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Posts posted by Alamogirl

  1. MisterMom THANK YOU for a great review. I am looking forward to my first trip to Alaska and after reading your review and seeing all the pics, I am even more excited!!!! You are blessed with a wonderful family and taking your Aunt was the act of a great man.


    This cruise is extra special as not only are we celebrating our anniversary but it was a b-day gift from my brother for my 65! We are doing the 10 day cruise tour. He works in Alaska and know how much I wanted to go. My Yankee husband doesn't like the cold but he too is exicted.


    I do have one question, your pics are really great, what type of camera did you use? Also do you plan on going again?

  2. I am considered a "senior citizen",at 62 and I hate to say but more people today of all ages, seem to forget what POLITE means or the Golden Rule.. "Do unto others as you would have them do"! At my age I still say yes ma'am and no ma'am, i also have no patience when it comes to rudeness and being Irish, Scots and American Indian have a temper. I have been known to say something to an obnoxious person for being rude in as a polite manner as possible.

  3. I am sitting at work - taking a break and now have tears in my eyes:( What a wonderful thread this is. We are going only on our 4th cruise and almost cancelled, because I will be without a job come June. But 2008 was a rough year. In one week, my mother who is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's fell and broke her hip, my DH was diagnosed with cancer and I learned that my client was moving corp. offices and I would no longer have a job this June. Then the weekend before DH was to have his cancer surgery, I rushed him to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack,he didn't want to go but I am STUBBORN:) No heart attack but major blockage. He ended up having heart surgery the day he should have had the cancer surgery. This was actually a blessing in disguise, as the blockage was so severe, I was told that if he would have had the cancer surgery the chances were 99% that he would have died on the table. Has the cancer surgery a month later. Prayer and faith got us through it. When he was home recouperating I saw the WOW sale by RCL and booked it, then told him later;). First time to get insurance and not book direct. We decided that we would go and enjoy ourselves, as who knows what the future has instore. Plus I had a BIG garage sale and ended up making close to 3/4 of the cost of the cruise:) Shocked DH when I handed him the $$, he said he thought I could sell snow to an eskimo:p We will continue to try and cruise each year for as long as possible.

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