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Posts posted by raschueller

  1. I am sure some of you have heard that Norwegian is changing its dining package (free at sea) I checked. According to NCL: 


    Since you already booked, you will receive the previous dining package if your trip was booked before the 15th.



    But beginning April 15, many cruisers — especially those booking the common week-long voyage — will be getting a little bit less than they would have in the past.

    Travel agents were notified that starting in mid-April, there would be changes made to the dining program.

    Guests booking cruises of between 3 and 5-nights will still receive a single meal in the specialty restaurant of their choice. Those sailing on a trip lasting 6-8 nights, who had previously received three nights worth of dining in specialty venues will instead now be allowed to enjoy two restaurants. And those who had sailings of between 9 and 10 nights, who could previously enjoy four specialty restaurants, will now get the option of three venues.

    Finally, while the previous version of the perks program gave anyone sailing for 11 or more nights the ability to eat in specialty restaurants on five of those nights, that privilege is now reserved only for people on sailings of 15-nights or longer. Those on sailings of 11-14 nights will receive only four specialty restaurant vouchers.

  2. On 3/24/2020 at 7:31 PM, kwokpot said:

    I'm sure the OP is talking about the Hilton Riverside New Orleans. The hotel is un bookable from March 24th through April 22nd. OBVIOUSLY the hotel closed bookings for 1 month.

    There are TONS of hotel rooms available throughout New Orleans for 1 one night stay starting April 11th.

    No was talking about the Hampton Inn Convention center. They were booked so took the Hilton Garden Inn about 8 blocks away, which BTW was taking reservations.


    If you know New Orleans it is directly across the street from the terminal and you can see the cruise ship outside the window.


    Again do not think it will sail.


    I hope it does not sail. I wish they would cancel the sailings tomorrow.


    But if it does I have two choices. Lose the money. I can not take FCC. Or be on the ship.


    Again. Not here to argue the point. I do not want it to go. However, there were a handful of indicators that suggested it might.


    That does not mean you are wrong. Does not mean that it will sail. And I really do not understand why people feel the desperate need to feel like only their position is correct.


    So to recap. I agree it probably will not sail. There were a HANDFUL of indicators that suggested it might. I am in a unique position because I can not take FCC so if it goes I go. It is really not optional. 


    Hope that clarifies.

  3. 4 minutes ago, kwokpot said:

    There NO EVIDENCE that your cruise is on. The governor of Louisiana has issued a stay at home order,all non essential business are to be closed. Your hotels may be all booked because they're closed for booking, meaning the hoteks probably will be closing,not because they're all booked up. 

    No. The hotel is booked. The hotel eight blocks away is open. I understand the order. I am not stupid.


    However... and please read.


    If this cruise goes we will be on it. Why? Because if we are not on it we will lose our money. So if it is even a slight chance of going I have to be prepared. I had gotten refunds on all my rooms a week ago. However, I noticed that it night not be so cut and dry. So I rebooked the hotel. The hotel we use, which is a pretty cruise specific hotel was now booked. They had rooms... now they do not. So I had to book a room a bit further away. 


    And yes you are probably right. It is probably not going to go.I would PREFER for it to be cancelled. But it seems a sliver more likely to go today than it did yesterday.


    Posted evidence why I felt that way.





  4. I am not being delusional. I said there was a slim reason to believe that it might go.


    Also read again. If it cancels I will not be sad, but if it goes I really have little choice but to go.I would prefer it cancel today. 


    When they cancel they cancel. But my situation is VERY different that most. I can not take cruise credit. So if it goes I either will need to be on it or I will lose the precious money we put toward this.



    So if it does not cancel I will have mixed emotions. If it cancels I will be fine.


    That is not delusional. It is reality.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Love my butler said:

    Why?  Because the fight against the Chinese coronavirus is going so well?

    Why are you being snippy?


    I am not arguing they should. I just think there is some evidence that they might go.


    To be honest here is the way it goes. If they cancel I will be delighted. I will get my money back and that will be fine with me. I am a teacher. Working class with a Masters degree. So I save up with my partner and we go when we can. We pay it bit by bit. Count down days. For us this is a huge deal. Any vacation is a huge deal. So if we get a full refund, that will be amazing. We can not take cruise credit. So it is either refund or we go. There is no middle ground.


    So why I think we might go... 


    A. Hotels booked up. New Orleans has a couple of hotels that are cruise hotels. They were not booked a day ago. Now they are filled.


    B. As far as I know they have maintained their crews. RCL did not. They also made big cuts to everyone in support, not the face to face with customers peeps.


    C. They just booked a huge loan. They are troubled and desperately need the bookings. If they can go they will go.


    Now that being said I do not think they will go. But yesterday I was at 0% now I am closer to 20. 



  6. I am going to give a thin ray of hope. Admittedly it is thin. But here is what it is based upon.


    A. Rebooked hotels. The hotels were EMPTY in new Orleans. Rates were plummeting. Now the hotel which is across from the port is filled to capacity. Can not get a room. That happened over the last day or so.


    b. Crew has not been sent home yet. 


    c. The cruise is still open and the next week it is set for a translatantic the next week.


    d. The feds are not going to push to extend the suspension.


    Again. There is a bit of evidence that NCL still intends to go. 

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