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Posts posted by drjohn4

  1. 1 hour ago, BND said:

    I find it very hard to believe.  I don't know of any medical facility that doesn't require masking by staff and patients.  Not that I believe masks are the panacea that some think.  I bet the numbers are no different where masking isn't required vs where it is.

    The hospital system I work at still has patients and staff masked in all patient care areas. One of the few places in Idaho you will still see masks. 

  2. According to the latest "Cruise with confidence" page on the RCCL web site:  If you test positive for COVID-19 during the voyage, the cruise line will:  • coordinate and assist with the costs of any required land-based quarantine** for you and members of your Traveling Party. Under some circumstances, you and your Traveling Party may be offered the option to stay onboard the ship instead to complete any required quarantine period, without needing to pay additional cruise fare, stateroom gratuities or taxes/fees to RCI for the same; and • coordinate travel arrangements to get you and members of your Traveling Party back home but will not be responsible for any associated costs.

    ***Currently, reimbursement of the costs of a hotel stay required for land-based quarantine is limited to US$250 per hotel room, per night, and meal costs of up to US$100 per person, per day.


    A post from someone quarantined on Brilliance said that someone from Ireland also in quarantine stayed on from the previous sailing to quarantine on the ship.  


    One more reason to test on ship before flying back to US and report yourself if you test positive.

  3. mzlisap - one of the earlier posts mentioned that on Anthem the sofa bed could be made up at different heights like a trundle bed.  Is this the case on Odyssey?  We will be in a quad for a sailing in Europe and any info would be helpful.  Can you post a picture of how the sofa bed is made up at night?

  4. Apologies to those who don't like statistics.  A review of multiple studies in the Cochrane database (a well known database that summarizes reliable medical studies) from March 2021 reports the following on rapid antigen tests - "Average specificities were high in symptomatic and asymptomatic participants, and for most brands (overall summary specificity 99.6%, 95% CI 99.0% to 99.8%). At 5% prevalence using data for the most sensitive assays in symptomatic people (SD Biosensor STANDARD Q and Abbott Panbio), positive predictive values (PPVs) of 84% to 90% mean that between 1 in 10 and 1 in 6 positive results will be a false positive, and between 1 in 4 and 1 in 8 cases will be missed. At 0.5% prevalence applying the same tests in asymptomatic people would result in PPVs of 11% to 28% meaning that between 7 in 10 and 9 in 10 positive results will be false positives, and between 1 in 2 and 1 in 3 cases will be missed."


    i.e.  when there are a lot of people with COVID, more positive tests are true positives and when COVID rates are low, more positive tests will be false positives.



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  5. Per the published Marine Safety Information Bulletin:

    The Captain of the Port Jacksonville, FL, will activate the security zone located near Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for the launch of the FALCON 9 ROCKET in accordance with Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 165.701.


    The security zone will be activated two hours prior to the FALCON 9 ROCKET being launched and shall remain active until the rocket is launched or the zone has been deactivated by the Captain of the Port or their designated representative.  The Captain of the Port will inform the public 12 hours prior to the activation of the security zone by Broadcast Notice to Mariners on VHF-FM channel 16.  No person or vessel may enter, pass through or remain in the security zone unless authorized by the Captain of the Port.  Failure to comply is punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $103,050.  Willful violation is punishable by a fine of not more than $250,000 or imprisonment for not more than six years, or both, under the authority of 33 CFR 160.111 and Title 46, United States Code (USC), Parts 70002 and 70036.  Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a separate violation.

    • Haha 1
  6. My wife and I were supposed to honeymoon on one of Majesty of the Seas' first sailings, however since they had the fire in the shipyard while building it we got switched over to the Song of Norway.  (but got a free cabin upgrade and onboard credit witch was great!)  Anyway, I totally agree with the others who advise not trying to schedule a lot of tours (we made that mistake).  In case you are wondering that honeymoon was 30 years ago.  The most important thing is not where you go or for how long, but who you are with!  You will never pick the "wrong" honeymoon if you remember to always choose to love your spouse - in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until death do you part.

  7. There is risk in everything we do. Just walking past the pool you could slip on a wet deck and suffer a serious head injury. Both of my kids (2 and 5) love swimming and always have. Fortunately they were both potty trained shortly after their 2nd birthdays (kudos to my wife), so the swim diaper issue did not have to last quite as long. At the local public pools, they require kids 3 and under to wear a tight fitting swim diaper that they sell at the pool. We used this on our last cruise with the younger one just in case. Yes there is a risk of getting sick from a pool, but if I gave up all fun activities because of the risk involved, my family and I would have a very dull life.

  8. don't you know that most of the pools are NOT chorinated?? except for princess..and they are NOT set up for swim diapers


    To clarify some of the misconceptions quoted above. Many, if not most of the newer cruise ships have fresh water pools (I know from personal experience that most of the pools on RCCL and HAL as well as Princess are fresh water). The CDC which inspects cruise ship sanitation has regulations regarding the operation of pools on ships (http://www.nspf.com/documents/articles/cdcarticles/cdccruiseshipregs.pdf). Pools that are not constantly refreshed with sea water must use filtration and chlorination systems. Also note that these regulations require that "Children in diapers or who are not toilet trained are not permitted in the public swimming pools and whirlpool spas." Though many have noted that this is not always enforced.

    From a public health standpoint, there are many things we can all do to improve safety in pools both on land and on ships. This happens to be Recreational Water Illness Prevention Week. The CDC has a nice web site on Healthy Swimming that has several tips for reducing the risk of disease transmission at pools. Check out their web site at: http://www.cdc.gov/healthyswimming/

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