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Posts posted by gilliansp

  1. Hello again. Thanks for your wonderful info, so helpful. We are planning on renting a car, so how long, average, is the drive to Denali, with a stop on the way, to break up the journey, possibly Talkeeetna on the way out and Matunska Glacier on return to Anchorage? Will spend at least one night in Anchorage because of long flight from Europe. Will forget about Homer, take your advice on train or bus to Seward and would like to spend at least one full day/night in Seward before cruise. Can we do all this in 7 days? Many thanks.

  2. Thanks for advice! Planning on arriving in Anchorage approx 6 th September, for one week self-drive touring before cruise, which departs Seward on the 14th. Figured that may be best way to do things, taking into account what you have mentioned. Thought of visiting Denali (! night only), Homer, Talkeetena, and ending up in Seward for a couple of nights.Is that  possible to do in a week?

  3. Planning a September 2022 Celebrity cruise Vancouver - Seward. Not sure whether to go with one of the many post cruise tours offered by Celebrity or plan our own tour. There are things we'd like to do that aren't covered by the cruisetour and things included in the cruisetour options that we may not be interested in but also concerned about driving distances, bad weather etc and not making it to our final destination to catch our flight home! 

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