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Everything posted by Brgoescruising

  1. Sailors, cruisers, vacationers, whatever, the options are pretty endless to be honest? The point is, it's just tiring to hear people still trying to figure out what to with "us" when we're all part of the same umbrella.
  2. Seems like a perfect opportunity to say...."welcome cruisers"....oh wait. In all seriousness, it's sad to see y'all arguing about how to address us thems without just you know.....asking us or another trans person you may know.....
  3. This just makes me sad and displays a lack of knowledge of queer history, y'all from the older generation ought to be with us all on the front lines still, you know the societal attitudes we don't want to go back to, you should have the activism experience to teach and mentor us younger folks. I'm not gonna shy away from saying queer, I mean come on....the liberation movement going back years and years and years has always focused on including everyone...and now you want to cast out the likes of all the people on the forefront of activism going back to 30s in the name of "i want to be gay cause it's "acceptable" and tell the queer people who make cishet's uncomfortable to go back in the closet still?" This just reeks of mattachine society/DOB attitude(circa late 60s/early 70s) that caused them to die off because they weren't fighting for everyone, only to preserve their own privileged positions. Intersectionality is the answer, always has been, always will be.
  4. Cool cool, So maybe someone that sails royal can chime in, but *on carnival* they'll give you a second card with preferred name, and then you just have to bring the original with you when getting on/off the ship...not sure if royal does that though. As far as teens go, no clue, my partner and I are both in our late 20s/early 30s but I can definitely attest that the kids these days are, pardon the pun, a boat load more accepting than when I was that age.
  5. Appreciate you seeking out advice, that's so sweet of you has a great grandparent.....anyways, are you looking for advice about the ship processes or something else? The key info for someone to be able to offer advice is which cruise line, departure/arrival ports, and home country. The other key info is whether documents match presentation. I assume Greece and Italy won't be much issue, but personally I'd be extra cautious in turkey(perhaps stick to cruise sponsored excursions?) But I can't speak to any of those countries in too much detail as Ive only briefly been to Italy before.
  6. Is it carnival? My partner hasn't legally changed his name or marker yet 🙄...it's been almost 5 years..... but when we're on carnival and using his passport, we just use everything to match the documentation, and then right after we board we go to guest services and request a new card with his name instead of dead name. They issue the card, we usually have a lighthearted chat with the room steward who still has dead name on their room roster and then problem solved. Just make sure you carry your dead name sign and sail card and passport when you leave the ship at ports. I know that isn't a perfect answer since it sounds like you have mismatched doc at the moment but hopefully it's slightly helpful. As far as title goes, I like to have fun with that since they only use it on the sign and sail card, last year for his post top surgery trip I made him a Dr. This time with all the legislation I made him an "honorable" so we could feel like we're in charge, not the dumb judges out there.
  7. back to OP's original point, I'd suggest checking some of the pflag or pflag type groups in the area and see if perhaps they have any suggestions on cool places(or places to avoid) I'm sure you're not the first to ask these questions in a local FB group for such a big city....also - if there's name stuff involved, at least carnival will give you an alternate cruise card, they did for my partner. OH and choose a fun alternate title at check in, i like to surprised my BF and pick a new different outlandish title instead of mr everytime, it's a running gag between us.
  8. Curious how this worked out for you, my partner had zero issues getting a card reprint with his name on it, he just had to bring the deadname card and passport with him getting on/off at ports. Other than that, zero issues(except the cabin steward writing "happy birthday deadname" the first morning night before we even got the new card lol....but hey, that's his fault for waiting 4 years to change to his name, procrastination gets ya
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