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Posts posted by Kinniegirl

  1. We are due to sail on 3/1/2020 and we’re looking st using the baggage send on service

    we due to prior commitments will, be abroad in December and need to book flights back to Manchester 


    can anyone tell me last year when they sailed early Jan, when their cases were collected 


  2. We have decided we are thick!! 

    everyone    So on the Etsa form I say we’re in transit ( someone told me that we weren’t as shore excisions San Francisco Hawaii etc)


    also tried to put Arcadia as address would not have it. Will try again, it’s driving us mad


    thanks for everyone’s help

  3. Trying to complete etsa. Cruise from UK port stops San Francisco Hawaii. Etc

    etsa asks for us point of contact tried Arcadia and cabin no won’t have it someone said unknown.  ??

    Trying to complete ourselves driving us crazy

    what does everyone on a cruise put




  4. 25 minutes ago, martincath said:

    Assuming that you're UK passport holders, then almost certainly you DO need an ESTA but you DON'T need a Visa. They are not the same thing - in fact you can't have both as ESTAs are only applicable for people from countries which do not need a Visa! Only if you've been refused entry before, or get rejected when you apply for your ESTA, will you need to apply for a Visa instead.


    Since you'll definitely be coming in at least a day before with that amount of flying (personally I'd do several days before unless you are extremely familiar with adjusting to new time zones!) that means your first hotel should be the address you use. You cannot leave the address field blank, but it will allow you to write 'unknown' if you genuinely do not know where you are going to stay yet - but if you were going straight to the ship you should use the address of the pier, including Zip Code if you can find it.

    Thanks.  We’re cruising from the uk  so will be sailing into San Francisco and Hawaii on the ship



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