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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Does anyone have a screen shot of the Port of Aqaba showing that the SilverMoon was due there on the 16th January? If you have I appreciate if you can share it Tks
  2. Carabeau I soon as I have any information I will let you know.
  3. From 7 pm today no alcohol on board until we leave Saudi Arabia. Including the mini bar in the cabin!!
  4. Hi Gypsjennifer went to go to the drill . Hope to meet you around the ship
  5. Hi Terry the cruise director for February will be Jonathan Shade. Left Aqaba , less them 200 passengers on board.
  6. I also know the ship. 6 pm at the Salt bar👍
  7. We can meet up for drinks on the 5th
  8. Gypsjennifer are you staying at the Intercontinental?
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