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Posts posted by bbtablet

  1. 4 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    No, it’s The George, looking directly over the harbour.  Tables outside were at a premium.  All full when we left … had lurkers waiting as we downed the last of our drinks!

    See pic

    (no beanz, afaik, chips, peas, tartare sauce & a wodge of lemon





    Thought I'd take a minute to watch your video, Eddie99.

    Watched it twice now, but wondering what to do with my remaining 56 seconds! You tease!

    • Haha 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, kalos said:


    I guess back in the day it went Virol :classic_unsure:

    Indeed it did!


    "Originally designed as a nutritional supplement for the feeding of infants, some children who grew up in the 1940s remember the weekly visit of the Virol Lady to their primary school, doling out spoonfuls of the sweet, sticky brown product to each child who had brought a penny to school for the purpose.[2]

    Virol was initially supplied in ceramic jars of different sizes. By the 1950s it was marketed in brown glass jars as a health supplement."

    I actually got it daily from my mum, together with (first) a spoonful of cod liver oil.

    • Like 3
  3. 13 minutes ago, zap99 said:

    I played it but still don't know. Either I'm too young, or too old.🤣

    Key of F Major:  (C) crotchet; (D) crotchet; (E)crotchet; (bar line) (F) minim;

    (F) crotchet; (F) crotchet; (bar line) (F)minim

           WORD ----------------------                   WORD -------------------   

  4. Well, your original obstructed view was mid-ships but the offered standard balcony cabins are near the very front of the ship and of course several decks higher. Some say you will feel more movement up froint (although personally I love that!) aspect, and you will see that A109 is under the Crow's Nest where there could be music playing at times.

    A201 is better for that reason - cabins above and below.

    Sure, if the lifts are full it will take longer to walk to the centre activities and the restaurants, but you've got all day!

    If it were me, I would definitely go for A201, assuming the £400 sounds reasonable (I don't know the actual price difference), simply because I always book front and high anyway!

  5. Thinking forward to a scenario where the cruise lines have inserted information to make it very clear to future bookers that those who despite not testing positive but who are nontheless required to disembark into overseas quarantine anyway through having had previous close contact with a positive person, or who wish to disembark to stay with "positive" members of their group (husbands/wives/ etc), the natural consequence will be that people booking cruises in the future will want to buy insurance to cover "disembarked non-positive test passengers"' as an add-on.


    If (and it is a very big if) the insurance companies decide to offer such cover in the future as a specific risk add-on to the current policies (which it is becoming clearer and clearer they are not wishing to cover in their current policies), they will need to make a commercial evaluation of the potential liability they are taking on, and fix the premium accordingly.

    My feeling is that the extra premium will be set extremely high as the insurance companies have little history yet on which to base their expected liabilities and they will failsafe with premium setting.

    I already pay over £1200 for insurance for my wife and me for a 28 day Caribbean cruise - I wonder how much it will become in the future to get the reassuring cover we will need as non-flyers?

  6. Depends on your reason for not wanting to go on the July cruise.


    If it is fear of COVID etc, then you might as well do nothing until the beginning of April and see what the situation is like then - financially you have nothing more to lose than your deposit by doing this.


    You can book another cruise at any time as it has no bearing on the July one unless the July one is cancelled by Cunard, and that, even if it were to happen, won't be decided for a long time yet, IMO.

  7. Laktex - "I am surprised you lost a deposit but obviously do not know the circumstances. I was able to move a February 2022 cruise to November 2022 quite easily and without penalty."


    We already had 3 further cruises booked and perhaps were a bit foolish but just thought that a fourth was not on so took the hit as the price of peace of mind!

  8. When she gets back to Southampton she sets off to Germany and back (Germany currently shut) and then on Jan 14th sails to the Caribbean again with a new set of guinea pigs.


    Who will want to be on that cruise, given the current debacle?


    So glad we cancelled, even though it cost us over £1200 lost deposit.

  9. To help make these decisions we need to know how things are developing day by day, and if you aren't aware of it a very interesting thread on the Cunard pages is currently following the difficult Queen Mary 2 cruise currently in the Caribbean. Every day brings more problems and for a good read I would recommend starting at the beginning of the thread:

    Cruise Lines A - O;   Cunard Line: Merged:Outbreak on QM2 as it pulls into New York?


    The latest is that they have had to miss the last two ports.


    I am now certain I made the correct decision to cancel a very similar 28 days trip on her which starts mid-Jan.

    • Thanks 2
  10. .... and on another BBC channel, I have two questions about this year's Nine lessons and nine carols, from King's College Cambridge:


    1)  Why do so called modern "composers" think it is clever to write crunching dissonance in the name of music, and who selects this for inclusion in this traditional service? It isn't funny and it isn't clever!


    2)   Why was it thought a good idea, with several favourite solo-choir pieces, to replace the traditional beautiful harmonies that the general public have come to love, and can only hear once a year in this service, with "new" arrangements of dull and frankly mostly banal harmonies which any 6th former could trot out for homework on the bus?


    Rant over!


  11. I remember when we were first told that QV was going to go to the Caribbean and sit there for a while there was fairly flippant speculating that it may be used as a quarantine/plague ship for taking off sick passengers and crew from other Cunard and P&O ships, and perhaps also as a feeder to replenish consequently-reduced crews.

    Could this be coming true?

  12. "The NHS app shows the booster, which can be saved as a pdf or printed off, each time you log in a new barcode is given with a 30 day shelf life from that time."

    But another states:"Again, the NHS does not show the booster but you might be pushing time for anyone needing to request a paper copy via 119."

    The NHS web-page says:

    When you can get a digital NHS COVID Pass for travel abroad When you can get a digital NHS COVID Pass for domestic events and venues

    I think the confusion here is that if you ask for the domestic pass, as I did last week, it does not show the booster on it (I was mighty surprised!). I assume if you apply for the "travel abroad" one it will?


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