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Posts posted by Zahni80

  1. Hello everyone! First of all I can’t believe I made through 135 pages… 

     I‘d like to thank you all for the unbelievable tips and tricks provided by all contributors. @Sthrngary and @CDR Benson you are awesome. 
    We‘ll be sailing the Escape next August in the Mediterranean. We‘re from Germany and this will be our first cruise with an International Cruise Line. We been on German cruise ships like Aida and MeinSchiff, which are great in their own way but completely different from American ships. So this will be a new experience which I’m looking forward to (my wife not so much, she is kind of afraid of being nickeled and dimed, as we are not used to paying gratuity oder service charges, them being included on the ships we been before)

    i think I might have found a question never asked before. We’re booked in an aft facing penthouse, and I wondered whether there are any locker rooms in the haven courtyard. For example, say I have wet trunks after being in the hot tub, and I would to get a drink at the bar. Can I change my clothes somewhere so I don’t have to go to the bar all wet?

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