a lot of bitter people on these boards.

  8. Hey OP I'm sure there will be based on statistics!!!! Just wanted to tell you, our niece is trans and informed us last summer that the correct term is LGBTQ because that is more all encompassing. We've always been allies and didn't know so figured I'd let you know. Happy sailing!

  9. but you're the same person who wants to take his/her kids to a cock fight in Puerto Rico (see San Juan boards).....


    Who are you to judge my parenting or life skills? FACT: Roosters naturally fight and have ALMOST no agricultural "use" so the fighting roosters are actually living their best life compared to their cousins who get incinerated, shredded, frozen or crushed when they are a day old. While I wouldn't do it personally, I don't have a problem with people who hunt or fish and consume what they eat because they are carrying out human's ecological niche and the animals who are the victims have lived a normal life. The roosters and white tail deer live a more natural life than the animals in zoos or feed lots. Further, who are you or I to judge another culture. You sound like a real xenophobe pal.

  10. I never said anything about bacteria. I said Shrimp actually poop. And vegans don't eat anything that poops, has eyes or veins. You really need to research the true definition of a vegan because if you eat shrimp you are not even vegetarian. Or would be called a pescetarian. Here is that definition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianism

    I am from Canada and you would not be considered a vegan. There are lots of variations of a vegan but consuming shrimp or fish is not part of the variations here. I have never met or known a vegan in real life or online that consumes these things.


    I've never heard a person in America say vegans don't eat anything that poops, has veins or eyes. I think you guys are like a lot of my vegan friends.


    I'll start off by saying that I'm glad they are vegans because they are helping to end pain and suffering in the world. However they get into being a vegan for misguided reasons or don't fully understand what it means to be a vegan. I've actully got a "vegan" friend who sees nothing wrong with having leather seats! Another friend BOUGHT a designer dog. Another friend had her daughter's birthday party at a freaking zoo! I mean they are real looney tunes, but they don't eat anything with a nervous system which can react to external stimuli and command mobility and thus they are vegan.


    Bacteria poop and so do shrimp. Shrimp aren't fish. I eat bacteria and shrimp, but don't eat fish. I'm a vegan.


    Let me be clear also, I'm not trying to come off as some high and mighty person who you all should aspire to as some guru or role model. I could definitely live a more sustainable lifestyle. But I do think I'm a pretty good role model for how to live vegan and reduce suffering.

  11. I actually am and I've been very patient with you until now, because I know it is difficult for many consumers to see things from a seller's standpoint.


    At this point I'm tired of your puerile responses. We're done.



    Hahahah I love a person who loses an argument then misuses a word trying to appear smarter than she really is! You remind me of one of those people in law school who argued in every class about minutiae first semester then mysteriously didn't make it to second semester. Here's a little tip, it's tough to string together coherent arguments if you get bogged down making a bunch of obscure points. Be blessed homie.

  12. Wasn't there a no drinking age in international waters at one point? I KNOW I drank like a fish when I was 19 and on Carnival .... back in 1982.


    I thought it was cruise line policy and they still did allow drinking at any age in international waters, I could be way off on this. I just tried to search it but couldn't find anything that seemed on point on here. Granted, didn't try very hard!:D

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