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Everything posted by waverley7

  1. Hi folks In 2019 we did Island Princess in Alaska and last February we were on RCL Odyssey. Others in between with no issues. Both of these ships have terrible beds for my husband and I. On the Princess ship, sweating was an issue. It was the bed causing it, a few others mentioned it was a memory foam mattress which will make one sweat. Now, Odyssey was terrible. The bed was hard and sweat, wow....we sure did. I slept a couple hours on the deck one night. I got cold and hubby got hotter as the air wasn't on without the door locked on the patio. I had the couch made up for me for the last three nights and slept much better. If you don't sleep well, it puts a damper on the cruise. Went to my room 3 nights at 7 p.m. after dinner, so exhausted. Has anyone else had issues like this? We can't be the only ones noticing these changes. I have been on 16 cruises since 2005 and this seems to be just the last few years. I remember when the beds and bedding were top notch. I love cruising and heading on the Norwegian Pearl in April for a TA, praying for a good bed for 14 nights.
  2. Bummer . I know that feeling. Thanks 😊
  3. My question to you : Did you end up walking to the train? Can I just purchase tickets when I arrive!
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