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Everything posted by SPARKY12

  1. How about a thread telling cruisers where not to stay. I was just on the Carnival Triumph, room 8410, below the back of the lido - pool deck. I didn't think it would be too bad, as usually the rear pool bar closes early at night. My room was near the 24 hour pizzeria. DON'T STAY IN THIS AREA. Due to the wooden deck, you will hear chairs and tables being moved between 11 pm and 5 am while you are attempting to sleep. It's constant. It seemed at 4:45 AM the staff was cleaning this area. One night they had a private party at the rear pool area, a dj started at 11 pm and it went until 3 am. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM you get the picture. On the other hand, being just one deck below the pools and buffet was nice. Just take a sleeping pill like I did every night. Where are other places to avoid?
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