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Posts posted by hazeleyes

  1. Good news. One of my 2 letters has arrived! Here's my USPS tracking # 7003 3110 0006 1264 6859 if you're playing along at home :). I sent it via "certified mail" on Feb 4th to:


    NCL Compass Reward Resolution


    201 North Tyron Street

    Charlotte, NC 28255


    Of course, I don't know if it arrived at the right place. I just know someone signed for it :o. But I do feel pretty confident it got to BOA because it appears the 28255 zipcode is special to BOA. FWIW


    I've been on the phone with them for over an hour and i'm almost done with my call. Once i'm dont ill come post what they told me. Stand by!

  2. I printed out all my statements so i can have them in front of me when i go home tonight to talk to these people on the phone.


    Sure as heck this is what i got.


    Nov 17 closing statement showed i had 145 points


    Dec 17 closing statement showed i had 354 points.


    from December 18th through December 31st i made purchases that totaled $1247.89 NON NCL CHARGES and $3011.67 NCL CHARGES.


    If you multiply the 1248 x 3 is 37 points


    If you multiply the 3012 x 4 is 120 points


    so my final total points on Dec 31st were 511


    Unless they are not counting the Dec 18- Dec 31 things purchased it still does not make any sense, since I had 354 points on Dec 17th closing so they should have sent me 3 if not 4 100 point upgrades right? LOL

  3. NCL rep told me it was Tyron St. Someone who lives in NC seems to think there is no Tyron St but they are aware of a Tryon St where BOA is located. I think it may still be up in the air? I sent my info out yesterday to Tyron St as advised by NCL (via USPS certified mail) so I'll let you know when/ if it gets there.


    Keep us posted.

  4. It such a bummer that so many people seem to have gotten to wrong certificates. Hopefully the dispute address will be able to resolve it!

    BUT - I'm not quite understanding why people are blaming NCL? I highly doubt that they have access to all of our purchase history and account information (I for one would be EXTREMELY upset to find out that a cruise line would have access to that sort of personal data of mine, even if it is their name on the card) and therefore were the ones who calculated our final points balances. So I think it's pretty clear that the bank miscalculated/sent the wrong certificates.


    NCL really has nothing to do with this. Its the credit card company.

  5. Aha! I think those of you who stopped using the card after the December billing date have gotten the correct certificates! The rest of us only got certificates for the dollars spent the second part of December. Now if we could just get this fixed..........


    That could possibly be the case as i Just got my certificates in the mail and it said that i only had 155 points so they only sent me 2 100points upgrade certificates.


    On my December 12/17/2008 statement it showed i had 354 points accumulated. And I continued using my card to add up to the 500 points, which in fact i went over the amount to make sure there was no problem later.


    They did not included my 354 points from my december statement in there, to total up to 509 points so i would have gotten the $500 dollar certificate.


    So now what? Do we wait or call?

  6. We did not receive anything in the mail today. Maybe tomorrow it will come, i was one of the persons whos billing ended mid month and i did use my card thru 12/31 to complete my $500 certificate. So when i get mine i'll come back and post what i received. Hope everyone gets the right amount that is owed.

  7. That is what many of us on this board are doing, and hopefully it will all be worth it. Some of us have ordered the coins (see above). Keep in mind that some things take several days to post to your account, and in the case of the coins, they should be ordered at the very beginning of your billing cycle, because they do not prrepare them for shipping or charge your account for several days and then you need to get them to the bank for deposit. All charging that you need for the end of December should be done by December 23/24 in my opinion, or those charges may not show up in time for you to get credit. You will need to charge about 8,400 in this billing cycle, and then if you do that, and additional $3,500 (or a little less is some of this is NCL charges), the latter part of December, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW, IS WHEN YOUR ANNIVERSARY DATE OR CUTOFF FOR THE YEAR IS, SINCE AFTER THAT DATE, YOU CANNOT EARN ANYMORE FOR THE YEAR ONCE YOU HAVE EARNED 1,000 POINTS. THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO TELL YOU THAT DATE, IF YOU ARE UNSURE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF YOUR ANNIVERSARY DATE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR WAS IN FEBRUARY, AND YOU HAVE EARNED 1,000 POINTS SINCE THEN, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EARN ANY MORE POINTS!!!! THERE IS ALSO NO GUARANTEE THAT ANYTHING PAID TO NCL ON YOUR CC WILL BE CRDITED BACK TO YOU AFTER YOU SEND IN THE CERTIFICATES, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE THIS IN THE PAST.


    Anniversary / date that I joined is 2007 but they couldnt give me a date. Lot of help that was lol.


    Billing statement ending date is the 17th of the month

  8. First of all you can only EARN 1,000 point in your anniversary year (not calendar year), but you can use up to 3,000 at a time. I personally used 3,000 on one cruise last year and another 1,500 on one cruise this year. So that info was not accurate.


    Also, if you have 648 points now, and your billing cutoff is mid- month, and you get to the max 250 points for that month by mid-December, you will need an additional 102 points to get the next certificate. Since you can earn these points through the end of the year, you definitelly could earn those additional points. I would have everything you need charged by one week before the end of the year to make sure things have posted to your account, and don't make any returns (if you have any holiday purchases that have to go back) until after the new year. I am actually in the exact same situation, with 643 points right now, and on my way to picking up another 250 mid December. Now if your billing cycle ends at the end of the month or anytime after the 24th of the month, It may be difficult to get those last point you need.


    Good luck!


    I cant recall when my billing period ends, but i do know that it was this past week so probably 17th 18th 19th?


    So should i find out when my anniversary year is ?


    This year i already used a $500 certificate and yesterday i requested another $500 to be sent to me. I can easily manage to rack up the rest of the points by end of December, so do you suggest I charge the max they allow to get 250 points by end of cut off say the 19th if thats the date, and then bill the remainder after that? But making sure its all put in before the Dec 31st cut off?

  9. Question: Say a cruise costs $959 and I put down the required deposit of $250. I now owe $709. If I send in two Compass Certificates at $500 each, I know they will credit me $959 and I forfeit the $41 (no problem).


    But, if I pay the deposit with the NCL deposit from a previous cruise {(pay $250 now for a future cruise, get $100 OBC today) sorry I forgot what that is called} Anyway, so now I make the deposit with my $250 "coupon" and I owe $709. When I send in my two Compass Certs will I get the full $959 credited back to me or do they only credit the $709 since that is what I 'paid'? Or do they credit $859 (which is $709 plus the $150 net charge I paid on the first cruise??)


    Sorry, I hope this isn't too confusing. My actual scenario is more complicated but this is the simplest way for me to ask:)


    ONE MORE QUESTION: Does the Compass Cert count against the fuel supplement?


    For any replies, please indicate if it is your educated guess or personal experience. :):D


    It can be used as a deposit on a cruise or in conjunction with the $250 future cruise deposit. I spoke to someone yesterday from the Credit Card and they could not assure me that if i had remaining $ from the $500 that it would be put on the onboard credit area.


    According to them we can only use $1000 a year from the $500 certificates that they send us. Also only 250 points can be accumulated in one month. So if we try to make that 500 points to complete our next $500 certificate they will only allow us upto 250 points. So example i have 648 points. I requested them to send me one $500 certificate leaving me with 148 points. I was contemplating charging the reset of my open cruise $ to try and get another $500. She said i cant do that since only 250 points can be accumulated in one month leaving me with a new total of 398, not enough to get my certificate.

  10. Debbie...unfortunately for me, I came down with a bad case of the flu on Day 2 and stayed locked up in my cabin for three straight days. I battled a high fever and sore throat, and wasn't able to eat anything. I think I am the only person I know that goes a cruise, get sick, and manage to lose 6 lbs! :rolleyes: Sorry, didn't take many photos either. :(


    I'm so sorry to hear you were sick. And to loose 6 lbs while on a cruise is unheard of. I'm hoping your over it and your back to normal.

  11. Hi there! I just returned from LOS on Saturday and it was our spring break. There were a ton of kids/teenagers on this cruise. Your kids won't have any problems making friends or finding things to do. We took my step-son who is 15 and he had a great time!


    Are you going to post a review? Do you have a photo album on line?

  12. Now THIS I totally agree with! When I don't bring DD8, I really really end up missing her much more when I actually spoke to her and vice versa. I usually just keep it to twice the whole vacation (unless of course there's an emergency) just to check in. :)


    We just booked LIBERTY again last night for November! CANNOT WAIT!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this ship to pieces!


    Hey! Good for you! I was hoping that you would book for the same week i'm on. Maybe next time. Glad to hear the good news.

  13. Hello,


    My wife and I will be cruising on the liberty later this year. I was wondering if I could bring my laptop along so we could webcam back with our kids (who we have never left before).


    Do they have wireless or a hard wired ethernet port we could plug into and how much would they be?


    Thank you for your time :)


    I wouldnt know because I havent sailed on Liberty yet, out cruise is in October, but im sure someone will give you an answer shortly on the board.

  14. One (silly!) question... do the closets in the staterooms have SHELVES?!!


    We just returned from a cruise aboard Empress and the blasted closet was entirely SHELF-LESS! Of course the Empress was RCs smallest ship, but still, there WAS still room for shelves!!! ;)


    I like when they have shelves its easier to fold pants and T shirts and put them on the shelves, instead of hanging everything up.

  15. Thanks for starting a board about LOS. I'm excited to read what people post as we are going in October of this year.


    I've never been on LOS but i agree that the Ice Show is a must see. Dont miss it!


    Promenade is a nice place to walk around and check out the shops, and while your there pick up a fresh cookie or two :)

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