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Tom N

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Everything posted by Tom N

  1. Yes, my word "pillaged" was intentional. Take her money and run with disregard. I feel fine in saying this since I am 1/4 Swede (Maternal Grandparents 10 miles East of Falkenberg, Sweden) and my Wife's great grandparents homesteaded in North Dakota emigrating from the Rogaland region. So yes, I am calling out my own. Yes, my mom came down with Covid AND had a mild heart attack. Thank you for the tellus@viking.com
  2. Yes, my 87yr old mother was just pillaged by Viking. Now, I understand she is 87 and made a bad decision to accept a voucher because she had to cancel due to health reasons, and yes, trip insurance did nothing for her. However, Viking's Voucher terms and conditions make it so she will never be able to use the Voucher. No flexibility with a woman who now needs to have an assistant to accompany her. When she asked to use some of the monies towards this caretaker, there was no desire or flexibility on Viking's part to work with the needs of the elderly. A woman who ran out of Viking cruise destinations and was making this one her last. My wife and I, plus my two adult children have traveled Viking. NEVER AGAIN! Oceania has been the go to now. Nice job Viking, you win the battle with my Mom, but lost the war for the business of 6 others (my wife and I, adult children/spouses) with high incomes.
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