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Everything posted by AuroraBriarRose

  1. Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking time to answer.
  2. Thanks, c-leg5. I know they're part of the Carnival family, but I read somewhere that they use Punta Langosta. Hmmm.
  3. Hi all, Does anyone know which pier HAL uses? This is for the Rotterdam next month. Thanks.
  4. Hi all, My ten year-old and I will be taking a Mom-and-Kid cruise next month. Has anyone with kids this age visited Playa Mia or Paradise Beach? I'm trying to decide which would be best for us. We're on a budget, so we probably will just get the basic tickets that allow us to play on the inflatables. (not All-Inculsive). I've read that Paradise Beach can get really crowded... Also, do you think it's safe to take a taxi just the two of us, or would it be better to ride the Playa Mia shuttle? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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