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Everything posted by KennDemon

  1. I had something similar (but opposite?) happen to me with NCL. I legally changed my name and they automatically assigned me a new loyalty number. First time we contacted them they said they'd merge the two under the old number, but the booking stayed under the new number. Had to call three times before it was finally sorted. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely call them when I get a chance, but now I'm comfortable not viewing it as a first priority issue. I'll consider it something I don't have to take time off work to sort out. Next time I have a few hours to spend on hold, I'll give them a call.
  2. Luckily, he already knew we were going. He did ask if the e-mail meant he was going with us though.
  3. I have a cruise on Quantum booked for next year. Yesterday, my father (who is not going on the cruise) received an email from Royal advertising add-ons specific to my cruise. It even included information regarding stuff I had already booked. I'm not sure how worried I should be about this. I'm thinking that his e-mail might be connected to my crown and anchor number, since I was a child when I went on my first Royal cruise and he set everything up. There's also the fact that it might not even be my booking that triggered it. My sibling is also going on this cruise (separate booking) and they have the same stuff already booked as I do. Neither one of us got the same email my father received. I don't have time today to try to call Royal, but I also don't know how sericeous this is. If the only repercussion is that I can't go on a cruise without my father knowing, I don't really mind. But if it could cause trouble getting on the ship, I had better get this sorted. I do trust my father, so I'm not worried about him going in and cancelling, although in principal it would be a problem if he could. Has this ever happened to anyone else? It's so strange that I don't even know if a Royal rep would understand.
  4. It's finally resolved! I did have to call NCL again on Tuesday (9 days before the start of our trip) and they flagged the case as urgent. I got the new flight this morning. Although, NCL never emailed me the info like they said they would. I only found out about the new flight because I've been checking the airline's app every day. Communication through all of this has been non-existent.
  5. For anyone who's still interested, and anyone who might have this experience in the future: I called NCL this morning (after hearing nothing on the matter for about a month). They confirmed that they had received the report of the cancelled flight. They said that their team who sorts out rescheduled flights has until 10 days before the departure to sort it out. For me, that's good to know because it gives a timeline. I can now plan to call them back at the 10 day mark (maybe 9, to give them a grace period) if we still don't have a new flight.
  6. Okay, I think we have a plan. I was finally able to find information about this sort of situation on NCL's website. According to their site, since there is more than 72 hours before the beginning of our trip, we are supposed to contact them and not the airline. The travel agent is currently working on this. I'll probably wait a week or so to see if he can get it sorted out before taking matters into my own hands. For the worst case scenario of being left in Montreal, we will arrange to have a family member come get us. It's only about 3 hours round trip and we've done it before. Thanks again for everyone's input. It definitely helped me stay sane through this.
  7. Thank you everyone for your advice. The flight that was cancelled was a hop from Montreal to Ottawa, a route that runs multiple times a day, so at least we’re not worried about alternate flights just not existing. We’ve got about a month and a half to figure this out, and I’m fairly confident that we won’t get stranded. The travel agent is looking into it now. When I said the airline won’t let us view the flight information, I meant that none of the info for the trip shows up in their (Air Canada) app. I suspect it’s because the booking is incomplete, but I don’t have the power to complete it myself.
  8. Ah, okay. I thought it had to be through NCL because the airline won’t let us view our flight information anymore. I’ll try reaching out to them. Thank you.
  9. We are unable to see any options, as we do not own the flights. We are hoping that NCL will take care of things. Technically, NCL owns the booking, so they have to be the ones the make changes. My father is worried about how we will get home, but at least we are in the right country. We have contacted our travel agent (even though they have been useless so far) about this, but who knows. I am trying to be positive that at the very least we will be able call an Uber or something (very expensive) to get home.
  10. For the first time we booked our flights trough NCL. We were surprised by how fast we got our flight information, but then one of the flights was cancelled by the airline. We have reached out to NCL, but are nervous. Does anyone know how this would go? It's on our return trip. We still have a flight to our home country, but not our city. I am trying to stay positive, thinking of ways to get home from the city they are currently leaving us at. Does anyone know if we have any hope of them re-scheduling our final leg? Our cruise starts in late April, ending in early May.
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