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Everything posted by KayEmPee

  1. Thank you - Yes, I very much doubt that it would come to a court but you're right in that unless I'd printed off the T&C doc but quickly went to the FAQs to check something and there got the wrong info, then legally, I'm in breach since I've previously agreed the T&C. Very interested to hear about the Canadian case with the company being held to info given out by the AI bot. I think I'll go and read up. Many thanks for your input. I was nit-picking but then that's what a lawyer would do too!! K
  2. Yes, I agree. I'm seeing the FAQ as 'an advisory' rather than the T&C as an actual condition. Spoke earlier to a Live chat agent and she pointed me in the direction of a form which I've submitted, so I feel better now!! 😉 Thx for your input.
  3. Thank you for responding 🙂 My point was about the difference in the information - not that I'd sue them, they hold the power in this relationship! but that technically they could deny boarding since If I followed the info in the FAQs I'd be packing more than I'd agreed to in the T&C. I fully agree with what else you've said that they're not going to be pulling folk out the line to check My point, however, wasn't to start an arguement but really to ask what do other folk do if they see a discrepancy in information from NCL. I agree fully with what someone else said below - stick to what I've agreed in the T&C and it keeps me right!! Thanks K
  4. I asked a Live chat agent and she pointed me to a form where I could complain / point it out, which I have now done - and I feel better 😉
  5. Yes I think the FAQ pages I found were from the UK site. Thank you
  6. My question is more about the legal aspect of conflicting information, rather than the enforcement of a rule. In the Terms and conditions document that we are asked to "sign" at check in, clause 26 relating to Guest property and luggage restrictions, 26.1 states - Each Guest may bring on board two pieces of baggage, with each piece weighing a maximum of 20 KG. In the general FAQs found at https://www.ncl.com/uk/en/freestyle-cruise/prepare-for-your-cruise/what-to-pack#:~:text=Bag Allowances,be delivered to your stateroom. It is stated that Bag Allowances Each guest is allowed two pieces of checked luggage with a 50-pound maximum each, same as airlines.* 50lbs is 22.7kg. 20kg is 44 lbs. * My airline has a 23Kg limit and I'd like to pack to that!! It's not the amount - it's the principle of being asked to verify in T&C that I'm going to bring a lesser amount that they have previously advised me in the FAQs. Has anyone questioned this. I tried yesterday in Live chat but I got mysteriously cut off !! I'm going to sound very anal about this but legally speaking they make a big thing of READ EVERYTHING and READ THESE REGULATIONS so I read it. And found a discrepancy. Any thoughts? ( Thanks for not just repling that they don't enforce weight regs, that's not my point.) I have searched the boards to see if this aspect of luggage allowance has been addressed. Apologies if I've just not been able to find it. But I have found the likes of this question about if the rule is enforced.
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